
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 104

the ship had no other reason to yaw this time, and the Meli sailed straight for Alabastan under Nami's operation.

meanwhile, there was a swan boat from Alabastan that sailed straight to the small garden.

Because the departure time of the two ships is not too different, the straight line extending from the two points, as long as it is not parallel, will definitely intersect.

and this intersection is in the sea where the submarine volcanic group is located!

"Hey! Nami, there's a lot of green gas in front of you, is it okay? "

Usopp, as a lookout, was the first to discover the sea area and then called Nami.

Nami came out in time to take a look and confirmed that it was just water vapor evaporated by the heat of the submarine volcanic group.

ships can go through without detouring.

Lin Bei glanced over there, and when Nami said it was fine, he withdrew his gaze.

he's checking today's superpowers, which is a strange name.

[Thunder at the hour, thunder at the end of the day, rain at noon, rain at no time, a total of three feet three inches and forty-eight points of water. < p idx="11"> first time to see such a long superpower.

but it looks familiar….

Lin Bei suddenly remembered, this seems to be a chapter in the Journey to the West.

bet on Jinghe Dragon King and Yuan Shoucheng!

Yuan Shoucheng's prediction of tomorrow's rain must be based on this.

Jinghe Dragon King, you have to be with people all at once.

tomorrow the order must rain so much tomorrow, hey, the people Jinghe Dragon King is to change, is to play.

ended up playing himself in and having his head cut off.

so if nothing else, this ability controls the weather.

Lin Bei looked at the ability introduction, sure enough, it really was!

and the ability is very single, it can only control rain.

but there are also advantages, that is, no matter how dry the local area is, you can use this ability and you can rain!

but a slight side effect of this ability is that you have to control the ability and put down three feet three inches and forty-eight points.

A little more, not less!

because whether it is more or less, there will be an accident within the rainfall range.

unexpected size, depending on how much you deviate from the standard size of rainfall.

For example, if you control a drop of rain, then where this rain falls, there will be a terrible accident!

because there is too much deviation from rainfall!

Lin Beimo lifted his chin, if he wanted to say so, wouldn't he be able to transform into a humanoid accident manufacturing machine?

just drop a drop of rain on his head to see who is not favorable.

which is a good ability!

Lin Bei quickly checked the task requirements.

[Today's mission: Become good friends with von Kray.] ]

Lin Bei frowned, this is another impossible task? Where did he go to find Von Kray?

To be honest, Lin Bei did not recognize who the name von Kray came from.

if you want to say Xiao Feng, Lin Bei can immediately understand that he is talking about the real man who is super moral.

but you have to say von Kray….




"What a heavy sulfur smell!"

Lin Bei quickly covered his nose.

It turned out that when he was pondering today's superpower, the ship had already sailed into the sea of the submarine volcanic group, and Lin Bei was caught off guard by the sulfur water vapor full of nose.

he him on the spot, quickly held his breath, did not breathe, and when he sailed through this sea area, he quickly looked at Nami



"Sorry, I forgot that sulfur gas will evaporate at the same time."

Lin Bei turned his head and thought about who von Kray was, but the noise over there sounded again.

"Hmm~~ I caught something!"

Luffy shouted excitedly.

Since Lin Bei had the ability of my world, there is no shortage of food on board.

even if Lin Bei and Luffy eat like Exhausting Sanji every day, the food on board is still enough for sea navigation.

so Luffy's fishing is not the same as in the original, it is for food, but for play, and for a meal.

but Luffy's fishing skills are basically equivalent to Solon's, except that the fish are not caught, everything has been caught.

which would say that he had caught a fish, Lin Bei also looked over, and then saw Luffy throw a man in a swan costume and strange makeup up.

"Sure enough, I said Luffy couldn't catch a fish!"


Lin Bei looked sharply at this man with strange makeup and covered in water.

is this guy called von Kray!

Xiao Feng was sitting on the deck at this time

, gasping for

breath "saved, the slave family thought that death was determined."

ah~ I'm really sorry, I was actually saved by a pirate who never knew each other, and your great grace and great Denu family will definitely repay it well! "

Lin Beizhan stepped forward and suddenly asked

"Are you called, von Kray?"

"Hey~Does Engong know the slave family?"

Xiaofeng's words made Lin Bei confirm that this is the goal of the mission!

which is really, it doesn't take any effort.

just, how can it be considered to be friends with people?

after all, they are not in the same camp.

Xiaofeng is a Baroque studio, and for now, they are still their enemies….

While Lin Bei was thinking about how to become Xiao Feng's friend, Luffy asked


you know how to swim?"

"Yes, the slave family ate the devil fruit, so they are dry ducks in this life."

Usopp: "What fruit did you eat?" "

"I am an imitator who eats the fruit of imitation."

"imitation fruit?" How is it? "

"Hey, do you want to see it?"

it should be rewarded for your life-saving grace.

The slave's ability has not been performed in front of outsiders.

please see! "

I saw Xiao Feng smash a palm on Luffy's face, sending Luffy flying out.

Solon immediately became alert and opened the knife with his thumb.

as long as Xiao Feng still dares to move, he can cut him in the next second.

can be said to be a powerful escort captain.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I'm about to perform~"

said, Xiao Feng touched his face with his hand, and instantly the whole person turned into Luffy in a swan costume.

looks weird and funny.

everyone was dumbfounded, this ability is really interesting.

then Xiao Feng touched the faces of the remaining people one by one, and then changed one by one.

while everyone praised Si Zhi, Xiao Feng suddenly winked at


"In fact, my ability can be done as long as I touch other people's faces, no need to slap Oh~"< P idx="91">Luffy: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

> except for Luffy,

Everyone laughed happily, and the cute Joba and Usopp also said that they still wanted to watch the performance.

maybe only Lin Bei didn't have the heart to look at it or laugh, because there was a task hidden in his heart.

it's just a friend, and the more you want to make it, the less likely it is to be a friend.

on the contrary, three unscheming fools like Luffy, Usopp and Choba, join in the fun to let Xiao Feng perform.

one time it is performing happily, and the other time it is clapping very devotedly.

the two parties instantly pulled into the relationship and became very good friends.

Lin Beidu was dumbfounded, could it be that only stupid people can become friends with stupid people?