
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 181


Luffy asked vaguely with meat stuffed in his mouth.

I saw that it was a slender man wearing a white suit, with an exploding mushroom head and an eye patch on his forehead.

looks very lazy.

of course attracted the attention of others, but no one in the Straw Hats knew him, except Robin.

Robin was surrounded by children at this time, and the moment he saw the pheasant, he knelt directly on the beach with his legs limp.

the children asked what was wrong, and the members of the Straw Hat group saw Robin's appearance like a big enemy.

"Miss Robin, what's wrong, is it someone you know?"

Yamaji asked nervously

Robin at this time, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and the whole person couldn't stop shaking.

childhood nightmare appeared before her eyes again!

"He's the Navy!"

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Pheasant. "

Robin was shaking when he spoke, when had everyone seen Robin like this.

"Just him?"

Luffy didn't believe that such a guy turned out to be a legendary general.

Robin continued

"There are only three admirals in the navy, red dogs, green pheasants, and yellow apes.

above them there are only marshals of the navy, Sengoku. "

Luffy blinked

"Sengoku? Is it the guy who was beaten by Lin Bei? "


Pheasant: I seem to have heard something amazing.

but, how is that possible?

Marshal of the Warring States does not go out, how can he be beaten by this person ….

"Hey, carefully talk about the section of fighting the Marshal of the Warring States, I want to hear it."

Qinghe asked Luffy in a very relaxed gossipy tone, which was not at all the Navy's attitude towards pirates.

but Luffy is very tough

"Don't tell you!"

the pheasant put one hand in his pocket and scratched his head

with the other "In this way, there is no way."

By the way, I'm a little tired, allow me to lie down and talk to you." "

Pheasant said and lay on his side on the beach, supporting his head with his hands to look at them.

a few people in the Straw Hats felt outrageous!

this is a general?

isn't this the village head Wu Laoer!

Luffy questioned again


Is this guy really a general?"

this time, Lin Bei said

with certainty "Luffy, he is indeed a general."

one person can solve us all if he wants. "

Although Lin Bei likes to play the Straw Hat Group, the people of the Straw Hat Group know that Lin Bei will not joke about this kind of thing.

everyone, the highest vigilance!

Qing Pheasant waved his hand

"Don't worry, I'm not here to arrest you this time."

I just heard about a shipwreck here, so take a look at Nicole Robin.

After Alabastan, Nicole Robin's whereabouts disappeared, and I had to determine her whereabouts.

Also, although I won't arrest you, I must report the news that Robin has joined your pirate group.

so to speak, Straw Hat Kid 80 million, Swordsman Solon 60 million, and…

Forget it, it's too troublesome to count.

in short, your total bounty amount will increase significantly. "

As soon as Qinghe's voice fell, Luffy edged Fruit Wood Wood Nuo.

but was quickly stopped by Yamaji and Usopp

"calm down!" Calm down, Luffy, the other party is the most powerful general! < p idx="54"> "We can't initiate an attack!"

Luffy is still very upset

"Then just hand Robin over like this!"

I won't give up on my partner! "

the pheasant is very helpless

"I said it all, I just wanted to make sure her status, I didn't want to take him."

Luffy scratched his head

"Ah, so…

Well, you hurry up and leave. "

"Okay, then I'll leave."

Lin Bei's eyes widened, what an outrageous conversation!

he thought there was going to be a fight, but instead, he was persuaded to leave by Luffy!?

which is also outrageous!

is this the legendary lazy justice!


Lin Bei knew that there must be a but, what did he want?

"Before I go, get out of the way."

pheasant pointed to the refugees.

refugees knew the identity of the pheasant navy, and naturally believed in the pheasant, but

"We don't have a ship."

"It's okay, just leave this to me."


Just as the pheasant was about to get up to solve the problem of the boat for the refugees, Luffy suddenly interrupted them.

Luffy yelled

at the refugees "You can't trust him!" He's a navy! < p idx="79"> the air froze because of Luffy's words.

a long time before the refugees cautiously

asked "Yes, what's the problem?"

Luffy's eyes

widened "He's the Navy!" Isn't that the biggest problem! "

Lin Bei can't stand it, this idiot!

pull Luffy


For civilians, the Navy

is the one they believe in!"

Luffy blinked, only then slowed down, and slammed his palm

with his fist "Soga~

I almost forgot, we are pirates, they are not ah~"


> this idiot….

several people in the Straw Hats had the feeling that they wanted to cover their faces and leave with the refugees.

it's a shame to admit in front of a navy that their captain is such an idiot!

the corners of Qinghe's mouth also twitched, and his heart was worthy of being the grandson of Mr. Karp, and he didn't have to do a paternity test.

get up from the ground, the pheasant walks to the beach, puts his hand into the

sea "Ice age!"

In the next second, the whole sea as far as the eye can see is frozen!

everyone, opened their mouths.

Now the Straw Hat Group believes that the pheasants are generals, and even more believe that this person can indeed solve them easily.

fortunately, the pheasants did not want to strike at them.

Pheasant arranged a sled for the refugees and sent them all away, only then turned to look at the Straw Hats.

his eyes instantly became cold.

Luffy keenly senses that something is wrong

"Monch· D. Luffy. "

"What's wrong?"

"Are you really like your grandfather, should you say that you are unrestrained or unpredictable?"

I was taken care of by your grandfather before, and this time I came to see Nicole Robin and you.

now that I've read it, sure enough, it's better for you to die. "


Lin Bei knew that he was definitely going to fight with the green pheasant at this time, how could he let Luffy easily go.

it seems that it was just a stopgap measure, and I wanted to send the refugees away later.

but the pheasants don't kill them.

"Hey! Didn't I say I came for a walk? < p idx="113"> "I'm not lying, I only got up after seeing you."

I've seen your experiences and understand how horrible your growth rate is.

I've been dealing with the most dangerous pirates in the world, and you have the potential to be that kind of being.

but it was the woman who I felt most dangerous, Nicole Robin.

Nicole Robin, who escaped once in my hands as a child, has been attached to various organizations and teams, but none of these teams have survived.

so it's not so much a danger to me as it is a great danger to you. "