
Percy Jackson: The Son of Dreams and Illusion

As you listen to my voice, allow yourself to relax and drift into a state of deep relaxation. Let go of all your worries and concerns, and allow your mind to focus solely on the sound of my voice. Imagine yourself standing in a vast, open space, surrounded by a swirling mist that shrouds everything in a hazy, dreamlike quality. You feel a sense of peace and calm wash over you, as if all your troubles have been left behind. In the distance, you see a figure approaching, a tall and regal figure with a bearing that commands respect. This is your father, the powerful god of dreams and illusion, and he has a message for you. "Listen to me, my child," he says in a voice that is both commanding and soothing. "You are a powerful being, with the ability to shape reality with your mind. You possess the gift of illusion, and with it, you can bend the world to your will." "As the son of a god, you are destined for greatness," he continues. "You have the power to overcome any obstacle, to triumph over any adversary. All you need to do is believe in yourself, and embrace the full extent of your powers." Feel a surge of energy and confidence flowing through your body, as your father's words fill you with a sense of purpose and determination. You know that you are capable of anything, that no challenge is too great for you to overcome. As the mist begins to clear, you find yourself back in the real world, but with a newfound sense of clarity and focus. You feel invigorated and inspired, ready to take on whatever challenges may come your way. Remember this feeling, and carry it with you always. You are the son of a powerful god, and you are destined for greatness.

Cheon_Yeowon · Book&Literature
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 Yancy Academy.

Chapter 3. Yancy Academy.

The young demigod made his way through the busy streets of the city, his eyes scanning the buildings for any signs of a school. After several minutes of walking, he spotted a large, imposing structure looming in the distance.

It was Yancy Academy. As he approached the school, he could feel a strange energy emanating from within. It was as if there were several supernatural beings present within the school grounds. He knew that this was the right place to find a Satyr to guide him to Camp Half-Blood. He took a shallow breath and stepped onto the school grounds.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he unleashed his divine power.

Black and violet mist billowed out from his hands, quickly spreading and covering the entire school grounds. The mist was so thick that no one could see through it, and soon the whole school was under his illusion.

He then began to create false memories of himself attending the school. Removing memory using mist is not that hard considering how powerful the mist that the gods implemented is but if we are talking about creating a memory that didn't exist in the first place, then it would not be a fair comparison. He imbued these memories with his divine energy and then sent them out to every single person within the school grounds. They all believed that he was a student at the school, just like them.

The process was quick that it didn't even last a minute, when he was done, he knew that his disguise was foolproof. He looked just like any other student at Yancy Academy, and no one would suspect him of being a demigod on a mission.

With his disguise firmly in place, the young demigod began to search the school grounds for any signs of a Satyr. As he walked through the halls of the school, He was one step closer to finding his guide to Camp Half-Blood.


Jake strolled around the campus, taking in the hustle and bustle of the students. One of them approached him, a stranger, and greeted him like an old friend.

"Jake my man!" He high fives the latter and patted him on his shoulder.

"How's your weekend?" the student asked with a warm smile.

"Just the usual," Jake replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

"So you going to Chemistry or Latin class?"


"Oh nice, I'm going to chemistry, I heard Mr.White will be teaching."

The two exchange a few more words before the student noticed the time.

"By the way I gotta go Jake, class is about to start, you should hurry too."

The student then asked if Jake was heading to Latin class, to which he nodded before the former bid him farewell and went on his way.

Their conversation was as natural as if they truly knew each other, but little did the student know, he was made to believed that both of them truly knew each other.

As he wandered around, Jake finally stumbled upon the elusive Latin class. But what he found inside was not what he expected.

The teacher was a man in a wheelchair named Mr. Brunner, with a scruffy beard, bushy eyebrows, and a friendly demeanor. He appeared to be just an ordinary human, but Jake sensed something supernatural about him.

"What are standing there for Mr. Warren? get inside class is about to start."

Mr. Brunner welcomed him inside, asking him to take a seat as class was about to begin. As Jake sat down next to a black-haired, green-eyed boy, he felt a familiar presence emanating from him, similar to the three mythical gods or Big Three as the Olympians called them, that his father showed in his dream. He realized the boy was a demigod, just like him.

'A Demigod? Perhaps an offspring of one of the Big Three.'

Beside the demigod sat another boy with curly brown hair, whose legs were not human, but instead, those of a goat. Jake knew that he had found his guide, a satyr who would lead him to Camp Half-Blood.

'Found ya.'

"Sup Jake!" the satyr greeted him, patting the seat next to him, signaling for Jake to sit between him and the demigod.

"Hi Jake." The latter greeted.

Then Jake sat in the middle of them, and soon Latin class started, though Jake didn't care about latin, his powerful mind still managed to comprehend the lesson easily as if his brain was a sponge and the lesson was water.

There was also this occasional banter between the black-haired boy called Percy and this mortal called Nancy Bobofit, but it seems that Nancy Bobofit only bantered with Percy and didn't bother Jake, she seems to have a crush with the young Demigod of Illusion and Dreams. But he couldn't care less about some mortals admiration.

And when latin class was about to end Mr. Brunner had a sudden announcement.

"Remember we have a trip to the Museum to tomorrow, make sure to sleep early those late will be left behind, Haha just kidding, just take a rest kids and have a good sleep." Mr Brunner said jokingly.

'Hmm Museum huh? sounds interesting.'

Jake entered the room that he shared with Percy and Grover, and they spent the evening engaged in conversation. He listened intently, occasionally nodding and chiming in with a few words.

When Percy and Grover eventually succumbed to sleep, Jake remained awake. After all, he was the son of the Supreme God of Dream and Illusion, and sleep was an insignificant concept to him. Instead, he chose to explore the academy under the shroud of darkness.

Jake concealed himself within the mist of the night, allowing his presence, smell, and figure to fade into the darkness, hidden from both mortals and supernaturals alike.

He moved effortlessly and soundlessly, a ghostly figure gliding through the corridors of the academy, his senses sharpened and his mind alert to any potential danger. The stillness of the night only added to the mysterious aura that surrounded him.

'This smell..'

'Kindly Ones.'

Jake's keen eyes surveyed the school grounds, scanning for any signs of movement. That's when he spotted Mrs. Dodds, the pre-algebra teacher, slinking through the shadows, undetected by the other mortals.

He watched her intently as she sniffed around the area, as if she was searching for something specific. Then, suddenly, she stopped at Percy and Grover's room.

A sinister smile flickered across her face, but just as quickly, it was gone. She shook her head, muttering to herself, "Too soon." Her feral grin vanished, replaced by a cold and calculating expression.

Jake couldn't help but wonder what she was planning and what danger might be lurking around the corner. He made a mental note to keep a closer eye on her movements, aware that she might be a threat to his adventure.


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