
People in Middle Earth: Slaying the Dragon at the beginning

When he woke up, Karl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, hobbits and other civilizations with their own characteristics. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaugs, Balrogs, Demon King Sauron, and even the existence of supreme gods. Just when Karl was weeping for the upcoming wars and battles in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he... Thus, in this middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread... Middle-earth people: "That man is a legend..." Gandalf: "F*ck legend, the most greedy and shameless person I've ever seen is Karl." Queen of the Elf: "Well... it's hard to say..." Elrond: "That bastard abducted my daughter!" Nine Rings: "Carl, it's a devil." Sauron: "I shouldn't have messed with him! .. pd: daily chapters are uploaded -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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Forged by the High Elves (Part 1)

However, for everyone, there is no such concern, because their strength is

strong enough, and there are a large number of them, and they are well


After lighting the torches, everyone followed Karl to the cave entrance.

The surrounding rock walls exuded a damp musty smell, and the air became

more dull and filthy as it went further in.

Carl's nose suddenly moved. It has to be said that his keen sense of smell

has indeed brought him great benefits. Sometimes he can always find some

abnormalities than others before.

This is a rotten smell, although it has not dissipated much because of the

age, but Karl still smells it.

People have died here.

"Everyone be careful!"

Hearing Karl's reminder, everyone couldn't help but raise their hearts.

Although sometimes Karl is really unreliable, but now no one doubts his


"Step, step, step!" The sound of footsteps spread in the dark tunnel...

After turning around the last rock wall blocking, a burst of golden light

suddenly flashed in front of everyone.

"This? These are... gold coins?" Looking at the piles of golden round coins

piled up in the corner under the fireworks, the dwarves couldn't help but light

up their eyes.

Karl didn't behave as badly as the dwarves, he just stared at a long sword

held by a skeleton, and then walked towards the skeleton without hesitation.

The rotten smell that just came out came from these skeletons. They still

held long swords in their lives, but they turned into white bones after death,

and were forgotten here. The bones were covered by spider webs and became

insects. Home.

Such things often happen here, some people may be for adventure, some

people may be for finding wealth, in short, for various reasons, they try to

continue to cross all kinds of high mountains and obstacles to complete.

The lucky ones may be able to get what they want, but more are the unlucky

ones. They often die in unknown dark caves or are buried at the bottom of the

abyss lake because of accidents.

This is what happens all the time in this world.


The dwarves started looting the gold coins on the ground. At this moment,

the dwarves' possessiveness for the gold coins was evident.

Of course, Carl didn't find it strange that the dwarves had this kind of

virtue. As for the ancient genes, they were endowed with such money-greedy

characteristics from birth. It's a dwarf.

Walking straight past, Karl directly grabbed the long sword and tore it


"Crack!" The skeleton's hand was torn off by Karl's move, lost its support,

and fell to the ground and completely turned into ashes.

"Cang!" The long sword came out without any special aura, but the smooth

blade and sharp slit let Karl know that this sword is not ordinary.

"You are lucky, boy." Gandalf's voice came from behind.

Carl turned around: "Gandalf, is there any reason for this sword?"

"Of course," Gandalf glanced again, but engraved the sword in Karl's hand

into his eyes. Although the long sword was still covered with dust, making it

difficult to see clearly, those familiar patterns and craftsmanship, he There

is no mistake.

After thinking about it, he slowly explained: "This sword is thick and

thick, the body of the sword is smooth and flawless, like a blade of light, and

with the two tree shadows carved on the hilt, it is obvious that it should be

from the first era. written by the High Elves."

"Oh? So, this sword is very durable?" Karl raised his eyebrows.

Of course he knew that the elves taught by the god of forging, Aoli, were

indeed good at making handicrafts, and those with great talents could even

create extraordinary things.

And Gandalf actually said that this sword was written by the high elves of

the first era, so in other words, this sword was cast in the era when gods

haunted Middle Earth?

Karl was distressed that he didn't have a weapon at hand, but he didn't

expect to find one in this dark cave in the barren mountains.

When Gandalf heard Carl's words, his face was somewhat disdainful, and he

said bluntly: "Is it not only durable? If it is not a magical thing, ordinary

things can't corrode and destroy this sword at all."

Karl nodded, but he believed Gandalf's words, because the sword had

obviously been placed in the depths of this damp cave for a long time, but

there was no trace of rust on the body of the sword, so how could it be


Thinking about it, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and the long sword

suddenly came out of its sheath.

"Boom!" A stone pillar was suddenly broken in response.

"Good sword!" Carl's eyebrows lit up. After slashing, the sword body did

not have the slightest curling edge, which was many times better than the iron

tools made of ordinary iron in his ring.

After the words fell, everyone's heads began to tremble.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is there an earthquake?" The dwarves who were still

stuffing gold coins in their arms raised their heads in doubt.

"Bang bang bang!" Just as he was wondering, the dust that had fallen

originally turned into large chunks of rock.

"Carl!" Gandalf was so angry that his neck almost crooked. This guy,

without even saying a word, just chopped off the stone pillar supporting the


"Uh... run!" With Gandalf's displeasure on his face, Karl had no choice but

to let go of his legs first. This was really embarrassing, but he really didn't

mean it.

Everyone rushed out of the cave in a panic.

"Boom!" After Bilbo ran out last, the cave completely collapsed.

"Ah~ my gold coins!" A group of dwarves turned on the golden light that had

been buried, but felt heartbroken for a while, and then thought of the culprit,

but couldn't help grinding their teeth, and looked at Karl angrily.

Although Carl was embarrassed, he would not admit his mistake.

So, under his so-called "we still have to go to the lonely mountain, the

journey is far away, how can we do it with so many gold coins?" However,

everyone finally uncovered this matter.

Everyone embarked on the journey again, except that Gandalf gave Bilbo a

dagger that he picked up when he ran out of the cave in the chaos, and then

Bilbo happily named it "Stinger", So there were no more accidents.

The territory of the middle land is indeed vast. It is just this barren

hilly land. After walking for nearly a day, everyone did not see the end.

Reluctantly, he consolidated and rested again.

"I have some spice here, Bilbo, would you like it to-night?"

Before Karl finished speaking, Bilbo quickly jumped away, with a look of

vigilance on his face, everyone shook their heads and shouted: "Shut up, even

if you eat dirt tonight, you won't eat yours." Spice the hell."

They can be regarded as seeing the power of this spice, if they are still

fooled, then they don't need to mess around on the ground.

Seeing everyone resisting so much, Karl was a little helpless.

It seems that the plan has been seen through? But how could he be blamed

when trouble always came when it should? At best, he is just... advancing it.