
Percy Jackson: The Son of Dreams and Illusion

As you listen to my voice, allow yourself to relax and drift into a state of deep relaxation. Let go of all your worries and concerns, and allow your mind to focus solely on the sound of my voice. Imagine yourself standing in a vast, open space, surrounded by a swirling mist that shrouds everything in a hazy, dreamlike quality. You feel a sense of peace and calm wash over you, as if all your troubles have been left behind. In the distance, you see a figure approaching, a tall and regal figure with a bearing that commands respect. This is your father, the powerful god of dreams and illusion, and he has a message for you. "Listen to me, my child," he says in a voice that is both commanding and soothing. "You are a powerful being, with the ability to shape reality with your mind. You possess the gift of illusion, and with it, you can bend the world to your will." "As the son of a god, you are destined for greatness," he continues. "You have the power to overcome any obstacle, to triumph over any adversary. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and embrace the full extent of your powers." Feel a surge of energy and confidence flowing through your body, as your father's words fill you with a sense of purpose and determination. You know that you are capable of anything, that no challenge is too great for you to overcome. As the mist begins to clear, you find yourself back in the real world, but with a newfound sense of clarity and focus. You feel invigorated and inspired, ready to take on whatever challenges may come your way. Remember this feeling, and carry it with you always. You are the son of a powerful god, and you are destined for greatness.

Cheon_Yeowon · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4 Deadly Field Trip.

Chapter 4 A deadly field trip.

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows of the dormitory. His mind was still reeling from the strange encounter with Mrs. Dodds the night before. He decided to let the thought of it remain on the back of his mind and just decided to prepare the things he needed for the fieldtrip.

But first things first, he needed to find some clothes. He didn't have anything to prepare for the day ahead, not even a change of clothes. However, he remembered seeing a store of clothing during his first arrival in the city. So, he quickly decided to pay it a visit.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he called out to his friends, Percy and Grover.

"Okay, Jake, just don't take too long," replied Grover.

Once he was in the bathroom, Jake summoned his divine power to create a mist within his palms. He slowly inserted his hands into the swirling haze, and with a flick of his wrist, a bag full of clothes materialized in his hands.

Some might call it stealing, but Jake didn't care it was simply too trivial to give some thoughts.

With new cloths in bag, he got out of the bathroom, Grover questioned him where th clothes came from but he just cast another spell at the latter to forget it.

Soon they ride on the bus and they arrived at the museum.

'That woman, she's always eyeing Percy.' Jake thought as he looked at Mrs. Dodds who have been suspiciously eyeing Percy. The Museum trip was as boring as it could be, the only thing keeping it in place is the presence of Mr. Brunner, both Percy and Grover however was having a more interesting scene.

Nancy Bobofit who seems to be the eternal bully of Percy in Yancy somehow got herself yanked into the fountain. Though there was no evidence that Percy was the one who did it but she still blamed the latter screaming "Percy pushed me!"

But… the rest of the students got eyes.

"Did you see it?"

"The water-"

"Like it grabbed her-"

Mrs Dodds came running towards Nancy Bobofit making sure that she was alright, clearly Mrs Dodds have some bias, when it comes to Percy she would always punish him for the simplest reason with a smile but when it comes to another student she was as kind as an angel.

"Now honey-" She approached Percy and said.

"I know-"

"A month erasing workbooks?" But it seems that Percy's prediction came wrong.

"Come with me dear." Coldly spoke by Mrs Dodds, Grover tried to shift the blame to him to protect his friend but Mrs Dodds kept him to his place. While this was happening Jake stood there in the sideline remaining impassive at what was happening.

When Mrs Dodds and Percy got inside the Museum, Jake hid himself using his divine power and snuck right behind them, unnoticed.

Soon they reached the Museum, there was no more people inside except for the three of them, the Greek and roman section became as lonely as it could be as only the glass gallery remained.

And as both of them remained in the empty museum, Mrs Dodds let out a growl, a weird noise that alerted Percy. But his train of thoughts was cut off when Mrs Dodds finally let out a word.

"You've been giving us problems, honey," she said.

"Yes, ma'am." replied meekly by Percy.

She tugged on the cuffs of her leather jacket. "Did you really think you

would get away with it?"

The look in her eyes was beyond mad. It was evil.

"I'll-I'll try harder, ma'am."at those words, Percy began to tremble in nervousness.

"We are not fools, Percy Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said. "It was only a

matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain."

Percy was so confused, he did know what she was talking about, maybe she found out his illegal business of selling candy or his plagiarism on one of their homework.

"Ma'am, I don't..."

"Your time is up," she hissed.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Her eyes began to glow like barbecue coals.

Her fingers stretched, turning into talons. Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings. She wasn't human.

She was a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice Percy to ribbons.

Then things got even stranger.

Mr. Brunner, who'd been out in front of the museum a minute before, wheeled his chair into the doorway of the gallery, holding a pen in his hand.

Mr. Brunner threw the pen on his hands towards Percy. The creature that was Mrs. Dodds lunged at Percy but the latter managed to dodge, after his dodge the pen landed on his hands which weirdly was not a pen anymore but a sword.

Mrs Dodds once again pounded on Percy but this time she was met with a slash by the bronze sword.

When she was slashed she literally disentigrated into dust, leaving nothing behind but a confused Percy Jackson.

While all of that intense confrontation unfolded, Jake who was spectating them did nothing, he just stood there hidden within the veil of his divine power unnoticed and undetected.

After that Jake felt a strange movement within the power of the mist, it seems that the mist activated itself.

He left the confused Percy and came out of the musuem, no one noticed that he was gone for a second, in their persoective he was here for the whole time.

Once Percy came out of the museum, Mrs Dodds existence completely dissapeared. The moment he came out he was greeted by Nancy Bobofit's annoying voice.

"I hope Mrs Kerr whipped your butt." She said.

"What? Who?"

"Our teacher. Duh!" Mrs. Dodds existence literally disappeared both figuratively and physically, replace by her was Mrs Kerr.

He thought that the entire class was making a fool of him but when he asked Grover the latter showed some split second reaction which reaffirmed him that something truly happened. He also asked the same of Jake but as always Jake remained as impassive as one could.

He was confused; very so, he also tried to asked Mr. Brunner but as just the same with everybody he denied the existence of the so called Mrs. Dodds.


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