
People in Middle Earth: Slaying the Dragon at the beginning

When he woke up, Karl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, hobbits and other civilizations with their own characteristics. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaugs, Balrogs, Demon King Sauron, and even the existence of supreme gods. Just when Karl was weeping for the upcoming wars and battles in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he... Thus, in this middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread... Middle-earth people: "That man is a legend..." Gandalf: "F*ck legend, the most greedy and shameless person I've ever seen is Karl." Queen of the Elf: "Well... it's hard to say..." Elrond: "That bastard abducted my daughter!" Nine Rings: "Carl, it's a devil." Sauron: "I shouldn't have messed with him! .. pd: daily chapters are uploaded -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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60 Chs

Ten Warg Arrival (Second Update)

The starry sky at night was unusually bright. Looking at Carl who was

staring at the sky in a daze, Gandalf walked over slowly.

Sometimes he can't see through the thoughts and thoughts of his "old


He asked, "Carl, what are you thinking?"

"Me?" Carl didn't turn around, still looked up at the night, and smiled, "I

was thinking, why is the brightest star in the west so charming?"

Hearing this, Gandalf couldn't help raising his head.

But when he saw what Karl was pointing at, he couldn't help laughing and

said, "Of course it's charming, after all, it's the light of the stars of


Gandalf said, looking at the star, his eyes couldn't help but began to

become hazy, as if he was remembering something.

Carl looked at Gandalf, who was lost in memory, but couldn't help but

glance at him. Sure enough, this old wizard really likes to be sentimental.

Karl clearly knows the identities of all races and humans in Middle-earth,

and he also knows the roots of Gandalf's heels. Therefore, Karl also knows why

Gandalf remembers the star in the western sky.

In fact, the star in the sky cannot be called a star, because it did not

hang in the sky originally.

The object that exudes dazzling light is an extraordinary thing created by

the high elves, and it was the "cause" that once plunged Middle-earth into

chaos and war.

That is the Silmarillion.

However, everything has passed now, the history belonging to it has been

submerged, and it has become a star, and it is no longer possible to bring any

influence to the world. At best, it can make survivors of some eras look at two

eye, and then reminisce about it.

"What a pity!" Karl shook his head. He wanted to see what kind of magical

power this thing had, which could make the elves in Middle-earth so crazy in that era.

However, turning it into a historical thing is already untouchable, and he

won't take it too seriously. Everything has to be looked forward.

After thinking about it, he glanced at Gandalf who was still looking at

him, but turned and left slowly.

When Gandalf came back to his senses, he found that Karl had disappeared

without knowing when.

He shook his head with a smile, and let go of the past for the time being.

The next day, everyone packed up again and set off again.

"Hurrah~" There was a rapid panting sound, and a group of nimble figures

reminded the huge giant wolves, flashing their figures, as they crossed the

barren hilly land.

"Roar!" During the gallop, a humanoid creature on the wolf suddenly let out

a roar, and then the giant wolves changed directions one after another, rushing

towards a mountain.

In less than half a minute, they all rushed to the top of the mountain.

Azuoge jumped off the back of the warg, looked at a pile of burnt coals on

the ground, squatted down, and stretched out his hand. Still warm!

Climbing up the wolf's back again, with a loud roar, the wolves began to

take another step, panting heavily, and ran forward.

On the wolf, the ferocious flames in Azuoge's eyes almost burst out.

He had already summoned all the wolf cavalry around, divided them into ten

teams, searched almost all night, but finally found something.

the way forward.

"Gandalf, how far do we have to go to get out of this ghost place?" Thorin

asked with a slight frown.

He always felt that the journey was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell.

Carl snickered in his heart when he heard the words, Gandalf, this old boy,

is not very honest.

Sure enough, Gandalf said: "Shorin, after walking through the hills,

passing the Bruinen River, and walking a short distance in the middle, the

Misty Mountains are in front of us. When we cross the Misty Mountains, we will

go to the Misty Mountains." After passing through the dark forest, the Lonely

Mountain is not far away."

Seeing that Gandalf had indeed made a plan, Thorin was still somewhat

puzzled, but he was relieved. Gandalf should not have dared to lie to him.

Carl was on the sidelines, but he could hear clearly. What Gandalf said

sounded fine on the surface, but when he tasted it carefully, where did the socalled "walking a short distance in the middle" go? Who will know?

After crossing the Bruinen River, there is a road that leads to the Misty

Mountains, but there is another road that leads to Rivendell. What is Gandalf's


Everyone started to walk with their heads down again. Although they were

all strong and strong, they still had to maintain their physical strength.

After all, the road ahead was not yet known how long it would be.

The sudden howling of wolves caused everyone's expressions to change.

"It's a wolf!" Sorin raised his eyes to look at the hills in the distance,

but found a slightly moving shadow. That sharp figure was speeding fast on the

unsheltered hills, and there was a faint silhouette on it. .

He will not be mistaken, these notorious wolf cavalry.

Hearing the word Warg, everyone suddenly understood in their hearts.

It was the cruel, ugly Orcs who came. Orcs are not only enemies of elves

and humans, but also enemies of dwarves.

"Run down the mountain, there are bushes over there!" Sorin shouted

hastily, there is no way, the strength of Orc's wolf cavalry is not weak, and

in this unsheltered place, the power of these cavalry will be more

significantly improved, so You can only look for favorable terrain to block.

As for going directly?

Thorin never thought about it, firstly because he didn't know the specific

number of cavalry behind him, and there were only 13 dwarves under him.

Second, of course, because the purpose of his visit this time is to get

back his wealth, not to fight, so why fight?

Seeing the dwarves fleeing in a hurry, Karl didn't move.

"Karl, what are you waiting for, hurry up!" Gandalf tugged at the corner of

Karl's clothes, but he couldn't move it.

"Gandalf, you go first, I still want to try the power of this sword." Karl


Of course he won't leave. How could he leave so easily when something came

to his door?

"Are you crazy? How can you try the sword like this?" Gandalf was silent.

"Stupidity!" Carl glanced at Gandalf, but spit out two words, and then

continued, "The ancestors once said that practice is the only way to test the

truth. Since you want to know whether this sword is like As powerful as you

said, you must go to the battlefield and fight the enemy with real swords and

guns before you can draw a conclusion."

Gandalf was speechless by what Karl said. He lived for thousands of years,

but it was the first time someone called him stupid. This was an eye-opener.

But thinking of Carl's brain circuit, he also knew that he couldn't

persuade this guy at all at the moment, so he sighed sadly, but stayed.

"What? Do you want to fight with me?" Seeing that the old man stayed

behind, Karl couldn't help but give him an extra look.

"Of course, you saved me anyway. If I leave like this, wouldn't I be sorry

for you? I don't think I owe you a favor." Gandalf explained.

Hearing this, Karl secretly laughed in his heart, this old bastard is still

a tsundere?

However, I have to say that although the old boy Gandalf is a little

"dirty" sometimes, he is quite kind in his heart.

This is to make Karl feel embarrassed to cheat him.


note: I hope you liked the chapters, see you tomorrow for more.