
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 194


idx="1″> Bruno looked at the two people who were still waiting in place and did not leave, and apologized to Luqi

" Sorry, my mission failed again.

give me a chance to atone for my sins, and I will solve these two people! "

Luqi looked at Lin Bei and Sanji for a while, and shook his head

"forget it, after all, the same CP people, although I don't know which one, but it will be very troublesome to kill them."

As soon as they die, someone must know that we did it.

with the cowardice of Spandam's fool, maybe it will hand you over to make amends.

they want to go to the iceberg to find the blueprints, let them go, anyway, the iceberg has no real Hades blueprints in their hands. "

Bruno's heart warmed, don't look at Lucy is very cold, but it is still very good for these brothers.

"Thank you!"

already know where the blueprints are? < p idx="12"> Lucy nodded

"Tom in Tom's studio back then had two disciples, one was Iceberg and the other was French.

two people are incompatible on the surface, one became the mayor and was loved by the people.

one became a gangster and pervert, and was spurned by everyone.

To outsiders, who do you think Tom will pass the blueprints to? "


"right, so he gave it to the same apprentice instead, which confused everyone.

I have already confirmed, the attitude of the iceberg cannot lie, Kaku and Kalifa have gone over there.

Let's go, go to the French House, our mission is coming to an end. "

Bruno nodded quickly, and the two of them sped towards the Franky House in the world in this door.

here is exactly the same as the outside world, in the world inside the door you go, open the door, the outside is where.

it can be said that this is the best old six ability, as long as there is a door fruit, what you do, others will not be able to find you in a lifetime.

just as Bruno and Lucy were heading to Frankie's House, Franky just left Frankie's House.

after a long conversation with his younger brothers, he still chose to join the Straw Hats.

The kind of ship that can turn into a human is so fascinating that he has to study it thoroughly!

what Franky didn't know was that his move to the Straw Hats was discovered by Kaku and Kalifa, who were one step ahead, and followed him.

because of this, the Straw Hat still did not avoid a battle with CP.


I know you'll agree!



> Luffy happily stepped forward and hugged Frankie.

Franky at this time only got on the ship because he coveted Melly, so he didn't have much affection for Luffy and the big guys in the Straw Hats.

"First of all, although I promise your shipwright, I will still return to the capital of seven waters in just three years, three years!"

Luffy is optimistic

"Hahaha, it's okay, anyway, I will definitely become One Piece by then."

French opened his mouth wider, more surprised than when he saw the form of the Merley Boatman.

because he somehow thought that when he was a child, a man came to Tom's studio and asked his master to help build a ship that was reliable enough.

and that person is none other than Pirate, Roger Wang.

at this moment, it is as if he went back many years to when he was a child.

the expressions and laughter of the two people gradually coincided in his mind.

Perhaps, it is really possible to reproduce miracles….

Frankie's heart was a little more expectant.

but at this time

"One Piece?" Interesting, are you Tom Studio going to become One Piece's royal shipbuilder?

The last one who found you really became One Piece, but what happened to your master, Franky should know very well.

come with us. "

Kaku and Kalifa suddenly appeared on the ship

Solon immediately drew his sword and made a standard offensive stance, as long as the

opponent dared to make a move, he would attack as soon as possible.

Luffy scratched his head a little nervously, stared at Kaku for a long time, and then


real Usopp turns into a shark face behind Luffy

"> "bastard!"

You can tell what people rely on! "

Luffy pointed to Kaku's nose cutely, only to see that this guy, like Usopp, has a long nose, but his is cuboid.

Kaku scratched his nose in embarrassment

"56"> "Are they all a bunch of idiots, then don't talk nonsense with you."

My target is Frenchy, as long as I take him, he won't do anything to you.

the name cp9, you should have heard of it, right? "

Robin's face immediately changed, and the seeds of fear buried in his heart were quietly germinating and blossoming.

she is not afraid of death, but of the collapse of the Straw Hats.

I am afraid that I am really a daughter of darkness, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on rivers and rivers….

but she didn't understand what kind of stupid people she was following, and when she started to be afraid, Luffy stood up directly and shouted unpleasantly

"63"> "What cp9, haven't heard!"

but whoever you are, don't try to take my partner! "

After speaking, Luffy started fighting.

seeing Luffy on, Solon did too.

Luffy did not get larger this time, but the optics will arm the color, and it also easily solves the card library.

just now Kaku was still talking about how cp9 was, and in the blink of an eye, he was pressed on the ground by Luffy and hit the hammer on his head, and said while hammering

"Let you rob my partner!"

make you look like Usopp and make me see it wrong! "

Not to mention Kalifa here, Solon will not kill women, but beat, he does not have much psychological burden.

the back of the knife draws people, and the Kalifa Jiaochuan is pumped one after another.

When Luci and Bruno arrived from the parallel space, opened the door and walked out, Kaku and Kalifa were already tied up.

one becomes a pig's head and the other is covered in wounds.

but if you change to a pirate group, this will make Kalifa no worse.

Luki and Bruno's brains exploded

"What did you do!"

Solon draws his knife

again "accomplices"? Finally a man, no need to cut with the back of a knife. "

Luffy scratched his head

"There are so many people in cp9."

Robin was already a little numb by this time, and things didn't seem to be quite what she thought.

Before she heard that the members of CP9 were all strong masters, how could she actually see it and feel so weak?

At this moment, the flower of fear in Robin's heart is gradually withering.

she especially hopes that the Straw Hats can win, so that the curse of which organization she goes to and which organization goes out of business is even if it is over!

"Hashimoto Sack~

Please be sure to leave it to Yamaji for the next battle."

After the battle began here, Lin Bei immediately discovered it and began to rush here.

Shortly after Luki and Bruno arrived, they finally caught up.

but Lin Bei looked at the tied Kalifa and Kaku with some concern.

is hammered again, is it considered to be helped by outsiders, will it affect the task?

If not counted, then can he get started!

Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he really wanted to try what Rob Luqi felt.

doesn't it mean that this guy is a genius who meets once in CP9 in eight hundred years, just like a beauty who meets once in 4000 years, who doesn't want to see and see.