
Penny for your heart?[on temporary hiatus]

“But why?! Why won’t you just let me love you?!” Liam yelled. He yanked the woman by the shoulder and turned her towards him. “Damn it Aya! Can’t you see that I love you!” Ayaka Brookes looked up at the handsome man’s deep blue eyes and immediately turned away. “I can’t.” “Why the fuck not?!” “Because love is a load of bullshit!” Ayaka screamed, now feeling her own frustration set in. “And I’m never falling victim to it! It’s selfish and it’s delusional!” “Aya please-“ The beautiful brunette turned away from Liam, the plea in his voice broke her. She knew she had some sort of feelings for the man, they had fun together all the time but she refused to believe it was love. Liam stared down at Aya’s luscious Cupid’s bow lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in, ready to claim them as his own. Liam couldn’t hide it anymore, he loved Ayaka. He loved her so much it ached. Aya panicked and pushed the man away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Aya-“ “Get out.” The brunette spoke coldly “Please just let me-“ “I said get the fuck out Liam!” ********** Billionaire pretty boy RnB artist Liam Ford, aka 'El' didn't believe in love. He believed that the only thing a woman could offer him was pleasure and nothing else. Little did he know that meeting the beautiful and exotic Ayaka Brookes would change his perspective completely. Now hopelessly in love, Liam finds himself chasing after Aya, whose heart belongs to money and having a good time. How will Liam cope with being in love with a groupie whose only motive is to use him for the thrill.

Bee1429 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 : Feelings

Greg Kingsley picked up the two glasses of champagne and walked out to the deck of his yacht towards Aya who was looking out at the water.

The sun was beginning to set and the water reflected the beautiful shades of orange and red, making the site look like something out of a dream.

The man moved his eyes from Aya's feet to the top of her head, making sure to take in every detail of her perfect form. She was wearing a sheer white cover up, a matching white bikini and a sun hat, curtesy of Kingsley himself of course.

Kingsley walked over to the woman, leaned towards her face and whispered, "beautiful isn't it?"

Kingsley's deep rough voice startled Ayaka making her turn abruptly towards him. Her face was mere inches away from his and Aya could smell his heavy musk. "A little too close for comfort aren't we?" Ayaka spoke.

Kingsley grinned and handed Aya the glass of champagne. "Can you blame me? Your beauty lures me like a moth to a flame, I can't help it."

Aya sipped on her champagne and stepped away from the man. It was the second Friday after the deal she'd made with Kingsley, all she had to do was get through three more and she could go back to ignoring him as usual.

"Look I know I've been a bit umm candid about the way I'm attracted to you Ayaka." Greg spoke as he moved closer to the woman. "And I know it may sometimes come off as perverse, but I assure you that my intentions are pure. Do I want a chance to lick you from head to toe? Most definitely! But, I'd also want a chance to make you happy, I'm a changed man Ayaka."

Ayaka first met Kingsley when they were fairly young. Their fathers were good friends so it was inevitable that their children would get along as well. As they grew up Kingsley found himself getting more and more attracted to the beautiful girl and would endlessly try to get her to go out with him.

Being a long time friend, Aya had a bit of a soft spot for Kingsley, you could say that she had a little crush on him. It was the first time Ayaka had felt the way she did about a guy so when he asked her out she eventually gave in and the two started dating.

The young Kingsley went out of his way to make their first date special, with flowers and a nice candlelight dinner. Ayaka hadn't realized it at the time but she'd fallen in love with Kingsley, to the point of letting him be her first kiss, and at the age of eighteen, the first guy she'd ever had sex with.

Aya was head over heels in love, but it seemed it was one sided because one day, she walked in on Kingsley with her then best friend in bed together.

The girl was broken beyond measure, she ran out of the house and locked herself up in her room for days on end. After nursing her broken heart, Aya made the decision to never fall in love ever again, she made it a rule never to let herself get attached to any man, and hence began her life of one night stands and parties. That was over five years ago.

She hated Kingsley for a very long time but decided to burry the hatchet the day his father passed away. Kingsley didn't have many friends so Aya was one of the few people he had who would help him get through the difficult time.

It was then that Kingsley started trying to get Ayaka back, the woman tolerated him, but the feelings she once had for him died a long time ago and would never be resurfaced.

"No thank you Kingsley." Ayaka responded. "I don't do relationships."

Kingsley wrapped his arm around Aya's waist and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. "Let me change your mind. I know I fucked up, but I'm ready to prove to you that you're the only woman for me Ayaka Brookes."

Ayaka rolled her eyes and dangled her empty glass in his face. "Refill please."

Kingsley chuckled and waved the bartender over to refill the woman's glass. Ayaka Brookes was stubborn for sure, but so was Greg Kingsley.


Beverly was frantically looking through her files and documents in her office when her brother walked in with a coffee in hand. Liam placed it in front of her on her tabled and watched as his sister roamed around the office on the a panic.

Liam sat down on a chair and cleared his throat to grab Bev's attention, seeing that she hadn't noticed him come in. "We doing okay there Bev."

Beverly emerged from the pile of papers and ran her hand through her hair. "Hey Liam, I'm sorry I just have so much to do today and I'm losing my mind! I have a meeting with the producers, I have a luncheon with the record label and I have to go meet up with some big shoot who can hook us up with a tour bus for next month!"

Beverly collapsed into her chair and took a big sip of her coffee. "I don't know how I'm going to be in so many places at once."

"Hey. You work too hard." Liam spoke as he eyed his sister, "let me take care of a few things for you."

"You'd do that?"

"Sure thing, it's not like I have anything better to do today, Jason is with his girlfriend and Big J is out of town." Liam responded.

Beverly grabbed a paper and handed it to Liam. "You're on tour bus duty, don't screw it up."

"Ay ay boss." Liam spoke as he stood up and headed towards the door.

"These guys are serious business people Liam don't try and woo the first skirt you see!" Beverly called out to him.

"I'm not promising anything!"


Liam walked out of the elevator into the large open lobby . At the far end, was a desk where a beautiful red head sat typing something into her computer.

The man approached the desk and placed the form Beverly had given him down in front of the red head. "I'm here for a meeting regarding renting a tour bus."

"Yeah sure just give me a second." Alicia responded without looking up at who she was speaking to.

Liam placed his hands in his pockets and sighed, Bev was right, these guys really meant business.

The man tapped his foot as he looked around the building, it was a well organized work space with glass walls dividing the different offices. Workers were moving up and down with files or making calls, everyone seemed so tense and busy.

One of the glass doors slid open, grabbing Liam's attention. The blue eyed man froze in place when he saw Ayaka Brookes walking out of the door, a file in hand and a phone placed on her ear. To Liam, it seemed like everything around him was now moving in slow motion.

Aya was wearing black high waist pants, a sheer baby pink top, black stilettos and had her hair tied up in a messy bun.

"H-hey, w-whose that?" Liam questioned the red head, while frantically tapping on her desk.

Agitated, Alicia James looked up at the man angrily, "I told you to give me a-"

Alicia froze when she saw El standing in front of her, his eyes fixed on Ayaka.

Alicia stood up abruptly and fixed her hair, "Mr El, good afternoon."

Liam turned to Alicia, "that woman over there, does she work here?"

"Who? You mean miss Brookes?"

Liam's eyes widened, "Brookes as in Brookes Transport and Logistics?!"

"Yes, she's David Brookes' daughter." Alicia responded. "Would you like to speak with her?"

Liam's heart was pounding in his chest, he was sure that miss Brookes was the woman he hadn't been able to get off his mind for the past week, and looking at her now, he realized she was the same woman who had cussed him out the other day when she was crossing the road.

Damn, she was so intimidatingly beautiful.

"Mr El sir?"

Liam snapped out of his trans and turned to Alicia. "Umm no! No it's fine." He slid the form Beverly gave him towards the red head. "Could you just process this request for the tour bus for me?"

Alicia took the form and nodded. "Right away Mr El."

Liam thanked Alicia and rushed toward the elevator. His head was spinning, how was it possible that the daughter of a business tycoon was frolicking around with artists at parties? It didn't add up. Liam's confusion was quickly overtaken by an image of Ayaka in her formal clothes making important business calls. She looked so gorgeous it was almost unreal.

Liam smirked to himself, realizing that it was impossible that she was a groupie like his friends had suggested, she probably just left abruptly cause she wanted to protect her reputation as the daughter of a big businessman.

The blue eyed man was relieved, much to his confusion, why did he care what miss Brookes did with her life? Why was he relieved that she wasn't the kind of girl to sleep around?

"Mr El wait! You have to clarify the booking times with our rental department!" Alicia called out, but it was too late, El was already on his way out of the building.

Alicia stared at the paper in her hand and smiled, seeing how Liam had reacted to seeing Aya, she had no doubt in her mind that they were meant to be. She needed to ensure they meet again and fall in love, and the upcoming concert was going to give her the perfect opportunity.

"Don't worry Mr El, I'll make sure you two make the prettiest babies one day."

Alicia picked up the document Liam had handed her and walked towards Aya's office and placed it on her table. "There's a booking pending your approval miss Brookes."

Ayaka grabbed the document and put it in a file. "I'll get on it when I have some time."

"You sure? It's pretty important." Alicia responded with a smirk.

Ayaka pulled out the document and examined it, she gasped when she saw who the document was from.

"El was here? Did he see me?"

"Relax." Alicia reassured her friend, "he didn't see you, he actually sent a secretary to drop it off so no need to panic. I just figured you'd want to make his application a priority since you two will fall in love one day."

Ayaka sighed in relief and began going through the document, she didn't want to imagine the drama that would unfold if her two lives clashed.

"Actually this whole document thing prompted me to remind you about the concert." The red head spoke, "we're still going right?"

Aya signed the document and handed it to Alicia, "when is that concert again?"

"From Friday evening till Sunday, it's the whole shebang!" Alicia exclaimed excitedly. "It going to be out in that clearing out of town, they'll be tents, booze, food, it's going to be amazing!"

"Tents?" Aya responded, "eww, I don't do tents."

Alicia pouted and crossed her arms.

"But since I promised, I guess I can adjust." Aya added on, noticing the disappointment in Alicia's face. "But I'll be a little late cause I have to meet up with Kingsley Friday afternoon."

"Kingsley? Why the hell are you meeting up with Kingsley? I thought you hated his guts."

"I do." Aya responded. "It's all business don't worry."

Alicia nodded at the brunette. "Alright then. Can't wait."

When Alicia left the room Ayaka leaned into her chair feeling her heart racing. Why was she getting so worked up over the thought of El? This was ridiculous, she thought that by now, she'd have gotten over him.

But here she was, thinking about those deep blue eyes of his.

"Damn it!"

So Kingsley, I usually picture him like Ian Joseph Somerhalder, that hot heartbreaker look.

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