
People in Middle Earth: Slaying the Dragon at the beginning

When he woke up, Karl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, hobbits and other civilizations with their own characteristics. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaugs, Balrogs, Demon King Sauron, and even the existence of supreme gods. Just when Karl was weeping for the upcoming wars and battles in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he... Thus, in this middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread... Middle-earth people: "That man is a legend..." Gandalf: "F*ck legend, the most greedy and shameless person I've ever seen is Karl." Queen of the Elf: "Well... it's hard to say..." Elrond: "That bastard abducted my daughter!" Nine Rings: "Carl, it's a devil." Sauron: "I shouldn't have messed with him! .. pd: daily chapters are uploaded -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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60 Chs

8 Feud-Azuog

The next day, everyone packed up, but set foot on the journey again.

Although there were some accidents last night, except for scaring away the

horses, there were no casualties, so it would not delay any effort.

Under the sunlight, the scenery of the originally dark Troll Forest became

different, the air was fresh, the sunlight shone on the green shadows of the

trees and leaves, and with the breeze blowing, everything seemed serene and

peaceful, accompanied by occasional The fragrance of flowers and the singing of

birds are even more vibrant.

Carl was in a good mood, humming a cheerful tune that everyone couldn't

understand, and led everyone forward slowly.

After another half day's trek, the Troll Forest was left behind by them,

and the scenery in front of them began to change again.

The barren boulders lie on the low and uneven hills, and the sparse yellow

grass covers this area. At first glance, there is no shelter, and it is a bit


Karl began to feel bored again, cast a glance at Sorin, thought for a

while, but asked, "Sorin, which hand did you cut off Azog?"

Sorin cast a glance at Karl. He didn't want to say anything at first, but

recalling what happened last night, he said sullenly, "The left hand. That guy

should be dead. What are you asking?"

Azog was his contrasting role in that fame battle, Sorin naturally

remembered that he won the title of Oak Shield only after he defeated that guy.

"Is he dead?" Hearing Thorin's words, Carl had an inexplicable smile on his


According to the plot, A Zuoge, who had one hand cut off, did not die. If

he wanted to, he even hooked up with the Dark Lord Sauron.

On this trip, they went to the Lonely Mountain, and they had to cross the

Misty Mountains, and the Orcs led by Azog were active on that side. If they

were discovered by Azog, it would be interesting.

Thinking of the process of Thorin being hunted down by Orcs sent by Azog in

the original plot, Karl couldn't help touching the dagger at his waist.

Orc, it is rumored that it is a fallen creature transformed from an elf

captured by Morgoth, the great devil.

These guys are ugly, with distorted faces. They have already lost the

beauty and advantages unique to elves, and have become brutal and aggressive.

They once followed Morgoth to set off several huge battles in Middle-earth,

bringing great terror and disaster to the creatures of Middle-earth.

Although after several epochs, the elves and humans finally won the victory

and drove these corrupt species back to the remote badlands of the Misty

Mountains, but the cruelty of these creatures has long been deeply rooted in

the hearts of the people.

Therefore, all creatures on the mainland will not have mercy on these guys.

Carl is certainly no exception.

Although these ugly things can not provide him with a lot of experience

individually, they are better than the number. He only needs to brush a few

waves and maybe he can upgrade.

Carl thought, and couldn't help but cast another glance at Thorin beside

him. I hope A Zuoge can find out his enemy sooner.

Carl was worried.

On the other side, it seemed that God had sensed the thoughts in Carl's


In the Troll Forest, the place where Carl and the others were stationed

last night, there were bursts of howling wolves all of a sudden.

"Puff puff puff!" The bushes were broken, and several huge wargs suddenly

rushed out of the dense forest.

"Bang!" On the Warg, a tall man, or Orc, jumped down.

Looking at the group of ogres who died miserable in front of him, he felt a

surge of anger in his heart: "Who exactly did it, who did it!"

A Zuoge's mood is really terrible now. His newly recruited subordinates

were killed before they could do anything. Can there be anything worse than


Now, under the orders of the Dark Lord Sauron, he recruits troops

everywhere, and secretly develops his power, for what purpose?

The purpose is that one day, he can lead the army again, launch a war,

defeat those hateful elves and humans, so as to catch the man hiding behind the

humans and wash away the shame he gave him back then?

Therefore, he absolutely cannot tolerate anyone sabotaging his plan.

After thinking about it, A Zuoge suddenly calmed down again.

The strength of these trolls under him is not low, and there are also a lot

of them. Who and what strength can kill them all abruptly?

A Zuoge held back his anger, and looked at the surrounding scene again.

The field is full of potholes, and there are a lot of broken logs lying

around, mixed with blood and troll limbs everywhere, it looks like a brilliant

purgatory on earth.

Obviously, there was a fierce battle here last night.

While thinking, Azuoge frowned after checking the surrounding situation.

The wounds on the trolls are very strange. Except for one whose head was

cut off and one shot through the heart, the rest of the trolls have an iron

sword stuck in their heads.

These are all one-hit killing methods, but who is so powerful that they can

jump over the ogre's attack and land on their heads?

Just as he was thinking about it, Azuoge suddenly looked at a piece of

cloth on the ground and paused for a while, then slowly squatted down with an

expression of disbelief.

He took the piece of cloth, put it between his nose, and sniffed it

lightly. Then, a wave of anger, a wave of excitement, mixed with boundless joy

appeared in his eyes.

He would never forget this taste until he died, and the person who brought

him endless humiliating memories actually appeared here?

"Hahaha, Sorin, I didn't expect it to be you, good, good." Azuog climbed up

the wolf again, beckoned the others and looked east.

His original anger because the ogre was killed disappeared, on the

contrary, it was replaced by endless flames of revenge.

He lived for revenge. For this reason, he even sold his soul to Sauron.

Therefore, when he found the trace of the old man, how could he let it go?

In other words, it really didn't take much effort this time, that nasty

mouse ran out from the territory of humans and elves.

"Sorin," Azog said with a cruel smile, "I will also let you taste the pain

of a broken arm."


Following Gandalf and the others deep into the barren hills and highlands,

they walked for half a day, but they suddenly found a huge cave.

The cave was hidden under a boulder, surrounded by weeds, and it seemed

that few people or animals had passed by.

For such an underground cave, most people would not choose to go down to

check it out. After all, no one knows what is hidden in the darkness.

Sometimes even a small poisonous snake may be able to kill by surprise.