
Penny for your heart?[on temporary hiatus]

“But why?! Why won’t you just let me love you?!” Liam yelled. He yanked the woman by the shoulder and turned her towards him. “Damn it Aya! Can’t you see that I love you!” Ayaka Brookes looked up at the handsome man’s deep blue eyes and immediately turned away. “I can’t.” “Why the fuck not?!” “Because love is a load of bullshit!” Ayaka screamed, now feeling her own frustration set in. “And I’m never falling victim to it! It’s selfish and it’s delusional!” “Aya please-“ The beautiful brunette turned away from Liam, the plea in his voice broke her. She knew she had some sort of feelings for the man, they had fun together all the time but she refused to believe it was love. Liam stared down at Aya’s luscious Cupid’s bow lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in, ready to claim them as his own. Liam couldn’t hide it anymore, he loved Ayaka. He loved her so much it ached. Aya panicked and pushed the man away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Aya-“ “Get out.” The brunette spoke coldly “Please just let me-“ “I said get the fuck out Liam!” ********** Billionaire pretty boy RnB artist Liam Ford, aka 'El' didn't believe in love. He believed that the only thing a woman could offer him was pleasure and nothing else. Little did he know that meeting the beautiful and exotic Ayaka Brookes would change his perspective completely. Now hopelessly in love, Liam finds himself chasing after Aya, whose heart belongs to money and having a good time. How will Liam cope with being in love with a groupie whose only motive is to use him for the thrill.

Bee1429 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 : Meet your match

Liam groaned as the light from his windows found its way into his eyes, was it morning already? He hadn't slept that well in years, he felt so calm and relaxed and it was all because of a woman.

The blue eyed man turned to look at Aya who he expected to see sound asleep next to him, but she was gone, and her side of the bed had long gone cold. Where could she have rushed off to so early in the morning? Was she in the bathroom?

Liam slipped off his bed and knocked on his bathroom door. "Hey are you in there?"

It was then he realized that he didn't even know her name. He pushed the door open and peeked into his bathroom but Ayaka was not there either.

The blue eyed man grabbed his robe and rushed to the elevator and headed down to the living room. The place was still littered with drunk people passed out on the floor, who he had to tiptoe over so he could get to Big Joe who was sleeping on the far end of the room on one of his sofas.

"Hey! Hey big J wake up."

The big man shot his eyes open and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "El? What's up man? What time is it."

"Hey man listen, you remember the girl I was with last night? The brunette with the blue jumpsuit."

Joe let out a yawn and nodded his head. "Oh yeah that exotic chick, yeah I remember her. Damn man she was fine as hell I've gotta hand it to you bro, you really reeled in a beauty."

"Yeah yeah, look have you seen her?" Liam questioned his friend

"No man. Last I seen her is when both of you went upstairs."

Liam sighed and ran his hand through his hair, had she left already? The blue eyed man couldn't understand why he was worked up about her leaving in the first place, didn't he have a rule that no one was allowed to sleep over? Why did this woman leaving bother him?

"Wait." Joe spoke with a chuckle. "Man did she pull a 'hit and run' on you?! That's fucking hilarious!" Joe was full on laughing at his friend at this point. "What are the odds that the one time you find a girl you actually want to stay the night, she ups and leaves you."

Liam was frustrated. Was karma coming back to bite him? Was this payback for all the girls he'd sent away after his numerous hookups?

Liam sat down next to Joe and sighed. "And you know the worst part? I didn't even get her number, let alone her name man, how the fuck am I supposed to reach her?"

Joe studied his friend and smirked. Could it be that now that Mr play boy had been played, he was ready to give relationships a shot?

"Don't worry man she's gonna pop up at some point." Joe comforted his friend. "If she's into parties you can bet your ass you'll bump into her again."

Liam nodded as his thoughts drifted to the night he'd shared with Aya, it was undoubtedly the best sex he'd ever had for sure. There was something different about it, the way she held him, the way she moaned, fuck he wanted to hear her moan again. He needed to find this girl quick.


Ayaka turned off the shower, stepped out and hummed as she dried her hair in front of the large hotel room bathroom mirror. She'd checked herself into a hotel the previous night after her little, erm, altercation with El.

She ran her fingers along the chain of love bites the blue eyed man had left on her neck and felt a chill ran down her spine, no man had ever made Aya feel they he did, and that's why it was imperative that she leave before she made a choice she'd regret.

In as much as her body yearned for more of his touch, she couldn't allow herself to be with him more than once and risk sending him the wrong message, or worse, sending her heart the wrong message.

Besides, the weekend was still young, it was a Saturday and there was more than enough time to have more fun with some other gullible rich boy.


Later that afternoon, Aya sat down at a patio table in a fancy restaurant where most of the wealthy bachelors of her city frequented. The beautiful brunette made sure to slip on a flared yellow summer dress, wedged heels and matching sunglasses, the perfect little attire to lure her next target. No way she was going to spent the rest of the weekend alone, reminiscing about one night with El.

In the far corner of the restaurant, a well built tall African-American man was staring at the beauty who'd walked into the restaurant in awe, he got up and made his way to her table, giving her a sly smile as he sat down.

"Is this seat taken?" The man questioned Aya.

"No, help yourself." She responded. Ayaka studied the man sitting in front of her, he was a tall, well built guy with honey brown eyes and a head of perfectly braided dreadlocks. He was the perfect person to rewire her brain after her night with El.

A waiter walked over to their table and greeted them with a smile. "Sir, Madam. Are you ready to order?"

"Yes. Get the lady a bottle of your finest wine please." The chiseled Adonis dipped in caramel responded.

"Coming right away sir."

The man turned to the girl and smiled. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Ayaka responded.

"Graham's the name." The man spoke as he took Aya's hand and kissed it.

"Star." The woman responded.

"Forgive me, but can I just say that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Graham's heavy British accent made Aya tingle, this man must have been God sent or something.

Ayaka giggled at his complement like she hadn't been told that over a million times already. "Careful Graham, flattery will get you everywhere." She responded in a flirtatiously.

The afternoon with Graham seemed to just fly by, before long, Ayaka was laying beside the man panting and trying to catch her breath. She'd always known that black men were 'gifted' but this particular man was on a whole different level, she was sure she was going to be sore for a couple of days after that.

Graham moved closer to the woman and pulled her close to him. "If you'd like to freshen up, we can dock the yacht and I can take you to my villa."

Aya nodded her head, she definitely needed a shower after the massacre she'd just experienced. Graham pulled Aya closer and tilted her head towards his face. Before he could place his lips on Ayaka's, she placed a finger on his mouth and shook her head.

"I see." The man spoke calmly. "I'm sure in time you'll warm up to me and allow me to kiss those beautiful lips of yours, I'm a very patient man. I can wait."

Not even in your dreams big boy, Aya thought to herself.

She smiled at graham and stroked his bearded chin. "Maybe some day."


"Alright, looks like everything is set on the company's end, now it's just up to you to put that creative mind of yours to use and come up with some good songs. Do you maybe have any you're already working on?"

Beverly looked up at her brother and noticed he hadn't even been listening to her the entire time. He was staring blankly at the wall, fidgeting with the car keys that where on the table.


The blue eyed man awoke from his daydream and turned to his sister. "Hey Bev what's up? You look nice today."

Beverly sighed and rolled her eyes at Liam. "What are you thinking about?! I've literally been talking to myself for the past ten minutes."

The night Liam had with the mysterious blue jumpsuit woman had been on repeat in his mind all afternoon, but not in a perverse way like before, this time his mind wasn't dwelling on the actual sex. Liam kept thinking about her laughter, her smile, how she bit her lip when she was saying something naughty, like how the hell had he taken note of all those details in the span of a few hours?

"Nothing, I'm just trying to put some words together for a song I'm writing." Liam responded.

"Alright that's good then, cause we're working with a dead line this time Liam. You've got one month to come up with the best album of your entire career."

Beverly gathered her papers and threw her purse over her shoulder. "Don't fuck this up."

Liam watched his sister close the door behind her, he leaned back on his chair and sighed. He couldn't get that woman out of his mind and it was driving him crazy, he needed to get a hold of her but how? He knew literally nothing about her.

I just want to make it clear that Liam’s appearance leans more on the East Asian side just in case you’re trying to create an image of him in your head. Picture Godfrey Gao in a turtleneck, with ocean blue eyed... gaddam!

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