
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 81 The system is going to crash?

Alcatraz island deep underground.

The people underground have put down most of their guards and went home separately.

The leader said that he would take Zhang Jun to visit and play, and then hold a banquet.

Zhang Jun naturally agreed, but Zhang Jun said that he wanted to observe the altar closely.

The leader seemed a little reluctant at first, after all, it was the important place of the ancestral hall that has been handed down in his own clan since ancient times.

But thinking about it, Zhang Jun just wanted to observe, and it would not have any impact, so he nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lan Ling had gradually adapted and was able to walk on his own.

She looked at Zhang Jun thoughtfully, and then asked the leader to take her to visit.

So only Zhang Jun and Austrian University who were arranged by the leader were left here.

"What is the situation with this altar? Why did that happen before?"

Zhang Jun was filled with doubts and murmured with lingering fears.

The Austrian University in the distance leaned on the door and fell asleep, seeming to feel relieved to Zhang Jun.

As he approached the altar slowly, Zhang Jun felt uncomfortable all over.

There are many weird marks on this altar, among which Zhang Jun is most familiar with a swastika mark.

Curiosity defeated the sense of panic, Zhang Jun suppressed his palpitations and walked to the center of the altar.

In the center of the altar is a circular open space with many grooves around the open space.

"It seems to be what mechanism, but what is the key?"

Zhang Jun touched his chin and walked around the clearing.

Aboard the Longteng Wanli.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and the two of Misoga also found that the dark shadows on Alcatraz began to disperse.

"Missoka! I'll go to the island to see when it's dawn, you stay on the boat to protect Brother Mo Yan!"

Hill was a little tired, but he said firmly.

"Don't talk about this yet, something is coming!"

Misuga looked serious, staring straight at the thick fog behind Longteng Miles.

The sound of ships sailing faintly came from the thick fog.

When Zhang Jun was not there, Gui Moyan was in a coma, and Missoga was weighing heavily on him. This evening he was more serious than ever.


With the sound of the horn, a huge ship shadow gradually emerged in the thick fog.

"No! It's a navy ship!"

Missoga looked through the binoculars, vaguely saw the flag on the ship, and suddenly spoke in a panic.

"How to do!"

When Hilton stood up, he subconsciously wanted to throw the poison out.

"Hold on! You quickly drive the ship to the rear left, and I will cover the Longteng Wanli!"

Missoga stood up, waved his hand, gritted his teeth.

In an instant, layers of thick fog emerged around the Longteng Wanli, which was connected to the thick fog behind.

With the color of the fog, the Longteng Wanli sailed toward the sea that was shrouded in dense natural fog.

"Lieutenant Colonel, I have just seen the shadow of the boat. For some reason, the fog suddenly increased and the boat was gone!"

On the navy ship, a navy hurried to report to the lieutenant colonel.

"It's okay, keep going straight."

The lieutenant colonel nodded, a surprise in his eyes.

found it!

At this time, deep underground.

"There, there..."

Zhang Jun was pacing and thinking, but suddenly he felt a voice in his mind.

In a daze, Zhang Jun stepped off the altar and walked towards the depths of the ancestral hall.

Strangely, the more Oda slept, the deeper he became, and even the sound of breathing disappeared.

The deepest part of the ancestral hall is the spiritual sign, layer by layer.

Zhang Jun stepped layer after layer to the highest point.

Here is a broken statue.

No head and hands, only the lower body still remains.

As directed by the voice in his mind, Zhang Jun drew out the thunder blood and chopped it down.


There was a loud noise beyond imagination, and the whole ancestral hall was shaking.

But surprisingly, none of the underground people felt the vibration, nor did they hear the trembling sound.

Even Oda was asleep.

"Chief, did you hear anything?"

In front of an underground river, Lan Ling turned his head in doubt.

"Huh? No?"

A haze flashed in the leader's eyes, but he concealed it well and was not noticed by Lan Ling.

The simple Lan Ling didn't know these things, so he thought he was hearing hallucinations, and left the moment behind.

On the sea, in thick fog.

"Boy, it's been a long time since I saw you! If it wasn't for my domineering look, I would have really run away by you!"

At this time, a pirate ship was intercepting in front of the Longteng Wanli.

Missoga was standing in front of Hill and waiting.

As a result, a familiar uncle suddenly jumped out to say hello.

"Huh? You are Lieutenant Colonel Xiu March?!"

Missoga took a closer look and suddenly remembered.


Before the two of them relived the past, a huge roar came from the bottom of the sea.

"what's the situation?!"

The complexions of several people suddenly changed, especially the two Hill, looking worriedly in the direction of Alcatraz Island.

Deep underground.

"What happened, why did I make such a big move? What just happened?"

Zhang Jun touched his head, looking dazed.

He just remembered being a little groggy, and he heard such a loud roar when he woke up.

"These stones?"

Zhang Jun looked at the glowing stones in the ruins and turned to look at the direction of the altar.

These stones obviously fit the grooves, and they are probably the keys.

With a thought, Zhang Jun directly took these stones into the system.

At this time, his expression was particularly gloomy, and it was obvious that something unknown was controlling his thoughts!

Although it was short-lived, Zhang Jun was very upset and at the same time very jealous.

"Ding, Ding...Hidden mission, Ding, system, system, Ding, upgrade..."

Just as Zhang Jun walked outside the ancestral hall with a dark face, suddenly the system stuttered.

"What the hell?! The system is broken?"

Zhang Jun stopped, closed his eyes and felt it.

But found that there is no systematic information at all.

In other words, Zhang Jun cannot use all the functions of the system now.

Things can't be taken out, can't be put in, and even combat power can't be detected.

"I'm going? It won't really break down, right?"

Scratching his head, Zhang Jun slowly calmed down.

If he remembers correctly, he heard some hidden tasks and upgrades before the system disappeared, which means that it is very likely that the system was just upgraded.

I should be back after upgrading, right?

Looking back at the altar, Zhang Jun continued to walk outside.

"Come back! Come back!"

At this moment, a shrill roar came from inside the altar.

Zhang Jun felt a tingling in his head and passed out in a coma.