
Perfection Program

You know the deal, getting hit by a truck, dying, being reincarnated into another world. Still that is a superstition, a lot of people killed themselves on the road in the hope of being reincarnated into that other world. In some way, I hope they did get into it. And there is that guy who still lives in highschool, always avoided socializing despite his family's advices. The day of Jérémy's death happened sooner than he had anticipated. A girl broke into his room and killed him, she strangled him to death. That's when Jérémy got reincarnated in another world. The world of Esteria, where he woke up in an forest close to an academy, the Esteria Academy And here in that Academy where plenty of elves and angels study togetjer, he will try his best to socialize and become a man ! Jérémy is here. Let it be the life of his life ! ----------------- Renka is an elf. Here at the academy she studi3d magic in order to improve and defend herself from the monsters. Will she uncover the truth behind the disease or will she become a monster to ? ------------------ Like the other two I was reincarnated but as an elf, I'm bored, let's get it over with. I'm a girl, not a boy. This is the story of us three killed by that same person on the night of october 23rd in 2069 that now live with a system called Perfection Protocol, a system with level up and skills to upgrade.

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The First Day (3)

Edna, Jérémy and Renka were eating the delicious food, they took their time eating it. Renka being an elf had it tastier in her tongue as they were known for being more sensitive to some degrees, she was fond of chicken wings and nuggets, she wanted all of them but Jérémy had most of the nuggets and she didn't want to steal the food since she was a model student unlike Edna. Edna only ate a cheeseburger and drank apple juice, she had childish taste when it came to drinks, her efforts were being rewarded and when all of them took a break from eating half the food, their teacher smiled a bit confused, she was looking at all of them while still fantasizing of having a boyfriend and took this opportunity to talk to Jérémy alone by telling the girls to leave with an hand sign.

- Don't want to.

- If that's important I don't see any problem, replies Renka not doubting anything.

- Where's the bathroom miss ?

- Just leave, both of you. I don't want to get interrupted when I discuss serious matters with the new student. she said serious.

They left the room, she finally had time to breath and eat too some nuggets while standing in front of Jérémy, the new student she had introduced to the 4th division and her objective was to flirt with him a little since she never had an opportunity to do so before because of the disease killing and turning people into monsters.

- So Jérémy, if I wanted to talk to you it was because you are still a new fresh student and you will not have it easy.

He nods, knowing that killing monsters was something serious to protect everyone from dying. Miss Esteria thought that he would guess from the get go what she was trying to do, but he didn't take any hint whatsoever.

- I want you to have se... session with me to help you improve your magic at a faster rate. I didn't teach you the basics before because my students already know about it.

- Hm... he nods.

- "He is so shy... this will never work, but the shyest the cutest. My students will hate me and I'll lose my job if that ever happens, what am I thinking ?" she thought, she shook her head to not worry about it. How old are you ?

- Eighteen. he murmured.

- "Five years difference !? It's great, being with someone younger than me ! I'll seduce him during this crisis !" So you see, everyone has mana inside of them, it's stored in our body ever since birth. We accumulate it over the years and that's what allows us to shoot imaginary arrows.

- Hm. he was rather interested to know more about the world he was now living in.

- Take me for example, pay a close attention.

He obeys and she moves like she was tossing a ball, then she says something the boy wouldn't expect from his teacher.

- Sucre d'orge !

Sugar candies appeared out of nowhere and fell into the palm of her hands, she gave one candy to him.

- You see this candy ? It's good, but it doesn't nourish the body. That's why we have to find food by ourselves.

- Then...

- Then ?

- Nothing.

- "You're dazzling, darling. Dang it ! I mean no, you're just my student." So if you want to improve even faster, you have to say the words loud and clear.

It made him uneasy as he didn't have any confidence in himself and besides he actually couldn't talk that loudly, that's when she raised her voice.

- We're finished here girls, you can come back ! "And don't try to take him away from me."

They enter the room once again and Renka being a good person asked her teacher the question that she wanted to ask.

- Did he try anything funny ?

- Look at him, look at how happy he is to see you guys. she replies forcing him to smile with her hands playing with his cheeks.

- We're girls... she corrects her.

- Don't question our teacher when you just want to have all the glory for yourself.

- It's fine Edna, but don't do it again Renka. You know what happens to bad girls.

- They are expelled I'm aware of that, so why is she still with us with all the rumors about her ?

- We need her, for you to have someone to talk to. "Not the real reason but it will do."

Jérémy goes back to eating real food unlike the candy he was given, he still needed it for improving his starving condition.

- And him ?

- Because you are a boys hater.

- No I'm not ! "It's not like I had slapped anyone in the past few years."

- If something wrong happens, who do you blame ?

- The boys obviously. They are a bad influence, they always have been.

- Get a good look at your two classmates.

She obeys like she always did with her, she never ever thought of disobeying her teacher even if she was that young, when she saw Jérémy eat nuggets she hurried to get some for her and pushed him away in her imagination, and when she saw Edna, the only thing she felt was hate and she turned back to stare at her teacher while faking a smile.

- Edna is a boy.

The teacher slaps herself as she saw the stupidity of Renka, yes, if one word could describe her best was how stupid she was.

- You just had to celebrate and you are ruining the moment.

- I'm a good girl I swear !

- Since you have been here for two years, you will have to spend the week with them.

- What if they split ?

- Split yourself.

- But how do I cut myself in half ?

- "This is even worse than before, why does this girl become dumber as time goes ? Edna on the contrary isn't dumb at all and she has been through a lot..." You don't, you will have to keep them on check when working.

- Huh miss, you have a weird behavior. Did you actually do anything funny to Jérémy ?

- Huhuh, do you think I blackmailed him ?

- I have another question, be honest with me. Did you ever had a boyfriend ? "She wonder.

- No, what do you want exactly ?

- Oh, nothing really. Just making sure you won't be doing anything dirty with him. You know what happens to bad teachers.

- "She knows ? Dang it ! I'm the one being blackmailed." You have no proof and therefore should take a disciplinary lesson.

- What are you talking about ? asked Renka curious.

Edna approached her teacher and talked in a low pitched voice.

- I will not tell anyone about what you did under one condition.

- I didn't do anything but learn him the basics, a student shouldn't think a teacher has a suspicious behavior for talking in private.

- Too bad for you he isn't interested. And if it was to be learned... you'd be expelled. she smiles. So here's the deal, tell me more about the Perfection Program.

- What are you talking about ?

- "She isn't aware of it's existence ?" A daydream I had today. I have a better one, stop your project.

- If my superiors allow me to. Be a good "dog" student and obey my every order. I could get you expelled for harassing me, I order you to leave.

Edna left the room, Jérémy was lying on the bed being full just the elf, it made miss Esteria worry about the future, she had been forming many groups and students died to the disease two years ago and she didn't want to go through that again, she gave a look at her two students and remembered the pain it had caused her and other teachers from the three other divisions.

- You all sleep in Edna's chamber. Leave my room now !

They both go out of bed and leave with the remaining nuggets and chicken wings, the blue haired young woman smelled her bed and put on a nap to sleep and think of everything that she lost until now, she was the oldest person on this academy and thought of that Perfection Program Edna mentioned, she couldn't understand what it meant, she never heard of such a thing before and so she couldn't sleep that night.

Meanwhile, the group of three had to sleep on the same bed, if Edna allowed Renka to sleep on it, she didn't want any trace of Renka on her bed.

- He sleeps with me on the bed, you get confortable on the floor.

- Why is that !?

- My room, my rules.

- You can't sleep with a boy, that's indecent !

- I am a boy, you said it yourself. Would you rather sleep outside like the dog you are ? Say woof woof and you can stay in my room.

- Woof woof... "Outside is too cold and I have to go through this humiliation."

- Very good.

The boy didn't like her attitude but he had to deal with it and could sleep well, he guessed that he was returned the favor of agreeing with her in the classroom and that's why he was able to have such a good night sleep like her, there was no pyjamas for him and Renka was suffering on the floor, she fell asleep while thinking of all the horrible things they would do to her, she didn't sleep well this night.