
Percy Jackson: The Son of Dreams and Illusion

As you listen to my voice, allow yourself to relax and drift into a state of deep relaxation. Let go of all your worries and concerns, and allow your mind to focus solely on the sound of my voice. Imagine yourself standing in a vast, open space, surrounded by a swirling mist that shrouds everything in a hazy, dreamlike quality. You feel a sense of peace and calm wash over you, as if all your troubles have been left behind. In the distance, you see a figure approaching, a tall and regal figure with a bearing that commands respect. This is your father, the powerful god of dreams and illusion, and he has a message for you. "Listen to me, my child," he says in a voice that is both commanding and soothing. "You are a powerful being, with the ability to shape reality with your mind. You possess the gift of illusion, and with it, you can bend the world to your will." "As the son of a god, you are destined for greatness," he continues. "You have the power to overcome any obstacle, to triumph over any adversary. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and embrace the full extent of your powers." Feel a surge of energy and confidence flowing through your body, as your father's words fill you with a sense of purpose and determination. You know that you are capable of anything, that no challenge is too great for you to overcome. As the mist begins to clear, you find yourself back in the real world, but with a newfound sense of clarity and focus. You feel invigorated and inspired, ready to take on whatever challenges may come your way. Remember this feeling, and carry it with you always. You are the son of a powerful god, and you are destined for greatness.

Cheon_Yeowon · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 Ditched

Chapter 5 Ditched.

'Now this is concerning. This monster may alert Hades of my presence.'

Jake was walking down the hallway of the academy when he suddenly had a concerning thought. He realized that if the Kindly Ones were to detect his presence, they may alert Hades.

'But then again, I can make it so that the Kindly One's didn't see me.'

However, he also knew that he had the power to make himself invisible to them. Jake had a special ability, inherited from his father Pathos, that allowed him to hide his presence and keep secrets better than anyone else.

Pathos was a feared being for many reasons, but one of his most notable abilities was his power over dreams and illusions. While most Gods thought of themselves as invincible due to their immortality, Pathos had the ability to put them to sleep forever. This would cause them to experience their worst nightmares repeatedly for anywhere from a hundred to a thousand years or even eternity. It was this power that made Pathos a force to be reckoned with and kept others in fear of him.

Despite the potential danger, Jake was confident in his ability to hide from the Kindly Ones and keep his presence a secret. With his father's powerful abilities and his own determination, he knew he could handle any challenge that came his way.


As summer approached, the time for them to go to the Camp came. He had been looking forward to this moment for a while, he was getting kinda bored of with the classes and lessons in the academy, this just further solidifies the statement that even if you are mortal or a God school is still boring as hell.

Meanwhile, Percy was busy stuffing his clothes into his bags while Grover looked on with concern.

Percy noticed Grover's worried expression and asked him what was wrong. Grover hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up, "I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."

Percy tried to reassure Grover that everything was going to be fine, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Despite this, he continued packing his bags and soon enough they were all ready to go. They boarded the bus and settled in for the ride. Percy and Grover chatted away while Jake remained stoic as usual.

Suddenly, the bus came to a screeching halt with a loud grinding noise. Black smoke billowed out from the engine and the driver told everyone to get off the bus while he worked on fixing it. As they waited by the side of the road, a pungent smell of rotten eggs filled the air.

Percy and Jake looked around and spotted a fruit stall across the road where three old ladies were knitting a giant sock on a rocking chair.

Jake recognized them as the Fates and quickly whispered to himself, "I hope they don't notice me." Even though the Fates couldn't directly interfere with him, he still didn't want anyone to know his secret identity. Percy and Jake watched as the Fates cut the yarn they were holding in front of them.

Percy felt a chill run down his spine as he realized the significance of the gesture. Cutting the yarn meant that someone close to him was going to die. He didn't know who it was going to be or why, but he couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. He tried to push the thought out of his mind and focus on the journey ahead, but the memory of the Fates lingered in the back of his mind.

As they continued on their journey towards Camp, Percy couldn't help but wonder who was going to be the unfortunate victim of the Fates' prophecy.

The bus was soon fixed and they boarded, Percy was still thinking about the yarn-cutting thing, but if we are talking about someone who was worried then it was Grover that looks the most.



"What are you not telling me?"

He dabbed his forehead with his shirt sleeves. "Percy, what did you see back at the fruit stand?" Grover asked seriously.

"You mean the old ladies? What is it about them, man? They're not like... Mrs Dodds are they?"

"Just tell me what you saw."

"The middle one took a scissor and cut the yarn." At those words Grover paled and made gesture to himself.

"You saw her snip the cord?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"By Zeus! Please let this be a dream!" At the word "Dream" Jake's ear perked up.

'Heh, you know I could make you so.' He thought for a moment whilst chuckling in his mind.

Grover then explained what was the meaning of the yarn-cutting, at his explanation Percy paled more than he ever could, logically he thinks that Grover was bullshitting him but a part of him says that Grover was telling the truth.


Grover started freaking Percy out as soon as he told him about that. Grover started murmurring here and there about something that happened in sixth grade.

It completely freaked Percy out, on the other hand Jake was remaining stoic about the whole thing.

As soon as they reached the bus station, Percyetched Grover and Jake.

"God damn it Percy left us!" Grover said as he stomped his foot on the ground.

"Bleh- heh- heh!" He released this strange noise that very much sounded like a goats bellow

"Jake we should find Percy immediately! He is in danger!" At Grover's panicked voice Jake only nodded.

"Boy you truly are stoic as ever." Grover said at Jake's lack of reaction.

"It's just the way I am."

"Do you know where Percy lives?" Jake asked with monotone.

"I-i don't but, this may sound weird but I-i can trace him by smell."

"Ah okay." 'Satyr perks I guess.'

"Can't you show a little bit of more reaction, seriously I'm starting to think none of this is serious at all to you."

"As I told you this is just the way I am."

"And by the way, I already know that you are a Satyr so this doesn't come to shock me anymore." At Jake's word, Grover became stiff in shock.

"W-w-what d-d-do you mean by that?!" He stutteringly said.

"You don't have to worry anymore, I've known it for a long time."

"But how!?"

"Well you see I am also like Percy, A Demigod."


"Don't be shock."

"Now let's stop asking question and start moving, Percy may be in danger." Actually Jake have little to no concern on Percy's safety, he is just playing along to his "Friend." act.

"Ah right!"