
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Six

Zach's POV

"I hope you know what you're doing darling" my dad whispers as we leave the kitchen, his hand guiding her at the base of her back.

"So do I ma."

"It will be fine, you can clearly see Lynn loves her son."

"Let's just hope she isn't like dad," I say walking right on by them with Tyler and Violet "you might have just caused them years of pain". My father chooses not to take the bait, keeping his mouth tight-lipped. He's been different lately, less... more of a ... dad. That's just weird to think, to say.

"Dinners at seven" she calls at the three of us as I grab both of their hands leading them towards the lounge.

I thought about going upstairs to bed. Taking them, him, upstairs but I know where that would lead and I need to tell him first. But not today, today is too soon. I don't want to ruin tomorrow.

I push him against the wall with a thud as we enter the room. No longer able to keep my hands to myself. I won't sleep with him, not until he knows. But playing? Touching? Surely I can do that?

"You didn't come to bed last night" I whisper into his ear as I trail my tongue down the side of his neck.

This is exactly why I can't take him upstairs.

"You didn't invite me to join."

"When did you ever need an invitation to sleep in my bed Tyler?" He looks away not answering me. I've upset him, hurt him even.

"Tyler" my hands run down his chest finding the hem at the bottom of his shirt, my fingers trailing on the skin underneath. That happy trail of hair calling to me. Leading the way to my goal, the one place I know on his body like it were my own.

"I didn't want to upset you, Zach."

"Good, don't stay out of my bed anymore."

"Okay," my hand slips below his waistband. He has no pants on, like usual. My fingers free to brush the short hair he keeps down there before I find my goal, his cock.

"Zach, you don't need to."

"I want to baby" he almost growls at me when I take hold of him, fisting his semi in my fist.

"I missed you," I tell him letting my lips trail down his chest as I kneel in front of him. I pull my hand free only to undo the button and zipper, his cock jumps free pointing at me. His breathing becomes laboured, loud and fast as he looks down at me. I'm surprised when he doesn't command me to take him in my mouth. He normally would. I want him too. So I just stare into his eyes. Waiting.

"Well I'm all for delayed gratification but watching you two power-play is boring as fuck" I jump slightly as Violet presses herself behind me, the back of my head leaning on her stomach. I had forgotten she was in here. Her presence slipped my mind.

How the fuck did I forget she was in here with us?.

"Come here," she tells Tyler pulling him in for a kiss and forcing my face towards him as her body leans on mine. I stare up from between them watching as they kiss. The moan coming from Tyler deep within his chest has my cock hardening. I think this is the first time they've kissed since everything. He made the same sound earlier in the kitchen as I pulled him into me. I get bored of watching them though turning my head down and licking along his length. Pulling back to take his head between my lips. Swirling my tongue over the precum beading at his arousal.

"Hmm, that's more like it Zach" Violet crouches down beside me kissing my cheek as I take his length to the back of my throat.

"Drive him wild," she says licking the length that isn't in my mouth. Her tongue meets my lips as I move down his shaft. That's so fucking hot. My own cock pulsing in my trousers at the visual of her helping me pleasure Tyler "but he isn't allowed to come" she says standing up. And I pop him out of my mouth to gape at her.

"What?" I ask. When did she turn into this? She's like a risen phoenix. I can hear the dominance in her voice. And surprisingly I'm not opposed to submitting to her.

"Punishment for ditching us for Callum last night," she tells him rather than me.

"I didn't ditch —."

"Save your lies Tyler, I can smell him all over you."

"We went shopping."

I smile looking down taking him in my mouth again, using his hips to steady myself. Fucking him with my mouth watching, listening for his signs as I take him to the back of my throat swallowing down on the head of his cock just how he likes. Deep-throating him every damn stroke of my mouth until he's tensing beneath me, his hands flying into my hair. His hips thrust forward. And though it wasn't even my plan, to deny him. I listen to Violet letting her dominate this scene.

"Fuck" he mutters as I pop him out of my mouth. He looks down at me with a wicked glint in his eyes. He's fucking mad that I listened but he's also fucking turn't on.

"Will you shy away from our bed again?" She asks kissing the side of his face. He doesn't answer her, doesn't submit. And I can see him fighting for control of the situation.

"Answer her love."

"No, no I'll come to bed Violet."

"Good, we'll finish this off in bed tonight then."

"What?" He spits angrily at her. Oh fuck. I fall back on my ass watching him process the fact she's demanded he walk around with blue balls for the rest of the day. I can't help the smirk on my face as she tucks him in, zipping him up and then doing his button-up.

He sighs realising she fucking means it.

"It's not funny pet" pet. That fucking name. I swallow shutting my damned mouth.

Don't fucking think about him. Not after what you just did. Don't fucking think of him at all.

I should just tell him, to get it over with. Forbid him to call me that ever again. But that's been my name for as long as I can remember.

"Zach" Violet's knelt beside me, a worried look on her face. I bring my gaze to hers confused.

"Oh, good I thought we lost you there."

"Didn't go anywhere, baby."

"Why, why would you have gone anywhere?"

"It doesn't matter Tyler" I stand readying myself to leave the room to run away from the fateful conversation that needs to happen, that I'm putting off.

"Don't push me away again, not after that. Please, Zach."

"I'm not pushing you away. I can't do this right now, I'm not ready. Please let me do it on my own time" I tell him. Stroking his face before walking out the fucking room. I was hoping to have some time to myself but I bump into a wide-eyed Callum.

"Didn't go well then?" I ask.

"She didn't shun me yet."

"She'll come around. My dad did."

"I need to show you something." He tells me pulling me along the hall to the entrance room. He darts off upstairs in a rush so I follow behind him.

I'm surprised he comes to my room, considering he didn't stay in here last night either.

"Come on then. What do you need to show me, Callum?"

"Just bear in mind I never meant for this to come off as Tyler thinks it does," he says rummaging through a white paper bag and handing me a small box that resembles a ring box. I flip it open as I fall back on my bed staring at a fucking ring. I peer over the top of the box at Callum whose standing holding the back of his neck just as he did when his mom asked if he was in a relationship with Violet. Must be a nervous trait of his.

"Do you want to propose?" I ask him. Taking the fucking rock out of the box. He has good taste I'll give him that. It's an oval-shaped pink stone. Surrounded by crystals.

"I, uh it was a promise ring."


"Well, Tyler and the jeweller. They kind of mentioned it looked like an engagement ring. And when I thought of that it didn't exactly repulse me and well, I was thinking over it all day and driving home I realised" he sits on the end of the bed falling to lay next to me "Zach I realised that fuck yeah I would want to marry her. And don't take that lightly because I never. Ever wanted to get married like I never wanted fucking children. Yet she has me intrigued in that too" Holy fuck.

"You don't want children?"

"I didn't, now I'm not so sure."

"That's a deal-breaker, Callum. I want kids. Lots of the fuckers. I want a whole fucking family with her. With you and Tyler. A house. The whole fucking lot."

"He wants the same."

"I know" fuck and Callum doesn't want that?

"Dealbreaker" I mutter as I turn the ring between my fingers.

"As I said I am intrigued by the idea now. I don't see what type of father I would be but I'm willing to have kids. Get married. I'll even fucking move in with you guys."

"You already did."

"I mean, I stay Zach but I mean I'll sell up my apartment and move in. Full-on committed" I twirl the ring in my fingers again.

"What's it make of?"

"White gold band with two carot pink diamond surrounded with Turquoise, Garnet, Bloodstone."

"Our birthstones" I whisper as I trace the intricate cuts of the stones that fit snugly around the oval cut diamond."

"You went all out for a promise ring Callum" he shrugs next to me. I watch him for a moment as his breathing doesn't change, no panic or anxiety evident. He really means it, he wants us.

"Maybe I didn't realise it as I was designing and ordering it, but now I know what I want it to be."

"You designed this?"


"Why?" Why did he design such a ring? What triggered that response to the need to promise her something. What was the promise?

"I freaked out about the baby. When Dr Greene came to tell us. I stormed off."

"So the promise was not to leave her?" A fucking engagement ring then...

"To leave any of you, baby included" his words surprise me. I always thought he was in for Violet and her alone. He never let me touch him after that one time he let me suck him off. Though I've seen the way he is with Tyler. They were all but mauling each other on the plane in passion. I suppose there's only one thing to ask. So I ask it.

"Are you bisexual Callum?"

"I believe so" good. So he won't mind me fucking touching him them. I put the ring on the bedside table rolling to pin him on the bed. My stiff cock still raging that I didn't even get to watch Tyler release. I kiss him hard pulling at his hair. And he does it. He fucking kisses me back. It took me and Violet being taken away to force his fucking hand to let himself feel something? To admit the fact he has feelings for us.

"What did Tyler say? Hmm."

"Asked whose name I wanted to take" I laugh into his ear. Now that is the question, isn't it? I want her to have my name, to claim her in that way. In fact, claim them in that way. Like Tyler did with Rose.

"You'll have my name," I tell him pecking his lips again before rolling off him, he doesn't argue. But he does grab my hand as I lay back beside him.

I raise my hand to stare at our entwined fingers.

Shit that feels good.