
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 193

"Since you said so, then…"

Lin Bei briefly described the CP9 thing in order not to count words, and by the way, he also talked about what they wanted to take Robin.

Yamaji suddenly exploded

"3"> "Want to take Miss Robin?"

I will never allow it!

tell me where these bastards are! "

Lin Bei didn't know if telling Yamaji the location of the other party was a kind of external force, so even if he knew that several CP9 members were gathered now, he couldn't say it directly.

who let this widowhood system say nothing, he does not dare to take risks.

However, there is a policy and a countermeasure.

Lin Bei said to Yamaji with a wink

"10"> "Don't follow me!"

Yamaji was a little baffled at first, but soon he understood that Lin Bei was asking him to follow.

he now feels more and more that Lin Bei is a god who can help people obtain magical powers, but he needs to pass trials.

and this trial, Lin Bei can't help, or even show the way, so he deliberately said not to follow him.

Lin Beidu said not to let him follow, indicating that his position was not helpful.

but there is no restriction on where Lin Bei goes, and it is not a violation of the rules for him to follow behind to shop.

after a while, the two of them slipped to the mayor's iceberg's mansion.

this is a rare place with large meadows and jungles in the capital of seven waters.

and outside the villa of the iceberg, there are a large number of boatmen, who at first glance are people who spontaneously protect the iceberg.

of which Luki and Kaku are listed.

After >

right there, a masked man is quietly waiting for the code word for the mission to begin.

this person is none other than Bruno.

Luki, Kaku, and Kalifa are still lurking, and their battle plan is to cause an explosion and cause a riot before Bruno enters the villa.

Bruno will definitely quack and kill halfway through, because there are three inner ghosts.

the reason they did this was to bet on whether the iceberg that fell in the hospital bed would entrust the design of Hades to a trusted person to transfer.

so these three have not been exposed, you know, Kalifa is iceberg's secretary.

this bureau, they have been laying out for a long time.

It's a pity that Robin didn't get in, otherwise the plan would have been more perfect, killing two birds with one stone.

According to the plan, the explosion created by Luchikaku was produced on time.

two people took advantage of the explosion to quickly fish in troubled waters and enter the villa, and in the chaos, no one found them.

now wait for Bruno to attack and quack, as long as Bruno starts, their side may definitely be summoned by the iceberg.

which bets on who is more trusted by the iceberg on weekdays.

OK, something went wrong with the plan!

Bruno did not enter on time.


"What the hell are you!"

you did the poison against me yesterday! "

Bruno looked at the two people who appeared warily, and it was interesting that the two people also learned from Bruno and put on masks.

Two thugs in suits and masks look more like CP9 than they are CP9

the blonde masked man came up and kicked him on the waist, and he didn't even have time to open the iron.

if you open the iron block, you can definitely prevent it!

Yamaji didn't answer Bruno's words at all, holding his breath since he knew that the gang wanted to take Miss Robin.

without saying a word, stepped forward to a continuous leg strike.

what makes Bruno feel the hell is

"45"> "shav!?

will you shave!?

Are you CP people? Or people from the Navy! < p idx="48"> Originally, Lin Bei had no idea, he just wanted to watch Yamaji complete the task.

Bruno said this, and he suddenly had an interesting idea.

When Sanji launched an attack on Bruno, Lin Bei spoke


The design of Hades is so big a credit that your CP9 wants to swallow it alone, it is too overbearing."

Bruno immediately confirmed this when he heard this.

these two people are definitely also members of the CP organization, but he does not know exactly how many CPs.

after all, the CP organization is from 0-9, and Spandam is only the commander of CP9.

there are many commanders like Spandam, who doesn't want to get the design of Hades to make a big achievement.

no matter what problems occur in the middle, whoever finally sends the Hades design blueprint will get this credit.

Bruno's face under the mask is dark, and while blocking Sanji's kick, he whispered

"58"> "Do you know what you are doing!"

What would happen to you if you failed our CP9 mission! "

"This doesn't need you to worry, Pluto design drawings, we have to decide."

Bruno understood that it is useless to talk more, and only to solve the other party as soon as possible is the true meaning.

companions in the villa are still waiting for him.

Bruno looked at the kick that Sanji kicked over, and drank

> "Iron!"

At the moment, Bruno's defense +1.

confident +9999!


because Yamaji was black, Bruno did not notice the domineering arms wrapped around his feet.

he was kicked in the face by Sanji, instantly lost consciousness, and fell down.

this guy doesn't hide, so he kicks him out.

even Yamaji himself is a little unconfident, a little puzzled

"72"> "Is this guy so confident?"

his strength is actually stronger than mine, and if I go head-to-head with me just now, I will have a bit of a hard time winning, unless I use armed colors.

but when I used the armed color, he had to kick me hard.

What kind of way is this person…"

Lin Bei shook his head, the iron is harmful.

"Let's go, this person will be solved by me, you still have two to succeed."

Yamaji nodded, and just as he was about to leave, something faster than a bullet shot at him.

Yamaji frowned, tilted his head to avoid this blow, and then looked in the direction where the attack came from.

"I said how Bruno didn't act according to plan, it turned out that he was entangled by you."

I don't remember other CP agencies meeting masters. "

a man and a pigeon walked out, and it was the pigeon who spoke.

"I am CP9 Luki, tell me your name."

dove said in an unquestioning tone, showing Luqi's domineering.

which is the confidence from the strongest in CP9.

Sanji really can't beat this guy.

in the original plot, if Luffy hadn't opened and hung up, he wouldn't have been able to beat Luki.


"89"> "You can't figure this out, leave it to me, you go to solve the other two, you must get the Pluto design drawings in your hands."

Lin Bei continues to play the role he just mentioned.

but saw that Luqi was silent for a while, and then pulled Bruno to give him a forced wake-up.

after Bruno woke up, he actually pushed open an air door, and the two people flashed in and disappeared directly.

Yamaji's eyes widened


Fruit ability?"

Lin Bei nodded, looked around, and even the radio waves could not detect anyone.

it seems that it really opens the door to a parallel world, this ability, a little interesting.

Lin Bei is very interested!

but it's a little strange, how could Luqi, a person who is so confident in his strength, such a person who will not hesitate to sweep away in the face of all target obstacles, pull Bruno to retreat?