
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 234

Moria suddenly felt that Lin Bei's 400 million Bailey would not be because of playing the navy like this, right?

400 million Bailey's bounty, of which the behavior of the old six accounts for 390 million Bailey!

Moria can't walk the road, so he can only bounce and walk.

Lin Bei once watched a video about what happens if all the creatures in this world become fat balls?

A leopard is chasing an antelope, and when the leopard is about to catch up, it wants to bite the antelope, but finds that it is a ball, and the head is a valve core, which can not be bitten at all, and finally can only be reluctantly bounced off.

Moria is almost the same now.

hands and feet have become decorations, and thanks to his shadow fruit ability, otherwise he can't move.

At this time, the huge zombie in the cold storage, Majin Oz, woke up.

the first thing to wake up is

"I want to eat!" Yamaji! I am hungry!

Hey~ Who is Yamaji? "

Lin Bei immediately determined, this goods must be Luffy's shadow!

Moriah laughed when he saw the huge Majin Oz wake up.

he smiled, driving his round body to keep playing.

"My ultimate zombie has awakened, although it's a pity that I can't get your shadow, but the shadow of the straw hat kid of 300 million Baileys will definitely not be weak."

Oz! Defeat the enemies in front of you! "

Oz, who has Luffy's shadow, scratched his head

"No, I'm hungry."

Moriah: ???

"You're my zombie, Oz!"

you have to listen to me! "

"Don't, don't want to hit him."

Moriah is numb, and the shadow of this straw hat kid is really disobedient.

but it doesn't matter

"As time goes on, you will fit more and more with this body and listen to me more and more!"

Moria shouted at Lin Bei with a flick


As long as I delay a little longer, the ultimate winner will definitely be me!"

You killed Absalom, I don't want your shadow, you, must die!" < p idx="28"> said, a shadow replaced Moria, staying where he was.

but Moria's shadow has also become round, and Moria's shadow has its own thoughts, touching his round shadow body, and the expression on his face becomes a little melancholy.

Lin Bei didn't care about Moria at this time, and a thunder flash returned to the Straw Hat Group.

just let Moria play in circles by himself, anyway, there are quite a few mushrooms in the other rooms, I hope he is lucky enough.

even if he can't get Usopp to complete the task, he must solve the Mononoke Princess first, otherwise the restrictions are too great!

only when he returned, he found Usopp confronting Perona!

Behind Usopp, the members of the Straw Hats knelt on the ground.

Usopp had an expression I knew when he saw Lin Bei.

"You really are not affected by the negative ghost, you just want to fool me to go to the island!"

Lin Bei shrugged

"It's not pure foolishness, if I can't elementalize, it will indeed be the same as them."

Besides, don't you think that you are standing in front of everyone now, and your image is particularly great?

do you want a photo? "

Usopp's eyes gradually lit up, took out a video shell from his satchel and handed it to Lin Bei


said, put his arm around Solon, who was still kneeling on the ground and said that he should be a caterpillar, showing a particularly bright smile


Lin Bei took pictures of him one by one, but he didn't enter the frame, just held a good wish, hoping that Usopp would still live well in the future.

After handing the photograph to Usopp, Lin Bei kept a set in his hand.

At this time, the Mononokeoke princess over there couldn't help

it "You don't exist when I don't exist!"

negative ghost! "

two ghosts quickly swooped towards the two and penetrated Usopp.

Perona laughed


Usopp staggered, bowed his head

"My name is, Captain Usopp!"

Perona's eyes

widened "How is it possible, obviously hit by a negative ghost!"

Usopp shouted

proudly "Because I am a negative person!!"


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Perona was scared, how could there be such a person?

No matter how difficult life is, people should always be positive, right?

how can anyone remain pessimistic all the time!

Lin Bei can guarantee that he has strengthened Usopp this bastard so much, and even has Melly, a strong partner, and as a result, every time Usopp encounters something, it still looks like I have a disease that will die if I enter the war.

this guy's pessimism is really not easy to solve.

although he slowly believes that firepower can bring him strength, he also experienced an incident where firepower failed to make him more powerful, and was beaten by the zombie generals.

now more pessimistic….

but this is exactly the case, so Usopp will not be affected by the negative ghost and become a special treasure for Perona.

Lin Bei pointed to Perona

"It's up to you Usopp, just defeat her."

Usopp was stunned

"Is this the challenge?"

Lin Bei nodded, and Usopp immediately perked up

"Just leave it to me Lord Usopp!"

Usopp said, but contrary, Perona's side cried after receiving the shock.

Usopp held the gun and thought that Perona was crying that someone had cracked her ability, but in fact, Perona was crying < p idx="76"> "There is actually such a pessimistic man!"

Come on!

Have confidence in life! "

That's right, the lovely Pepe actually fueled Usopp.

Usopp is also drunk

"Don't cheer for your opponents!"

Do you think that cheering me on will make me stop being pessimistic and influenced by your negative ghost?

think about it!

Uncle Ben will not be negative because of the encouragement of others! "

Lin Bei: ….

"How the hell did you say that?"

Usopp begins a century showdown with Perona!

and on Lin Bei's side, Moria also reappeared in front of him, but in a slightly bad state.

because he stepped on several mushrooms in a row, he is now full of negative states.

such as coronary heart disease, hepatic arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other diseases.

originally it was not enough to become swollen, but when he stepped on the mushrooms under the north cloth of the forest, he began to have some common serious diseases of obese patients.

not only that, because he is so obese, Moria is now struggling to activate his abilities.

you will feel gasping for breath when you laugh twice.

just activated the ability a few times, he was sweaty, and the key hand could not hook his head to wipe the sweat.

Moria really hated Lin Bei this bastard, if he wanted to spend the rest of his life like this, he would rather fight with Lin Bei now!

sit on this bastard with an ass!

but to Moria's surprise, shortly after he arrived, the negative state of fat balls disappeared!

although the time for other serious illnesses has not yet arrived, this is already excellent for Moria.

Moria felt extremely relieved when he felt that at least a ton of meat disappear at once!

he vowed to lose weight when this was over.