
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Seven

Callum's POV

I lay on the bed with Zach for well over an hour. I know my parents are somewhere on this property, at least one of them disappointed in me and my choices. And I appreciate the fact my father seems to be accepting of my sexuality and the relationship I've chosen to be in. But I wish they weren't here. I wished I didn't have to face them right now, that they weren't going to flip and ruin what would have been a perfect fucking Christmas.

But that's the reality and I don't have much choice because dinner is ready and Tyler's been sent to collect us.

"So how are we proposing then?" Zach asks him as he stands in the doorway and Tyler smirks at him.

"It's decided then?" He asks.

"I'm in" I barely whisper.

"Yup me too, you fuckers will be stuck with me for life" Zach laughs as he gets up out of the bed putting the ring in the box, hiding it in his bedside drawer.

"Couldn't think of anything more appealing" Tyler almost sings in a happy voice.

"How about tonight, before we go to bed?" I say rather quietly.

"After we fuck!?" Zach asks.

Tyler and I shrug our shoulders looking at each other. Things are changing, and the dynamic of our relationship is new. Deeper. It's comforting to know that I have them. I feel like I'm home when around them. They are my home. And the sooner Zach and I leap over that hurdle the better. I want him and I know he's been gagging for me for months now. Though I'm scared. I've never had a man fuck me and I've never imagined it before yet now, now I want to. Well at least try and I'm sure he will want to fuck me rather than me fuck him. And if I don't like it I don't doubt they would be okay with that too.

"What you thinking about, hmm?" Zach pulls me down the bed by my bloody ankles and I all but fight him to get off me. His hands comes out to roam my body, slipping under my t-shirt. I used to shy away from their touch but now I crave it like I crave Violet. I want his hands roaming my skin. Need it even.

"Stop, dinners ready," I tell him because... right now is not the time. Not with my parents in the house. Shit, definitely not with my parents in the house.

"Is it me or is it him?" I pick my head up to look at Tyler still standing in the doorway picking at his thumb as he leans against the open door.

Fuck how would I even choose? I'm sure they'll both have me if I said yes.

"Come on, you must want one of us. I've never seen that look on your face before. Is it Tyler? Do you like him hmm?"

"Does it matter, let me up?"

"So you are thinking about fucking one of us" I shake my head. Not about fucking them. Quite the opposite actually but I won't be telling him that, I'm not that brave. Yet.


"No, let me up, Zach."

"Shall I fuck you, Callum?" I can't help but swallow at his threat, that's exactly what I want to try. But not right now.

"Our parents are downstairs. Zach stop."

"I fuck all the time with my parents downstairs," he tells me nuzzling into my stomach with his lips, nipping at the skin there. It shouldn't turn me on, the pain that is, but it does.

Just a tad lower. Fuck. If he would just pull at my jeans he'd have my cock in his mouth again.

"Zach enough it's dinner time."

"Yeah I know Tyler, I'm looking at the entree."

"What was the starter then?" I ask rhetorically not expecting an answer but getting one anyway.

"Tyler" my eyes snap to his and he shrugs. Fuck my parents could have walked in on them. They should have been more careful.

"And what a disappointment that was, now up before Carla has me for the three of us being late," Tyler says.

"Disappointment? Why?" I ask as Zach finally lets me up. I flatten my top as I stand. Make sure it doesn't look like Zach nearly had me half naked and fucked.

"Orgasm denial" he states swatting my ass as I walk past. Jesus, he'll have blue balls before we even get to bed then "what did he do to deserve that" I whisper to Zach as we descend the stairs not sure whether I want to smile at or feel bad for him.

"Neither of you came to bed last night, Violet and I were disappointed."

"An eye for an eye then."

"Something like that."

"Ah, there you three are. Help me bring all the food to the dining room will you? Your mothers out-cooked herself again" Zach laughs heading into the kitchen with the two of us trailing behind. The kitchen sides were smothered in food.

"Carla realises it's Christmas eve doesn't she?"

"Ma always goes all out for Christmas and birthdays" Zach answers taking three trays in his hands.

"You'll get used to it, she's eccentric like Zach."

"This is beyond that Tyler."

"Bring the last two will you?" I follow along with a tray of mashed potatoes and creamed spinach. I hope she doesn't expect me to eat the spinach. I hate the fucking stuff. I follow Tyler into a room I haven't been in yet. The table is so large I cannot recall ever seeing one so big. Though most of the seats are taken.

Daniel, Liz, Kelsie, Aaron and Ava sit on the far side of the table. A space left next to little Ava's high chair.

Jerry sits at the head of the table making me presume Carla will be sitting in the empty chair. On the opposite side, my mother and father sit closest to Jerry leaving four seats and the other end of the table empty. I place the trays in the middle of the table sitting next to my mother. I wouldn't wish her attitude on anyone.

Tyler sits right next to me and Violet sits between him and Zach. I've noticed she always does that, what is it with her being between the two of them?

"Shall we say grace?" Carla asks standing in front of her chair. Holding little Ava's hand. I stare at the child. I didn't take any notice of the drooling kid before but I do now. She sits up perfectly straight. Her blonde curly hair pulled up in a single bunch on top of her head. The hair falls to the side. She has a perfect set of eight teeth as she smiles at me.

We will have one of those soon. A child.

A boy or a girl. I haven't a clue but if it's even half as cute as the little one in front of me we'll be damned lucky. She points to me with her free hand calling my name 'Cal' she says surprising me.

My mother grabs my hand looking at me as I hold my other up for Tyler.

A child. I will have a child. Why doesn't that freak me the fuck out? It did not mere days ago.

"What a blessing to come together today for this wonderful meal at the end of a terrible week. Our prayers have been gracefully answered bringing my son and daughter-in-law home. The blessing of another grandchild on the way. Of my sons and daughter-in-law finally being together and happy. Having my youngest at home again and my daughter and her own family here for this meal. To finally meet Callum's parents and to share this special Christmas with them also.

To be one big happy family with all our members being here tonight. May we be blessed and filled with happiness in this coming year" Carla says. Her grace is much longer than my mother's short prayer.

'Amen,' we all say, even little Ava joining in.

"You want children now?" My mother asks as she lets my hand go. I turn to her as we all fill our plates with the food Carla has prepared.

"Yes, mom" she smiles from ear to ear patting my leg as I place mashed potatoes on my plate.

"I won't pretend I agree or understand. But if you're happy Cal. Then I'm happy."

"Thank you mom" I peck her on the cheek getting a little clap from Ava as we all tuck into our chosen food. The meal is quiet. I watch everyone tuck in. As I eat my own food. Family. A fucking family. That's what this is.

I daydream about the future when Violet looks pregnant. And her having the baby. Maybe moving. Would we have a house like this? Grand in all sense of the word. Larger than necessary?

That's what she deserves, isn't it?

A happy life, family, our child.

A house that she feels safe in, a home.

Our child.

Fuck why doesn't that bother me? It could be any of ours yet it doesn't bother me. Not one bit.

It would look cute as hell with Zach's dimples.

Just the thought disturbs me. I look down at him as he whispers into Violet's ear, his hand stroking far too high up her thigh that's socially acceptable at this dinner table.

The fact he's even touching her or any of us at all is astounding. He could be breaking, refusing to touch. To love. Yet he's doing it. And so is she.

She isn't anything like she was the last time.

It's only been less than a week but she hasn't had one panic attack, no anxiety attack that I know of.

Neither has Zach for that matter.

It will come, I know it will but right now. I'm happy to see them happy and content.

"Thank you for a lovely meal Ma," Daniel says from the end of the table. The poor sod is kind of a loner down there sitting next to Liz who is silently staring at our side of the table with a grin on her face.

What is she thinking?

"Yes thank you, Carla, that was lovely" Violet chimes in. I shouldn't but it irks me that she and Daniel are close, that she decided to speak up to make him comfortable.

I shouldn't be jealous of a kid.

But she's the same age as him.

Probably more suited. Compared to us three. I mean we're a whole ten years older or more. At different stages in our lives.

She wants children too, and you'll find out if she wants marriage tonight.

"She doesn't like him that way" Tyler whispers in my ear. Takes me slightly off guard at how he's reading me. He strokes my face with his thumb before pulling back. Making me look to my mother who is outright staring at the both of us.