
Perseverance- The Discovering Us Series - Book Three

Perseverance is the only way we will survive! This is book three in the Discovering Us series. Please be aware this book contains mature scenes of sexual and physical assault. And is the darkest of the three books in the series so far.

KLJenkins · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

Callum's POV

I hide the bags in Zach's room knowing I will need to show him the damn ring. Did I mean for it to be an engagement ring? No, I did not but now I'm thinking about it would it bother me if that's how she took it? No, it wouldn't. Not that we could ever legally be married.

And that freaks me the fuck out. I never wanted to settle down, get married or have children. Yet I've already settled deeply into our relationship and we're already having a baby even though it genetically could be any of ours and I'm still unsure of how I feel about that one. Tyler and I spoke about this. They don't care who the dad is, they just want to be parents and apparently who gives a fuck if our child has a mom and three dads?.

I'm a little taken aback when I walk into the kitchen that I now know harbours my fucking parents. The first thing I see is Zach and Tyler almost dry humping on the damn kitchen counter. I want to join, but then I don't. In front of me, my parents sit wide eyes unable to rip their gaze from the two of them. Well, I guess they know they're a couple now.

I knew this would happen, that it would come to this but I thought I would be in control of how I revealed my life to them. I haven't spoken to them since that day Henry had snuck into the apartment. The last conversation with my mother was about settling down and having children before I hit my forties. If only she knew Violet were pregnant, possibly with my child for that matter. I mean if you looked at her you wouldn't guess it. You wouldn't believe that's a fully formed foetus inside her stomach. Baby, there's a baby inside her.

"Mom, dad. What are you doing here?" I ask with a tight tone. I'm glad Tyler forewarned me. Because I don't know if I would have even spoken to them if I was ambushed by their presence. Zach and Tyler pull away from one another only to stroke each other's faces in a show of affection. They could be a little more, humble about their affections. Though I guess it's good they finally stopped ignoring each other.

"Mr Henderson invited us for Christmas. Isn't that lovely?".

"Sure is mom" I would have rathered you be at home though, far away from me. Even as the thought goes through my mind I know I'm out of order thinking it. I'm their only child, I shouldn't wish time with them away. But I don't want Christmas ruined either and I'm sure if they get wind of my relationship they will ruin it for everyone.

"How are you son?" My father stands shaking my hand like he's my damned boss or something before sitting back down again. I'm not used to being the centre of attention and right now everyone is staring at me.

"I'm fine" I manage to say through my dry mouth.

"Well why don't we leave Callum and his parents to talk. Daniel, Violet did you finish with the horses?".

"Yes ma".

"Violet shouldn't be near the horse's ma" Zach almost jumps down from the side in anger. I have to agree with him on this one, what if they freaked out and struck her? It's unthinkable.

"I know she can't ride them in her condition," she says and my parents bite the fucking bait left hanging in the air.

"What condition?" My mother asks Violet outright staring at her with elated eyes.

"Oh, Um. Well... I'm pregnant" she stumbles over what to say. This is the girl that I met before she blossomed. I hope she blossoms again.

"Oh, congratulations, who's the dad?" Jesus if I could shoot my mother I would. And Carla for that matter.

Violet looks to me for an escape but what can I say? Oh mom it could be mine or Tyler's or Zach's for that matter. Does that matter to you mom, do you mind that your son, you know the one you brought up to be straight as a fucking pole to follow the bible and all that stupid nonsense, actually preferred to get in a four-way relationship with two men and a woman for his first real relationship. Surprise mom, fucking surprise.

"Are you with Violet Cal?" My mother asks with a big smile on her face. Well shit, things are moving pretty quickly, aren't they? Do I just blurt it all out now, let them decide if they want to fucking leave?.

"Yeah, kinda," I tell them rubbing the skin on the back of my neck to distract the fact my parents are staring at me with open mouths.

"Well, you are or aren't son" it's my father that finds his voice first asking the obvious. I should have realised what I'd said, what room I had left to be questioned. Instead of being a man and telling them exactly who I am in a relationship with, pointedly the two people trying not to smirk are the reason for my anxiety attack that looms beneath my skin.

"Well, I think Callum is struggling a little here. Your son is in a relationship with Violet" Carla announces with a smile, taking the empty cups from the table that my parents laid down and walking to load them in the dishwasher hidden behind the large kitchen island. My parents look at me with a smile as Carla carries on talking for me "he's also in a relationship with my son and Tyler". Well fuck. If a look could bring me to my knees it would be the one my mother wears on her face right now.

"But.. but" my mother's words have me looking to Violet for an escape now. She just shrugs her damn shoulders walking to my side linking our fingers together. Our hands hung between us like a lead weight on my soul.

Do I even have a soul? I'm sure my parents would think I didn't.

"I'm sorry I don't understand" my mother is the only one to talk. Looked to Carla adverting her gaze from me.

"It's a lot to take in, I know. But they're happy that's all that matter right?".

"I suppose" huh? She supposes?

"Well, I certainly didn't expect that" my father finally overcomes his mutism. Looking between the four of us.

"I thought you were gay. But you like women too?" Is he patronising me or asking a damn question?.

"It's called being bisexual" Tyler states quietly.


"Love, it's called love. Who cares if it's a man or a woman or both? Isn't it just nice to see your children happy and content?" Carla chimes in again washing the side down even though, from this side of the kitchen it didn't even look dirty. If I could kill her I would, I'd slowly fucking torture her for doing this. Especially right now, after they just got home.

"Is it possible to have a few moments alone with our son?" Oh shit.

"Sure. Boys, Violet come on let's make our selfs scarce" I watch them all file out the room one by one as my heart sinks and my stomach rolls with panic that they've let the cat, my sexuality, out of the bag and literally done a runner. Zach being him not so subtly pecks me on the lips before leaving the room. And I can feel the heat spreading on my cheeks.

"Sit down Cal".


"Why haven't you told us before?".

"I didn't accept it until recently".

"How long have you known?".

"Months" that sounds great doesn't it? Only knowing about your sexuality since I've been in a relationship with them so I lie, just a small white one "a while. I don't know mom".

"And the pregnancy?".

"Could be any of ours" I wince as the words leave my mouth. What will she think of Violet? Will she be angry that Violet has the three of us? That she doesn't know exactly who the father is?.

Is it wrong for me to pray that she just fucking accepts it, accepts me? And them. Fuck I want her to accept them.

"Well this is weird isn't it?" My dad tries to make a joke but neither my mom nor I take it. Both staring at each other like deers in headlights. She hates me.

She'll disown me, her only child.

"Weird is an understatement" my mother mutters to him suddenly angry.

"Come on darling, isn't this what you wanted? For him to settle down and have children?".

"I wanted him to get married and have a wife and children".

"Well, he will have a wife of sorts. And a child".

"And two husbands of sorts" she hisses. Fuck and if they see the ring I brought Violet that will only push that thought clearer.

"Mom, I —."

"Where did I go wrong, Callum?" Go wrong?.


"What did I do wrong to have you grow up to be like this?".

"I... don't know" did she bring me up wrong? Is that it? A product of bad parenting. I wouldn't consider Carla a bad parent, not even Liz and they both have sons that are the same as myself.

"Now that isn't fair Lynn. There's nothing wrong with Callum".

"Well from where I'm sat his first relationship is based off of infidelity and eating the forbidden fruit".

"I think it's fair to say that he's more than adult enough to decide on what type of relationship he wants darling. They seem happy enough. I mean look at him, he has life in his eyes for once".

"Because he's fucking two men and girl. I'm not sure you would call that life, I'd call it a forbidden high".

"Maybe you should take a breather and think about it. Shall we take a walk outside, those horses looked lovely" who knew I'd have support in the form of my father? Of all people. Protecting me from my own mother's hurtful words.

"Yes, I think I need some air" I wait until they are walking over the threshold of the room before I speak and even then I only whisper the words.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you mom".