
Perfection Program

You know the deal, getting hit by a truck, dying, being reincarnated into another world. Still that is a superstition, a lot of people killed themselves on the road in the hope of being reincarnated into that other world. In some way, I hope they did get into it. And there is that guy who still lives in highschool, always avoided socializing despite his family's advices. The day of Jérémy's death happened sooner than he had anticipated. A girl broke into his room and killed him, she strangled him to death. That's when Jérémy got reincarnated in another world. The world of Esteria, where he woke up in an forest close to an academy, the Esteria Academy And here in that Academy where plenty of elves and angels study togetjer, he will try his best to socialize and become a man ! Jérémy is here. Let it be the life of his life ! ----------------- Renka is an elf. Here at the academy she studi3d magic in order to improve and defend herself from the monsters. Will she uncover the truth behind the disease or will she become a monster to ? ------------------ Like the other two I was reincarnated but as an elf, I'm bored, let's get it over with. I'm a girl, not a boy. This is the story of us three killed by that same person on the night of october 23rd in 2069 that now live with a system called Perfection Protocol, a system with level up and skills to upgrade.

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The First Day (2)

The blond elf was still on her guard duty, making sure no one crosses the line like the boy that disrespected her, he meant no harm to her.

She thought about how crazy it was to see a boy on that lonely academy mostly having girls for a while, in some way it relieved her to know that they were still survivors.

She, like the boy was part of the Perfection Protocol, a system that gives skills and stats to defeat monsters from the disease, unlike him she didn't have a mirror to open her menu, she had to use her mind to control it.

- Ever since I'm here I didn't ever LVL up, there was no mobs to kill. No nothing. I was saved by the director before I was about to die. she thought.

The elf was grateful for that and she easily accepted to go into her academy one month ago. Six years have passed since her death on the 23rd of October 2069, her classmate killed her because she didn't believe in other worlds. And as of now, she was in one of them, she had become an elf that lost her past life's memory. One day, a voice echoed in her head, it was the Perfection Program, she still didn't understand anything about all of this.

She made up her mind on that weird phenomena and decided to call it a day, every day, she wanted to get revenge on the young fella for trespassing without being allowed to enter and because of that, her classmates thought she slacked off.

- I'll get my revenge.

Today, there was also an announcement when she was on her class, the 4th division composed of 8 girls including herself and 5 boys, she was sitting on her chair being a model student and the director entered with a little surprise that made her stand up from her chair and gazing at the young man, that same one who ruined her day.

"Today I'd like to introduce you to your new comrade, say welcome to Jérémy."

"Welcome." All the students say respectfully.

Jérémy goes where he can as there are no places left but that one, he sit next to that same elf that he left speechless and made her sit, Miss Esteria then started her pitch.

"As you all know, this academy was made to ensure us a future. And in order to do so, you will need to share rooms with the opposite sex. Of course none of you is allowed to do dirty things behind my back as it is a violation to the rules."

"And what next ?" asked students.

"The disease spread wide all around the world, I want you to become friends so that you'll be wary of their needs and improve on your skills. I've already decided on the groups."

"Miss Esteria ! Could I stay alone ?" asks the model student.

"Not even in your dreams, you have to cooperate with others. Here's the first group, You, Jérémy and Edna.

The guys said "lucky bastard" when they saw him, he really didn't care as long as he could get a good night sleep, he wasn't interested in girls because he knew deep down inside his heart that it wouldn't work for him, that it would be a waste of time and he had many more things to do of his life.

"Edna, go sit next to these two."

"Order received, proceeding."

She jumps from table to table and sit next to the boy on the right since it was the only chair left.

"We will overcome any obstacles ! Today, all you have to do is talk to each other.

While the other groups had a long chat, those three weren't even saying a word, the blond would have been too embarrassed to be ignored by them like she knew she was talking to a wall, Jérémy just couldn't find anything to say and Edna was daydreaming.

"LVL2 Slimes detected near this place."

The young man with short black hair checked the classroom with his eyes but the slimes weren't here, he seemed to stare at the elf but was in fact looking at the window on her left where he could see the mobs jumping on purpose to be seen.

- What ? Did I offend you ?

He nods.

She took the hint and looked outside the window, that's when she saw a group of 5 LVL 2 slimes, she raised her hand.

- I saw monsters down there, can I go ?

- Go with your group.

Jérémy goes out of the classroom while the other girl just woke up from her daydream, she left the classroom with her elf classmate and they went where the slime were.

- We should let them be, suggested the grey haired girl.

The tallest of the group decided to attack the slimes with her skill [Water Droplets] that makes the slimes wet and using [Scan] at the same time, the informations about them were the same with the [Wet] status added.

Jérémy helped too against these cute blue creatures, at least that's what the shortest person of their group would think. He used the skill [Arrow Rain] for the first time and lost half his mana, a ressource that regenerates over time and he helped killing the mobs faster and the xp they gain is the same.



[LVL3 + 10 bonus points]

Intelligence : 10 -> 15

Agility : 10

Dexterity : 10

Strength : 10

Mana : 10 -> 15

Charm : 0

Luck : 10

He thought that these two stats are the one to focus on since he wants to make the skill [Scan] more effective and the fact that he wants to spam skills that require mana.


[LVL2 + 10 bonus points]

Intelligence : 10

Agility : 10

Dexterity : 10

Strength : 10 -> 15

Mana : 20

Charm : 0 -> 5

Luck : 0

She randomly put 5 points on charm, maybe it will prove helpful for the future, she upgraded strength because she doesn't want to be bullied even if she is the class model student that her classmates hates and also to discipline others.

- Hey Edna, stop slacking off. We have to be friendly to each other.

- Don't want to.

- You have to ! And you Jérémy, the first time we met you totally ignored me ! she claims.

- S-sorry. he muttered in a low pitched voice, scratching his hair.

This group was definitely the worst they could possibly have at the academy, none of them had a slight envy to be friends with each other, it was discouraging, especially for the elf who didn't tell her name to them.

- I'm Edna, everyone at school loves me.

- That's a lie and you know it.

- Pwah ! Imagine being with the futur class president. In other words, lame.

- In other words, I'll report you for bad misconduct.

- Hey Johnny, do you agree with me that she is lame ?

He nods, not caring about what they were arguing about, what mattered to him was to reach the max level he could possibly attain, his mirror in hand, the elf doesn't like where this is going.

- And I thought you were redeemable ! Why is my luck so bad ?

[Luck 0 : Missfortune awaits you]

Even the system made fun of her.

She was about to cry but didn't, after all she wasn't friend with her two bullies and didn't want to show signs of weakness.

- I forgot to introduce myself... Okay, so my name is Renka and I'm really happy to have you on the team. she laughs, not thinking it one bit.

- What test are we about to pass ?

- Miss Esteria will test us with a game of hide and seek, the group that wins will get to choose their accessories.

- Useless, winning is pointless.

- Losers have to do 300 squats.

- Nothing serious.

Renka was irritated by Edna's attitude, she wished she would stop being such a disrespectful girl towards her, they left the place, going back to class at their sits.

- Here are the common monsters you will meet close to the academy.

Slimes of different colors, Snakes, Spiders were written on the board behind their teacher and director.

- Could any of you tell me the weakness of each of them ?

- Useless, why are we learning worthless stuff instead of facing the danger head on ?

- Because we're not savages Edna.

- She is right, agrees a boy.

- We are just wasting time, school has always been a waste of time ! Everyone who agrees with me will have a chance to be my friend. And screw the others. Just raise your hands up like a shake up !

All the boys in the classroom agreed to Edna and raised their hands, Renka was murmuring something, most likely a curse to hurt Edna's newly found reputation with the boys.

- There is no point in killing monsters without knowing their weakness. I want you all to understand, our life is on the line, one mistake on your part will cost your lives.

- The boys loves me, are you jealous now Renka ?

- Waw I'm so jealous. she didn't think it at all, it was ironic.

- I'll reward the winning group in due time with the greatest food if one of you wins the hide and seek game. I've prepared with all the other teachers, it will be inside the academy's building. I will be the one searching for you, now I'm counting.

She closed her eyes her body next to the board, all of the class left except for the worst group, Jérémy had his eyes on her teacher's big butt, not that he wanted to look at it but because it was natural for him and he hated it since he was called a creep in middle school because of it, he didn't hate the sight he had at the moment because it helped him concentrate.

Renka took him out of the room as miss Esteria counted from 1 to 37 and then started her search in the academy, she wanted desperately to have a secret relation with a student because it was something no one else ever thought of before on that beautiful world of Esetoria.

- I'll find you all I promise.

Somewhere else, the group of three managed to hide in another classroom, they closed the door and searched for a good spot to hide on.

- Jérémy, stop looking at our teacher's butt next time. Don't you want to eat some good food ?

He nodded, he was starving and his stomach couldn't agree more with the elf.

Edna didn't care about winning, she was doing push-ups inside the room.

Both Jérémy and Renka used the skill [Scan] on her but all they've got were misleading informations, it was weird for Renka to see that her classmate had that kind of secret and it made realize Jérémy that she was reincarnated too.



Class : ???

Race : ???

Intelligence : ???

Agility : ???

Dexterity : ???

Strength : ???

Mana : ???

Charm : ???

Luck : ???

Edna kept at doing push-ups for over five minutes, more than enough time for their teacher to show up, in the mean time Jérémy and Renka hid themselves inside the only placard at the end of the room.

Noises of footsteps reached their ears, many of them, which meant she already had captured students that had to follow her, she carefully opened the door, she saw no one inside the classroom and checked everywhere she could before walking to the placard were the two students were hiding.

They had a hard time breathing with such little room for air, the young elf lowered her voice and talked to the guy next to her.

- We need to win no matter what. You will bait them.

He doesn't agree with that plan.

She tries to think of another solution.

- Do you have a better plan ?

- No.

- Great, then we'll go with my plan.

- No.

- Edna had time to hide, don't do any noise and make sure they don't see me. I will cover for you if miss Esteria finds me first.

Jérémy notices that the placard was stuck to the wall, by accident he had fallen and ended up in another classroom, the wall became a big hole, Renka followed him and put the wall back in place so they didn't notice anything when opening the placard.

- I can finally breath.

He stared at her chest, it wasn't on purpose but whenever he looked around the place his eyes still came back at the same spot, he was thinking of how his previous life's classmate killed him and felt pain on his chest, a betrayal he never expected and what's worst is that he thought she was a nice girl.

Renka didn't think like that when she saw him stare at her chest, she walked past him so he couldn't watch her.

5 minutes later the same day, everyone was found except for them since the teacher had already checked this room once and didn't think anyone would change spots, Edna was found doing push-ups under a teacher's desk, the reason she started doing them was because of a lack of confidence in her ability to take down monsters and since her group won with only Jérémy and Renka remaining, they could join the teacher that same night in her bedroom where lied all the dishes she promised.