
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 235

"Hey hee hee, can you only last this for so long!"

Moriah laughed excitedly as the flesh disappeared from his body.

Lin Bei looked at him silently, and casually took out an invisible mushroom.

but before he could throw it out, he saw Moria suddenly cover the back of his head and stagger.

as if it were Wu Laoer at the head of the village, and his speech was intermittent.

"Damn, of, this again, what, situation."

Qioba, who had passed the negative state, hid behind Lin Bei and looked at it, and shouted cutely

"It seems to be high blood pressure, it's already very serious, you can't be excited."

Moriah felt off the spectrum, and shouted

excitedly "How can Lao Tzu's body have high blood pressure!"

Lao Tzu but…" < p idx="11"> was excited, this will not be able to hold on, Moriaga fainted.

Lin Bei held the invisible mushroom and fell into deep thought, it seems that stepping on the exploded mushroom has given Moriaga a lot of negative state.

this is a serious disease.

but since you are dizzy with excitement, then he is not polite.

Lin Bei stepped forward, if it weren't for this guy's high blood pressure and fainting, it would be really difficult to catch.

shadow ability back and forth conversion is indeed quite perverted, but it is likely to be Lin Bei's later.

but just as Lin Bei was about to kill Moria, a long leg suddenly kicked towards him.

"Guardian Knight's hot flying kick!"

he kicked on the meow hammer in Lin Bei's hand and failed to kick.

The owner of this long-legged zombie is a long-legged zombie, and his appearance can only be said to be very bullish and horse.

he himself was stunned for a moment

"This move should have flames?"

Lin Bei realized that this thing must be Sanji's shadow in it.

and to confirm, Lin Bei pointed at Nami and Robin behind him


Look at them!"

the long-legged zombie glanced at it, and instantly twisted its stiff body


> like that, flattering and Sanji!

but the difference is that with the face of this long-legged zombie cow and horse, it looks extremely obscene!

confirmed, this is Sanji without a doubt.

Sanji standing behind him looks stupid, what is this thing!

Lin Bei explained

"This is you, but any snatched shadow will be put in the corpse and turned into a zombie."

Yamaji looked at the writhing long-legged zombie and resisted

"It's not me!" How could this be me!

this guy is too obscene! After saying < p idx=">37″, Yamaji suddenly saw everyone around him looking at him in unison, as if to say:

'You are like this on weekdays!'

Sanji clenched his teeth, as if he were looking into a mirror.

he doesn't accept that he will behave so obscenely, it must be that this long-legged zombie himself looks obscene!

"You bastard, I will never allow you to tarnish my shadow!"

Yamaji roared angrily


Let you see, what is the real guardian knight's hot flying kick!"

Yamaji kicked up, bringing up a terrifying flame.

Indeed, it is true that Yamaji expressed this middle two, and it does look much more pleasing to the eye.

but this kick was blocked!

The move used by the person who blocked it was

"Three knife flow, one hundred and eight troubled wind!"

boom, smoke filled up.

all members of the Straw Hats: !!

"Solon !!"

Yamajito sweated coldly behind his back, waiting for the moment when the smoke cleared.

don't get me wrong, he's not worried that he can't beat this zombie version of Solon, but he is worried about whether this zombie version of Solon will be more handsome than his own zombie version!

if you look handsome, it is worse than killing him!

Fortunately, Jigoro appears!

"Wounded in the back is a shame on the swordsman!"

looking at Dan Renhu on a standard small day, there is a bird on his head, and a zombie version of Solon wearing a loincloth underneath.

a smile appeared on Yamaji's face

< p idx="59"> "Great~

I was relieved to see Solon you look even more obscene than that long-legged clan~"

> Solon's blood rage behind him was full

"Don't worry!"

that's not me!

definitely not me!! "

Solon resisted, but heard the Jigoro put a knife in his mouth and shout

"Pirates are boring to death, you are the enemy, I will hack you to death!"

all the staff burst into laughter, Lin Bei took photos one after


"This is indeed Solon!"

Solon's face turned red.

or say that the smile is conserved, it will not disappear, it will just transfer to other people's faces.

How happy Solon smiled when he saw Yamaji's long-legged zombie.

but seeing this Jigoro later, the smile on Solon's face was transferred to Yamaji's face.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see Solondo grow two fierce heads, as well as four additional hands.

Asura Solon is online!

Solon's eyes flashed red

"I will never allow such a person to use my shadow!"

said, and Solon also rushed towards Jigoro.

Yamaji and Solon fight with the two zombie versions of them.

I have to say that the strength of these corpses collected by Moria is really good, and after changing into the shadows of two people, they can directly fight with Yamaji Solon.

Even if Sanji already has the flame effect, he is the one who did not solve the long-legged clan in the first place.

you can see how strong the person must be before!

As for Jigoro, needless to say, it was the Kazunoko swordsman who went smoothly when Moria and Kaido fought.

physical strength is keeping up, so for a while, in that sentence:

are all taught by a master, can't break the trick!

And at this stall where Yamaji and Solon fight, Moria's negative state also completely disappears and wakes up.

cautious he immediately shifted himself and fled.

he is now used to having people help him solve his troubles, and he immediately retreats after discovering that the zombies are online.

but Lin Bei can let him run away?

Just now, he suddenly thought, is the lack of virtue mushroom with super power to grow mushrooms also considered plants?

since it is a plant, you can use crazy Dave to crook Bab, right!

so he tried it and found that the lack of virtue, no, the explosive mushroom can indeed be pointed!

Exploding mushrooms after being crooked have two abilities, one is that it can jump towards the target, and the other is that it splits into a new mushroom every minute.

so Lin Bei was relieved and let Moria continue to hide.

the more time he hides, the more mushrooms, or the kind that splits on its own and jumps on its own.

When the time comes, all the pictures will be planted with mushrooms, and Lin Bei is looking forward to Moria being the first to die on the Qiwu Sea of Lack of Virtue mushrooms.

After all, the essence of Timo is not to kill in person, but to step on a mushroom when you think you have escaped, drinking northwest.