
Penny for your heart?[on temporary hiatus]

“But why?! Why won’t you just let me love you?!” Liam yelled. He yanked the woman by the shoulder and turned her towards him. “Damn it Aya! Can’t you see that I love you!” Ayaka Brookes looked up at the handsome man’s deep blue eyes and immediately turned away. “I can’t.” “Why the fuck not?!” “Because love is a load of bullshit!” Ayaka screamed, now feeling her own frustration set in. “And I’m never falling victim to it! It’s selfish and it’s delusional!” “Aya please-“ The beautiful brunette turned away from Liam, the plea in his voice broke her. She knew she had some sort of feelings for the man, they had fun together all the time but she refused to believe it was love. Liam stared down at Aya’s luscious Cupid’s bow lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in, ready to claim them as his own. Liam couldn’t hide it anymore, he loved Ayaka. He loved her so much it ached. Aya panicked and pushed the man away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Aya-“ “Get out.” The brunette spoke coldly “Please just let me-“ “I said get the fuck out Liam!” ********** Billionaire pretty boy RnB artist Liam Ford, aka 'El' didn't believe in love. He believed that the only thing a woman could offer him was pleasure and nothing else. Little did he know that meeting the beautiful and exotic Ayaka Brookes would change his perspective completely. Now hopelessly in love, Liam finds himself chasing after Aya, whose heart belongs to money and having a good time. How will Liam cope with being in love with a groupie whose only motive is to use him for the thrill.

Bee1429 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 : In denial

Liam fixed his hoodie as he walked towards Beverly who was talking to a show host. Every now and then the RnB star would be invited to do talk shows, tv appearances and other things like that to boost his public image. Today, he was going to make a special appearance on a national breakfast show.

Liam smiled as he watched Bev give instructions to the stage crew on how everything was supposed to play out. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have gotten this far in his career, she was the brains behind his success and he was really grateful for her.

He knew that being a celebrity was more than just having talent these days, it was about the appearance, social media and a bunch of other things like that that El was never really fond of.

In fact, up until a month ago, he didn't know he had close to 3 million followers on Instagram. Heck, he didn't even know he had an Instagram.

Beverly tuned to Liam and sighed in relief. "Thank God you're here I thought you'd bail. Why are you late?"

"Sorry boss I was stuck in traffic." The male teased

"Never mind. The important thing is you're here." Beverly handed Liam a script and began explaining to him how the show was supposed to flow. "You've done this a hundred times already so I'm confident you know what to do, make eye contact, sit up straight, laugh even if the joke isn't funny.."

As Beverly was explaining, Liam spotted a familiar brunette walking towards the exit. As if under a trans, the man turned away from his sister and started making his way through the crowd of people towards the woman.

Was it her? Was it the lady in the jumpsuit from the party?

Liam grabbed the woman's shoulder and turned her towards him. "Hey.."

"Oh my God El!!" The woman screamed. "I'm such a huge fan, I love your music."

Liam looked at the woman feeling a little disappointed, he was sure she was the one.

"Could you sign my shirt?" The woman spoke while holding up a pen. "My friends will be so jealous when they hear about this!"

Liam took the pen and scribbled his autograph on her top and then handed it back to her. The woman in front of him was beautiful and well built, under normal circumstances he'd flirt with her or something. But compared to 'blue jumpsuit lady', she seemed so regular.

"Thank you!! I love it!"

Liam smiled sheepishly. "Sure."

He watched as the woman joined her friends outside and showed them the autograph excitedly, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed. This was getting out of hand, now he was starting to see things, he needed to get blue jumpsuit lady out of his head before he lost his mind.

The man's thoughts were interrupted when Beverly yanked him by his shoulder. "What are you doing, you're on in five minutes get up there!"

Liam nodded and followed his manager to his seat on stage. Beverly could see that her brother had a lot going through his mind, and after seeing him randomly chase down a fan girl like some weirdo, she was sure it involved a woman. She made a mental note to ask him about it later.


Ayaka Brookes hummed as she typed away on her laptop. The woman had been in a fairly good mood the past few days and the office eyes hadn't failed to notice.

The brunette was so engulfed in her work that she didn't notice Alicia, her secretary walk into the office.

The red head sat across from Aya and cleared her throat. "Well someone's in a good mood."

"Am I?" Aya chuckled sheepishly.

"You've been humming and smiling at everyone all morning Aya." Alicia pointed out. "That's unlike you. Does it have anything to do with a certain Mr Graham?"

Even though Ayaka was a loose canon on weekends, she always made sure to let at least one person in the loop of what she was doing, for safety purposes. And that person was Alicia James, her long time friend and work mate.

"Oh yeah sure, Graham." Aya responded nonchalantly.

Alicia arched her brow at Aya and leaned in closer to her. "Now I'm starting to doubt if it has anything to do with Graham at all. Alright out with it, who is he."

Ayaka stopped typing and leaned back on her chair, she sighed and smiled at the red head sitting on the other side of the table. "Okay you got me, Graham wasn't the only guy I hooked up with last weekend. I might have, maybe, just a little bit gotten involved with El as well."

Alicia looked at Aya wide eyed before shrieking in excitement. "You hooked up with El?! Like thee El?! RnB heartthrob?! That El?! Oh my god Aya!"

Ayaka quickly placed a hand over Alicia's mouth and shushed her. "Keep it down, you want the whole building to know?"

Aya stood up and closed her office door.

"You bitch! I can't believe you hooked up with my celebrity crush before I could get the chance." Alicia jokingly complained. "At least tell me he smells as good as I've always dreamed he would."

Aya giggled and nodded at the girl. "He does smell pretty good actually."

Ayaka leaned into the chair and grinned as the memories of her night with El replayed in her head, the man was a full package. He smelled good, looked good, and tasted even better.

"Jesus Aya was he that good? I mean look at you, you're practically drooling." Alicia teased.

Aya leaned towards the red head and grinned. "Better than good. Alicia he was amazing, I've never felt that way with any man before. Even after Graham practically rearranged my insides I couldn't stop thinking about El. He was really something."

Alicia gasped and covered her mouth. "Aya? Are you in love?"

Aya sat up and frowned at Alicia. "Calm down it's not that deep. It was just some really good sex that will take a while for me to forget that's all. Don't start getting any crazy ideas."

Alicia rolled her eyes, how would she even know if she was in love or not? For the entire time Alicia had known Ayaka not once had she been in a relationship. It was possible that she was falling for El and didn't even know.

Suddenly Alicia got up and ran out of the room leaving Aya baffled.

The red head re-emerged with her purse in hand and began digging through it.

Alicia took out two tickets and slid them across the table to Aya. "These are two VIP tickets to the mettre ensemble concert , all the top artists in the country are gonna be there. If we go, maybe you can bump into.."

"No. Nope." Aya interrupted the red head. "I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. I'm not sleeping with him a second time,  that's totally out of the question."

"Who said anything about sleeping with him?" Alicia responded. "I'm just saying that maybe if you see him a second time you could get some clarity about whatever it is you think you're feeling towards him. Besides, there's gonna be a bunch of cute rich guys just swarming all over the place, it will be fun."

Ayaka looked at her grinning friend and sighed in defeat. "Okay fine. But only cause of the swarming rich guys."


Jason eyed Liam who was sitting across from him, looking like he was lost in a trans. "The weed gotten to you already bro?"

Liam awoke from his day dream and took a sip of his beer. "Nah man why do you ask?"

"Bro we've been drinking for an hour and you're still on your first bottle. You okay?" Jason question his friend.

Truth is, Liam had been contemplating how he was going to find the girl in the blue jumpsuit. The thoughts of her had been bugging him all week and he didn't know what to do.

"Yeah I'm alright." Liam responded. "I've just got a lot on my mind."

Big Joe lit his joint and studied his friend. "Does it have anything to do with blue jumpsuit lady?"

"Blue jumpsuit lady?" Jason questioned the group. "What jumpsuit lady?"

Joe put down his blunt and smirked. "Remember that fine piece El was all over at the house party?"

"Yeah? What about her?"

Joe chuckled and took another hit of his blunt. "She played El man. Straight up hit and ran, now he's been losing his mind trying to find her."

Jason burst into laughter making Liam frown. "Man I told you some dame would put you in your place some day! Now look at you in love and shit."

"I'm not in love with her!" Liam objected.

Big Joe grinned at Liam. "Then what's with the obsession?"

Liam sipped his warm beer and sighed. "It was the sex man. She had me loosing my mind that night."

"That's how it starts bro." Joe responded.

"Yeah man." Jason added on. "First you think it's the sex, then you sleep with her again and before you know it you're hooked."

"Next thing, you know her favorite soap opera, you're buying her flowers and posting heart emojis on her Facebook."

Joe and Jason exchanged looks and burst into laughter.

Liam sighed and leaned into his chair. "I'm sure if I could just get her to sleep with me one more time I can forget about her, like some sort of sexual closure. It's got nothing to do with my heart or any of that man."

"Aight, if you say so bro." Jason responded. "But I've been there before, I know what I'm talking about."

Joe put out his blunt and sipped on his whiskey. "You may get your chance at that collabo concert that's coming up. If she's a groupie, she's definitely going to be there no doubt."

A groupie? That word didn't sit right with Liam, sure he met her at a crazy party but that didn't mean she was a groupie did it? For some reason, the thought of  'blue jumpsuit lady' frolicking around with other artists made his stomach turn. Was she really out there doing what she did to him to other guys?

If El and star ever get together, it will be a really intense relationship don’t you think? Lol

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