
Pillow of Hearts: A tale between the warm hug and cold coffee

Moon Young Jae’s homophobic family considered him a disgrace and held his freedom in their clutch. Even with being obedient, he was not free from their abuse. Young Jae was almost blinded and crippled by his father when he stood up for himself for the first time. Left to bleed and die, luckily, he did have a family who wanted to save him. It was twin cousins, who were disowned long before him, who saved him. Sad and hopeless, Young Jae became curious when he met his cousins’ friend, who understood him better than anyone, even without words. Curiosity got the best of him, and he ended by handing his heart, love and soul over a plater as a price. Slowly, Young Jae fell in love with everything about and around Min Jun and eventually fell for the man. Calculative Wang Min Jun entered Young Jae’s life accidentally. He challenged Young Jae's belief with a warm smile and flipped Young Jae’s world upside down. Min Jun read Young Jae like an open book. He planned to get over the little crush he had on his seniors' cousin brother but failed miserably. Min Jun did not like the often-visited ‘frown’ between those beautiful eyebrows and even the always singing of ‘sigh’ through those sinful lips. Min Jun made it his mission to change it only to fall for everything about Young Jae. Wang Min Jun carried his share of baggage, but he was well-prepared to meet the demons from the past head-on. But Young Jae became a mess whenever his past demons decided to pay a visit. He realised he did not have to face anything alone as he has a wonderful boyfriend who cherishes everything about him. Both faced their past demons and trauma together. When a person betrayed by a family fell in love with a person who holds his family above everything, sparks flew, and hearts soared in happiness. Will their story has a harmonious bell, or would it be a sea of misery? Teaser: Files were shattered all over Min Jun’s bed, and his laptop was placed on the bedside table. It chimed once in a while, indicating a new email for him to check. The work was piling more and more as he was diligently finishing it. Young Jae walked into his boyfriend’s bedroom to witness his handsome lover working hard. "Jun Jun! Are you busy?" Even though Young Jae did not want to disturb his lover, he knew he needed some help to impress his boss. "Never for you, love. Tell you what you need?" Min Jun did not lift his head from the file he was going through, but the warmth in his voice reached Young Jae's heart without fail. "Do you have a minute to help me in reviewing my monthly internship report? I have to present to our boss tomorrow morning." Young Jae pouted as he asked. Min Ju looked at his adorable tokki and smiled mischievously. "You are brave, asking your superior to help you sneakily. I can't do it for free. I need a huge bribe to help you. What are you planning to offer?" "Be serious. You have too much work to do." Young Jae chided his shameless boyfriend, who never failed to seize every opportunity to make him moan and groan as he takes him to the pleasurable heaven. "Exactly. I have too much work to do. If I am taking my time to help you, I need something in return. Something so tempting that I don’t mind cramping lots of things later." Min Jun smiled like a devil he was as he grabbed Young Jae towards him. The little rabbit who fell into the cunning wolf's lap did not even get a chance to protest as he was devoured breathlessly. Young Jae forgot why he entered the wolf's lair altogether. Min Jun pushed the files away to make space for his little rabbit to lay down comfortably. Young Jae’s report was long forgotten as a treacherous hand started to caress him again under the shirt as a sinful sound filled the room. P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH BDSM. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s

vjey · LGBT+
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549 Chs

Change of Heart

Everyone settled in the room quietly. Old master Moon Kwan sat there staring at Kang Chin Mae like a specimen wondering about the young man's identity. Even though he could guess who the young man might be, he could not help but deny the truth in the heart. 'My second grandson died. How can he come back to life miraculously? Who is the boy looking exactly like my third grandson? They can't be twins.'

Everyone who saw how he was gazing at the young man started to feel uncomfortable under the scrutinising gaze. Young Jae sensed the tense atmosphere but was not bothered by it partly because he could not see at the moment.

  The person under the eagle-eyed scan of the old man was busy peeling and eating an orange that was bought for his sick cousin as if nothing was out of normal order. Since the orange was meant for Young Jae, he did feed his cousin one carpel for every three carpels he ate.

"BB sent it for Young Jae. Why are you gobling it all up?" Chin Hae asked his twin to break the awkwardness.

Instead of answering Chin Mae showed two more orange carpels into his mouth at once with a smirk.

Young Jae decided to speak for his newly found favourite Hyung. "Hyung! Stop picking on Chin Mae Hyung over everything he does."

Chin Hae looked at his cousin with a face full of betrayal. "You are fucking siding with that narcissistic bastard? Seriously, Young Jae? How could you? I thought you were better off than that. How did you turn into ungrateful brat in few minutes Young Jae?! How could you became a traitor and turned your back on your brother?!" 

Young Jae was at a loss. All he wanted to do was tease his cousin brother's and how he ended up earning the title of a traitor beyond his understanding.

Chin Sun knew her second brother teases people a little bit, but she did not expect outrageous dramatics. 

Old Master Moon and Aunt Ko Yon were lost at the twist of the events. No one in the Moon family has witnessed the carefree and dramatic Moon Chin Hae even as a child.

"You can't blame my dongsaeng for that. He just has a good eye and knew how to choose and side with a winning team!" Kang Chin Mae was satisfied as he was able to relish his twin's misery.

Young Jae realised why everyone around these twins' loved to poke fun at them. They get competitive unnecessarily and never let anyone else know how these two buffoons care about each other. "I am not picking sides. As a younger brother of two idiots hippopotami, it is my responsibility to make a wise decision for you both and bring harmony among us brothers."

Ko Yon smiled at her son and how carefree he became around his cousin. She realised that they were good to him and right for him. The gratefulness she felt for the boys were beyond bounds at the moment.

"Hey! Don't call me that"

"Hey! Don't call me that"

Two voice echoed the same words at the same time. Right after saying the words, the twins feigned innocence.

Young Jae laughed at their reaction cheekily. "When the crazy doctor called you both idiotic hippopotami twins, I did not know it was apt for you both. Now I do." 

Out of everything Young Jae said, what caught Chin Hae's attention was how his cousin addressed the doctor. "Don't follow every word that old man says and call him 'crazy doctor.' It is not necessary, and you will just encourage his idiocy."

Kang Chin Mae finished gobbling up half the basket of orange. He cleaned his hand. He was quiet for a while before he decided to speak his thought. "Call him, Samchon. He is family, after all."

"I can't afford such an eccentric uncle. Let me just address him how he wants me to call him" Young Jae refused outrightly worrying about overstepping the boundary.

Kang Chin Mae frowned at the response, but he shrugged off his displeasure. "Family is not about sharing blood; it's beyond that. It's okay if you don't want to be part of the family."

Chin Mae's voice being void of emotion made Young Jae worry and frown. But he did not have any opportunity to ask further.

"Why did you want me here, Mr Moon Chin Hae?" Kang Chin Mae did not even bother to hide his disgust when he said 'Moon'.

Chin Hae just sighed at his twin's attitude, but he was used to it. "You suggested that we take our younger sister away from the Moon family when you first met her. Now it is going to happen. I can protect her to an extent. I don't hold power like you. Not yet. I called you here to put forth the request. In case if I need your support in protecting our sister in the future, please help me."

Chin Hae spoke earnestly to his twin. He even bowed down towards his twin to show his sincerity.

Kang Chin Mae looked at his twin with a deep eyes void of emotions. His mind was filled with thoughts.

Finally, the old man in the room realised everything, and his entire body trembled when the truth hit him. "You are Moon Chin Mae? You are alive? I thought you..."

Chin Mae cut the useless old man's words off. "Are you surprised that I am still alive after your wife and son threw me off the building?! Also, My name is Kang Chin Mae. I am a 'Kang'. Not a Moon. Remember that." The venom was dripping in Chin Mae's voice.

Both Old Master and Ko Yon knew what happened in the past but still flinched when they heard the words.

But Moon Young Jae and Moon Chin Sun froze when they heard what happened to Kang Chin Mae as a kid. More precisely at knowing who threw him off the building?

Chin Hae just sighed at the diversion in the topic. 'This is going to be a fucking long day, and it is not even 10:00 am! Someone save me!'

The old man was shocked. An unknown fear gripped his heart. He did not know what it was, but it was intense enough to hyperventilate the old man.

Ko Yon moved over to assist her father-in-law. But Kang Chin Mae was not done. He felt a bit of pleasure witnessing the spineless old man suffer in front of him.

"Why are you so shocked? No one in the Moon mansion told you I was there, a couple of weeks back? Don't tell me no one told you I raised my hand at your daughter-in-law and your beloved first grandson? I really had pleasure in throwing my first at the weakling you are planning to make the heir."

Old Master realised why the fear was clenching his heart. It was his gut feeling letting him know that his karma was standing in front of him. Sooner or later, this grandson by blood will become a grim reaper to the Moon family. He had a change of heart about his decisions.

'No! I can't leave my grandsons and grand-daughter with him. They would turn against the family like him. I have to take Chin Hae, Young Jae and Chin Sun away from him soon. Or else they would turn against the family too.' 

For the old master, no matter what, his family and family's prestige matters more than anything. He could never let his family get destroyed in the hands of his own family members. But he forgot how most of his grandchildren suffered at the hands of a few family members due to their greedy nature.

I am trying to organise my time and stock up the chapters. Maybe from March, there will be a regular daily update?!

I guess! I hope!

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