
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 182

In fact, there are many sayings about the pheasant, and the most agreed saying is that the person with the hottest heart eats the coldest fruit.

appeared at this time, and many people said that the pheasant was just to see if Robin had really found a good team.

because in Robin's story, the giant Salons tell her that sooner or later she will meet a group of sincere companions.

and this sentence, I believe the pheasant heard.

judging from the fact that the pheasant personally came to confirm Robin's situation, it is clear that the pheasant has been observing Robin and protecting her since she was a child.

Because of the antagonism between the Navy and the bounty criminals, this relationship is more complicated, a bit like a cold-faced old father and a lone wolf daughter full of scars and distrust.

this time it is likely that he knows that the captain of the Straw Hats that Robin joined is Karp's grandson, so he personally came to determine whether Robin really found his destined partner.

instead of the previous exploit.

judging from the observation just now, the pheasant is quite satisfied.

whether it is actively rescuing refugees or Luffy's maintenance of Robin, this 'old man' has a good sense of this pirate group.

now it's time for the final test, defeating them once with strength to see if they give up Robin because they fear Robin's identity.

whether it is giving up or persisting, it is acceptable for the pheasant.

"Shut up!" Luffy yelled at the pheasant

"Even if she's in danger, she's my partner!"

Usopp even dared to shout along with

"No matter what the past is, it is a thing of the past!"

the green pheasant seemed expressionless, but in his heart he once again added points to this pirate group.

"So it is, then there is no need to say more, since you are not willing to give up, then it is good to die here, anyway, for me, it will not take much effort."

As soon as the pheasant's voice fell, Luffy's fist, Solon's knife, and Sanji's foot all attacked.

but the pheasant didn't even change his expression!

just quietly looked at the armed color domineering in the hands of the three

< p idx="21" > "The potential is really monster-level, and I have learned the armed color domineering in the first half of the great voyage."

How nice it would be if you were the Navy. "

said, and the pheasant did not move, allowing the three people to hit him.

armed color domineering failed to cut the pheasant, but the moment it touched the pheasant, the attack site was frozen into ice by the pheasant!

the gap is too big!

"Lin Bei!"

Luffy turned around and shouted at Lin Bei, Lin Bei threw out food when he saw it, Luffy swallowed it and quickly activated [Feast]

the giantized Luffy has always been invincible, with armed colors attached to his fists, and towards the pheasant is a giant rubber cannon.

the green pheasant raised his eyebrows, and was there a surprise.

the pheasant jumped, he dodged Luffy's punch, it can be seen that Luffy can really cause damage to the pheasant after becoming larger.

but still useless.

Pheasant taught Luffy a solid lesson, when encountering the top powerhouse, even if it becomes larger and strengthened, it will still seem so helpless.

the pheasant only slightly distanced himself, and then an ice egg popped out and hit Luffy's leg, and Luffy's gigantic leg turned into an ice sculpture!

then the green pheasant jumped on Luffy, and with a gentle hug, Luffy's whole person began to turn into an ice sculpture, unable to move.

Yamaji and Solon wanted to attack, but were easily dodged by the pheasant, and prepared to freeze them both with their backhand.

At this moment, a hammer with thunder roared!

the pheasant once again felt the danger and avoided it in advance, leaving only an ice sculpture in place, which was smashed by a hammer.

Usopp shouted

in surprise "Is it solved!"

Lin Bei is covered with thunder

"How can it be so easy."

Sure enough, as Lin Bei said, the pheasant quickly changed from another ice sculpture back to human form.

Looking at this Lin Bei's appearance, the face of the green pheasant appeared moved for the first time


thunder fruit!"

disappeared into the sea for so many years, was it actually eaten by you?

Lin Bei, it is only a reward of 10 million….

give less, you are also the one who must die! "

the green pheasant quickly moved towards Lin Bei, but his speed was far less than Lin Bei's lightning speed.

Lin Bei can rely on the terrifying lightning speed + the furious damage of lightning to continuously attack the green pheasant.

but, the gross is not.

the green pheasant is better than Lin Bei whether it is seeing and smelling, armed color, or fruit development!

it looks like it's being chased and beaten, but it doesn't hurt at all.

Qinghe just can't keep up with Lin Bei's speed, but Lin Bei can't hurt him at all, the top natural system ability, is so strong!

but the Navy also has a speed powerhouse, so he also knows how to deal with a strong person of this speed.

wait for him to leak!

Soon, the green pheasant caught a flaw and slapped a cold ice palm on Lin Bei's chest.

it is foreseeable that as long as it is hit, Lin Bei will turn into an ice sculpture.

the most terrifying thing is that the green pheasant is steady and ruthless, and he doesn't even have time to elementalize and transfer his chest in advance.

he was so sturdy that he instantly had a feeling that it was difficult to move.

if it were not for the large amount of electric heat, he would have turned into an ice sculpture by this time.

the ice of the pheasant is too ruthless! This is a magic injury!

Lin Bei actually knew that his pure hard strength could not solve the pheasant, but he just wanted to try how far away from the top powerhouse was.

Now try it, this gap….

there is no way, you can only open and hang.

When the green pheasant rushed towards him again, Lin Bei's eyes

widened spraying aura!

the green pheasant who was attacking, his face changed suddenly!

sprint, accompanied by clamping of the groin, came to an abrupt end.

"How could it be at this time…" < p idx="70"> the pheasant did not realize that this was not a normal physiological reaction, so he tightened his sphincter, intending to tighten it.


Hmm! Can't stop it at all!

the green pheasant directly elementalized his whole body in order not to pull his trouser pocket in front of the junior pirates.

is also a coincidence, after the elementalization of the whole body, even if he is a non-living body, he has no feeling.

Qing Pheasant quickly realized that this was the ghost of the person in front of him.

vile little slippery pirate!

the pheasant intends to freeze him as soon as possible, and then go and spray it quickly.

Seeing that he was not controlled by the jet aura, Kelin Bei directly used combos.

"You, come here!"

the pheasant instantly lost his mind!

but surprisingly, it is still elemental.

the effect of Yiyang Finger is only to force people to lose their minds and attack Lin Bei with all their might.

but a top powerhouse such as a green pheasant, even if he loses his mind, can guarantee physical instincts.

Lin Bei saw this, subconsciously wanted to jump into the sea, only to turn his head and find that it was meow!

forget that the pheasant froze the whole sea before!

this time G!

"I go into the water alone, gurgling…" < p idx="88"> Lin Bei can only use this skill to avoid it for a while.

Lin Bei is a little desperate, this task is indeed hellish difficulty.

and at this moment, Lin Bei suddenly glimpsed something.

that was the third Pokémon he summoned!

when he saw this Pokémon, Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief, this mission is possible!