
Perfection Program

You know the deal, getting hit by a truck, dying, being reincarnated into another world. Still that is a superstition, a lot of people killed themselves on the road in the hope of being reincarnated into that other world. In some way, I hope they did get into it. And there is that guy who still lives in highschool, always avoided socializing despite his family's advices. The day of Jérémy's death happened sooner than he had anticipated. A girl broke into his room and killed him, she strangled him to death. That's when Jérémy got reincarnated in another world. The world of Esteria, where he woke up in an forest close to an academy, the Esteria Academy And here in that Academy where plenty of elves and angels study togetjer, he will try his best to socialize and become a man ! Jérémy is here. Let it be the life of his life ! ----------------- Renka is an elf. Here at the academy she studi3d magic in order to improve and defend herself from the monsters. Will she uncover the truth behind the disease or will she become a monster to ? ------------------ Like the other two I was reincarnated but as an elf, I'm bored, let's get it over with. I'm a girl, not a boy. This is the story of us three killed by that same person on the night of october 23rd in 2069 that now live with a system called Perfection Protocol, a system with level up and skills to upgrade.

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Second Day (1)

At night, 6 o'clock of the morning is when all of them woke up, sleeping didn't give any extra stats but rather made their mana bar go back to full. All of the winners from the hide and seek game were reincarnated, only Jérémy knew and he didn't like that, they were either strangers from his past's life class or strangers he never came across, he woke up first and could see a glimpse of the cute sleeping face of Edna but all he wanted was to improve and reach LVL10 as fast as possible, he took his mirror and used it.

"Why is she hacked ? Or maybe there is an option to hide everything."

The grey haired girl woke up, her eyes still closed as she tried to nap again.

- I'm so ready to mess with the teacher.

- Err...

- I think I've been too kind with you Jérémy. Say waf waf if you want to stay longer on my room.

He doesn't say anything.

- I'll have to punish you for it. Ep nope, I'm just messing with you. It's so early in the morning and I can't move at all. I will let you do anything to her.

He went out of the bed and poked Renka's nose, she was blushing and laughing, he thought it was funny to do that since she kept doing these cute sleeping noises.

"She is still sleeping... If I do it the right way, will she wake up ? I want to help her and treat her like a normal person."

He kept playing with her nose, he soon grew bored of it and didn't try anything else, waiting for her to wake up, but impatient as he was he left the room without warning and it got him to be caught by his teacher.

- Jérémy you aren't supposed to be here. Go back to Edna's room.

He doesn't want to, he runs away from her and she runs after him, they run through the dormitory of the academy, through outside the academy and even outside of the city, miss Esteria shouted words that blocked his way.

- Firewall ! Don't do anything reckless. The spiders and snakes are most dangerous at night. Let me "spend time with" help you.

He nodded respectfully and they entered the forest together, she held his hand to make sure he wouldn't be able to leave and looked at the mirror in his hand.

"Perfection Program... What ?" she looked at it carefully without him noticing and checked left and right with her own eyes.

- Where did you plan to go exactly ? The apocalypse is still there and you are careless.

He didn't say anything, he didn't answer in any way, she was intrigued by that, she had seen the stats of her student and thought of how weird it was, no one else had this before and she didn't find any mirror like this one.

Spiders were on their way, Jérémy used the skill [Scan], miss Esteria prepared herself for battle.

[LVL 5 Spiders x4]

[HP : 200/200]

The spiders were fast enough to create a big web in only few seconds, they tossed web cocoon on them both targeting their mouth.

Jérémy couldn't dodge in time, the teacher couldn't react, she was removing the web from her mouth and throwed it away.

Jérémy saw that the spiders were all together and he used the skill [Arrow Rain] that made a rain of arrow fall on them and he lost 5 Mana.

[LVL5 Spiders x4]

[HP : 150/200]

"The damage is so low... is that because of our level's difference or do they have resistance to physical attacks ?" he asked himself.

- Don't worry, I'm here with you. "That's how I should confort him as teacher ?"

- I'm fine.

He saw them doing the same pattern and had time to dodge this time, she also dodged and kept him on check, not wanting to interrupt him.

"Arrow rain rocks against them. I will be out of mana before they die with only Thunderbolt as a skill left."

He gazed at his teacher for a second, he used [Rain Arrow] twice on his opponents and making him out of mana, the spiders weren't smart and took 10 more damage added to the previous arrow rain and the last one.

His teacher claps when she saw he was out of mana to use, she had been in this situation before and she was used to not rely on it at all.

[LVL5 Spiders x4]

[HP : 20/200]

The directress screamed her words.

- Death Sentence.

The spiders died due to this deadly attack, a scythe appeared and slashed them multiple times.


[LVL 6]

[+ 60 bonus points]

Intelligence : 15

Agility : 10

Dexterity : 10

Strength : 10

Mana : 15

Charm : 0

Luck : 10

"I want enough mana to cast my abilities very often and also in the case of an ability that costs an astronomical amount of mana."

"Should I upgrade the charm stat ? What can that even be used for ? Trading with benefits ? And there is no shop around here."

Intelligence : 15 -> 20

Agility : 10 -> 15

Dexterity : 10 -> 15

Strength : 10 -> 15

Mana : 15 -> 50

Charm : 0

Luck : 10 > 15

"Perfect ! What will it be now ?"

♧Success : You reached LVL5♤

[+5 bonus points]

Mana : 50 -> 55

Miss Esteria stops him from going further and bring him back by force to his room otherwise she would have been responsible for his death.

At the entrance of the city, Esteria had to give a lesson to Jérémy and she did.

- Don't do that again. There are rules that you have to follow.

- Hm.

- Do you understand ? If it wasn't for me, you would have died to these spiders. Is that what you want ?

- No.

- Then obey my every order when you're under my guidance. Just to make sure, I'll confiscate you this mirror.

- No...

- Give me the mirror, now !

He obeyed, she was a teacher who may have saved his life or maybe she was just trying to be cool in front of her student.

She took the mirror without any problem and checked what was on it, everything she saw was his name, age and race.

- And don't forget to not do anything dirty behind my back I want this academy to work and help you survive the dangers from outside this Merrypumpkin Island.

Merrympumkin Island is the place they lived in for a very long while, Jérémy attempted to get his mirror back but she used her tallness and he couldn't reach it.

- I need it.

- "Should I play dumb or ask him directly what this is ? I should think of it as an artifact that helps him." Use it to reflect on your mistakes.

She gave the mirror back and he left with it, he finally used his skill [Scan] on the mirror and learned more than he expected from it.

[Intelligence : Makes you smarter than average, giving you the ability to understand every language]

[Agility : Ability to dodge, evade fights and attack faster than your opponents]

[Dexterity : Useful for holding weapons with style, gives you an easier time opening doors.]

[Strength : Power to hold incredibly heavy weapons with each 50 points, also gives you muscle memory.]

[Mana : Ability to use magic more often, every 100 points unlocks a new power. Every 500 points gives a passive talent.]

[Charm : Totally useless unless you wish for dangerous life. Increases your beauty for others of the opposite sex, they like you a little bit more everytime. 1000 points to unlock Cupidon's Arrow.]

[Luck : More chances of dropping loots and rare loots on monsters, chest gives more loots, helps to win gamble games.]

"That system is really badly designed. Whoever made it is... if someone actually made it."

He was back on Edna's room and slept on the bed. That time when he slept, she took over and left the room alone, she was seen by a boy wearing sunglasses and the school uniform, he was taller than Edna and had long blond hair and looked feminine.

- Hello Edna ! I wasn't expecting you to wake up so early.

- Get over it. What do you want ? Pictures, drawings or help ?

- I can't find my group anywhere.

- They ditched you, because you are not a girl.

- They would never do that, we've been friends for weeks ! Why would they do that ?

- Your group was Aozora something and Charlotte something ?

- Yes ! They weren't here when I woke up.

- My guess is that you're overreacting and they are just enjoying their meal without you because they wanted to let you sleep.

- Really ? Thank you !

- You're a nice guy, don't be happy about it. Everyone else aside from me, the teachers and your buddies knows you're a guy.

- How do you know ? And most importantly, what are you planning to do this early in the morning ?

- I want to play a prank on someone that is dear to me.

- Can I help you ?

- No, you're in the way. But go ahead and play a prank on the new student, do everything in your power to seem like a girl and try to seduce him. If it works I think I will start being more serious with my assets.