
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 103

that night, it was close to ten o'clock.

Qioba had just finished checking Nami's current situation when he was dragged outside the house by Lin Bei.

Joba's face full of wariness

"Are you going to do something to me again, hentai human!"

"What do you think, am I this kind of person?"

"Then can you let me go first!"

cough, Lin Bei let go of Qioba

"I want to ask you, have you considered it, do you want to join us and become our partner."

"I…" Choba's heart was tangled at this time.

he wants to go out as a pirate and does not want to leave Gureva Medical Lady.

after all, the current Joba is just a teenager, and for a child of this age, it is difficult for you to let him leave his mother.

"So, don't rush to answer me, let's talk about it after reading it."

Joba blinked, unclear< p idx="13"> "What did you read?"

Lin Bei glanced at the watch he was wearing on his wrist, and it was still half a minute before ten o'clock.

Lin Bei directed Choiba to the castle where he and Gureva now live.

it is a cylindrical mountain, like a tree stump that has been cut off, and I don't know exactly how such a strange landscape was formed.

but, when the time reaches 10 o'clock, accompanied by the sound of cannons.

castle turned on the spotlight, and Joba froze.

on the bare cylindrical peak, there is an extra pink cloud because of the falling snow and colorant!

together it looks like a giant cherry blossom tree!

"21"> and falling snowflakes are like cherry blossoms falling from trees.

Qioba burst into tears at this moment, and he was completely moved.

"This is, Dr. Shiruluk's study!"

he really succeeded! "

Qioba shouted, crying while shouting, and suddenly vented all the emotions accumulated over the years.

Lin Bei touched his head

"I've heard your story, Choba."

If Dr. Shiruluk is still alive, he should also want you to carry the pirate flag and become a warrior on the sea. "

Choiba cried and asked Lin Bei

", "Did you do all this?"

"Well, not entirely.

cannon was fired by Usopp, Solon and Sanji were in charge of the lights, and Luffy was responsible for eating the falling pink snow….

Qiaoba, these pink snowflakes should not have a problem eating them, right? "

Qiao Ba broke into laughter and hugged Lin Bei's thigh.

"Thank you…"

Lin Bei also hugged Qioba, and it felt really good.

Choba, officially agreed to join the Straw Hats.

abduction of Choiba plan, success!

Nami's illness was also good and quickly under Gureva's superb medical skills and Choba's care, in fact, the fever has subsided this afternoon.

but you still have to lie down overnight and observe the condition.

if it's okay the next day, you're ready to set sail again.


rainland, casino.

which is Klockdal's base camp.

by this time, Robin has returned.

and Klockdar has learned the latest news about the hunt for Vivi.

Mr.3, Mr.5 and miss. Valentine's Day sacrifice, Golden Week is missing.

because of a small group of straw hats, he actually lost four digital agents in a row!

it's all a bunch of waste!

Klockdar immediately called Mr.2, von Kray, and ordered a new round of chasing.

"Mr.0, that pirate group is a little different, maybe Mr.2 may not solve them."

Robin still acts like a faithful secretary in front of Klockdal, thinking wholeheartedly for Klockdal.

but in reality, Robin only knows that Klockdar is a proud and arrogant man, and the only person he admits is Whitebeard.

the more she says that the Straw Hat Regiment is not simple, the more Klockdar will disagree.

"Failure is failure, anyway, they will definitely come to Alabastan with Princess Vivi, and when the time comes, I will personally solve them."

Oh, I'm a hero of this country."

solve a pirate with a reward of tens of millions, the most evil pirate is, everyone will cheer for me. "

"This is nature."

Robin was expressionless and failed to make Klockdar see any mental activity.

but Klockdar took a deep look at Robin and had other thoughts in mind.


"Hmm~ slept well."

Lin Bei slept until dawn, successfully quit drinking last night, and did not have a headache at all this morning.

which feels awesome!

went to wash up and found that Yamaji had already cooked and everyone got up and started eating.

Nami was also energetic and had a healed expression.

just, don't see Joba.

"What about Chopa?" Lin Beibian poured himself a cup of coffee and asked

"and Gureva went back to the castle on the mountain, saying that he wanted to explain to Dr. Gureva about going to sea."

logically speaking, it should be coming down soon…"< P IDX="71"> Nami glanced at her watch "

Will Gureva be locked up?"

Usopp said

"Didn't Dr. Gureva see Joba as a son, probably not wanting Joba to take risks."

As soon as the voice fell, Qioba's voice suddenly sounded outside the door



Let's go! < p idx="77"> hearing that it was Qioba shouting, everyone did not care about eating, went out to take a look, and saw Qioba turned into the initial reindeer state, pulling a sled and running towards this side.

behind him, followed by the old lady of Gureva.

if you look closely, Gureva holds a stack of javelins in her hand, chasing Choiba all the way, shooting all the way!

several times the javelin was almost inserted into Choba's body, allowing Joba to narrowly dodge.

Yamaji's eyes

widened "Lin Bei, didn't you say that you reached a consensus with that old woman last night!?"

In the next second, a javelin flew like lightning towards Yamaji's face.

Yamaji slammed his feet on the ground, a shaved flash, and stopped in a cold sweat.

"What is this old woman crazy!"


Gureva now doesn't chase Choiba at all, and shoots one javelin after another at Yamaji's 'people', looking like he wants to destroy him

Yamaji asked in horror as he ran around

"What the hell!"

Nami is also a girl who understands Gureva

very well "Who made you mention the word old!"

"I'm not wrong again!"


"Don't push it!" Color cook! The ladies began to shoot with armed color domineering! "

like a bow and arrow shot by a female warrior of the Amazon, it will explode when it lands!

Straw Hat Ball, who was still leisurely eating breakfast, was blown up all the way to the boat because of Yamaji, and Gureva stopped attacking.

Lin Bei sighed, Yamaji this guy also has a double standard for ladies.

young and beautiful is my careful liver.

older are older women.

I don't know if he can bear it when he sees the old mermaid aunt later….