
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 80: Mysterious Altar

"By the way, Grandpa, why is my friend so weak?"

Several people sat down on the site in order to wait for the seven Austrian students to wake up. Zhang Jun looked at the weak Lan Ling and asked suspiciously.

"This place is in the deep sea, and it has a powerful restraint effect on people who take Devil Fruit."

The leader closed his eyes, not very comfortable with the light, and opened his eyes to look at Lan Ling when he heard Zhang Jun's words.

Lan Ling smiled at the leader.

"Sure enough, Lan Ling, I only ask you to persist."

Zhang Jun nodded and said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's just a bit weak. But I feel as if my body is slowly adapting."

Lan Ling shook his head indifferently, and said slowly.


Zhang Jun was a little surprised.

It is almost an iron rule that Dahai dislikes the users of the devil fruit. Except for people like the protagonist Luffy, almost few people can overcome this weakness.

"This is also her opportunity. We have a mysterious power here that can help those with Devil Fruit ability overcome this weakness."

The leader's hoarse voice came.

At this moment he couldn't help but think of Mel, his lovely little granddaughter.

If it weren't for her, perhaps no one had discovered this yet.


At this moment, a cough sounded.

Austrian University woke up, and soon several of his brothers also woke up.

The leader explained for a moment, and took a few people towards the station.

"Brother, you are amazing! But are you not the owner of the Devil Fruit? Why..."

Ao Da leaned over and looked up at Zhang Jun.

It seemed that he still wanted to reach out and embrace Zhang Jun's shoulders, but in the end, there was not enough.

"You're good too."

Zhang Jun smiled, but he didn't intend to say much.

Austrian University is very familiar with it, and looks like he doesn't know each other, and chats with Zhang Jun along the way.

He told Zhang Jun a lot about their ethnic group. In exchange, Zhang Jun also talked about the outside world.

According to Austrian University, their ethnic group lived underground long, long ago.

Because they naturally hate sunlight, and their eyes can see clearly in the dark.

The plants on the surface of the island are their food, and there is not much food, which is why Zhang Jun first angered the leader.

At the same time, Zhang Jun and the others also learned that the devil in the eyes of outsiders is not actually a demon.

Those dark shadows are all shadows created by the granddaughter of the leader. These shadows have no attack ability and can only make people lose their body control for a short time.

It couldn't be more suitable for scaring people!

During the exchange, several people walked into a secret passage.

The passage was very winding, and the seven-turned and eight-turned ones finally came to an end.

Pushing open the door, it suddenly became clear.

Zhang Jun leaned forward with the shining thunder thread. Under the faint light, Zhang Jun could see everything in front of him clearly with his extraordinary eyesight.

This is a very big space.

There are many houses on each floor. At the bottom of the center, there is a palace-like building.

However, there is no one here at this time.

"They are all hiding, I'll get them out."

The leader nodded and walked down a ladder towards the bottom.

In order to take care of these underground people, Zhang Jun deliberately reduced the brightness of the flashing thunder to the lowest level, and followed with Lan Ling step by step.

"Everyone, come out!"

The leader walked to the door of the hall and knocked on the door.


The door was quickly opened, and the noise inside also came out.

Generally speaking, the leader is back and it's okay.


A porcelain doll rushed out and hugged the old man.

Big eyes flickered, staring at both Zhang Jun.

At this moment, everyone in the hall also saw Zhang Jun and they were silent.

They knew that this young man who looked at humans and animals harmlessly, easily defeated the most powerful warrior in their clan!

The leader signaled that everyone don't need to worry, turning his head is like introducing it.

However, Zhang Jun was lost in his eyes at this time and stared straight ahead.

Following his gaze, he was staring at the altar in the middle of the hall in a daze.

This altar is very old, so old that there is no record in any classics, and there is no oral statement.

No one knows the use of this hall and altar, but it still obeys the will of the ancestors and is regarded as an ancestral hall by the underground people, and many spiritual cards have been erected in it.

At this moment, Zhang Jun couldn't perceive everything outside, and his mind was completely attracted by the altar.

There seemed to be countless voices in his mind saying something, but he couldn't hear it at all.

Even because of the noisy voice, he felt his head hurt more and more!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task. Task reward: top-quality bait*1! High-quality bait*2!"

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded, and Zhang Jun felt a shock all over and regained consciousness.

"Boy? What's wrong with you?"

When he woke up, Zhang Jun heard the leader standing in front of him suspiciously.

"Oh, it's okay, just thinking about something."

Zhang Jun said thoughtfully, looking at the altar involuntarily.

There are many strange patterns around the altar, which is simple and mysterious.

"Grandpa, what is this altar used for?"

Zhang Jun turned to look at the leader.

"I don't know, it has existed for a long time. We only know that we should be in awe of it, but we don't know what it does."

The leader shook his head and looked at Zhang Jun weirdly.

He was very puzzled by Zhang Jun's performance just now and now suddenly asking about this altar.

"Big brother, are you bad guys?"

Suddenly, the porcelain doll Mei Er pulled Zhang Jun's clothes corner and whispered.

"Of course not."

Zhang Jun said with a smile.

Lan Ling, who was supported by him, also smiled, this little girl is so cute!

At the same moment, Longteng Wanli boarded.

"Missoka, did you see it just now? What's the matter?"

Hill said worriedly.

Zhang Jun's life card has not been anything unusual, it just turned dark for a moment, but recovered in the blink of an eye.

She suspected that she was dazzled.

"I saw it. But, don't you think it is all right now? It means they are still safe!"

Missoga was also very puzzled, he didn't understand what was going on.

The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

At this time, in the thick fog behind the Longteng Wanli, a navy ship was sailing slowly.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the Long Jun Pirate Group just disappeared in the thick fog! There are too many reefs in it, do you want to move on?"

A respectful request from the Navy.

"carry on!"

The man called the lieutenant colonel spoke lightly.

Looking into the distance expectantly, he did not expect the kid he met to grow up so fast.

Wouldn't it be too uncomfortable not to come to fight?!