
Penny for your heart?[on temporary hiatus]

“But why?! Why won’t you just let me love you?!” Liam yelled. He yanked the woman by the shoulder and turned her towards him. “Damn it Aya! Can’t you see that I love you!” Ayaka Brookes looked up at the handsome man’s deep blue eyes and immediately turned away. “I can’t.” “Why the fuck not?!” “Because love is a load of bullshit!” Ayaka screamed, now feeling her own frustration set in. “And I’m never falling victim to it! It’s selfish and it’s delusional!” “Aya please-“ The beautiful brunette turned away from Liam, the plea in his voice broke her. She knew she had some sort of feelings for the man, they had fun together all the time but she refused to believe it was love. Liam stared down at Aya’s luscious Cupid’s bow lips. He closed his eyes and leaned in, ready to claim them as his own. Liam couldn’t hide it anymore, he loved Ayaka. He loved her so much it ached. Aya panicked and pushed the man away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Aya-“ “Get out.” The brunette spoke coldly “Please just let me-“ “I said get the fuck out Liam!” ********** Billionaire pretty boy RnB artist Liam Ford, aka 'El' didn't believe in love. He believed that the only thing a woman could offer him was pleasure and nothing else. Little did he know that meeting the beautiful and exotic Ayaka Brookes would change his perspective completely. Now hopelessly in love, Liam finds himself chasing after Aya, whose heart belongs to money and having a good time. How will Liam cope with being in love with a groupie whose only motive is to use him for the thrill.

Bee1429 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 4 : Desire (PG 18)

Aya placed a pile of files on her father's desk and grinned at him. "Well, I'm clocking out boss, it's all up to you now. See you Sunday."

"Now hold on a minute princess." Her father called out before the girl could leave the office. "I got a call from Greg Kingsley a few minutes ago, something about holding up your end of a deal. Should I be concerned?"

Ayaka cursed under her breath, she'd completely forgotten about the whole going on a date with him every Friday thing, damn that little rat called Kingsley. "No nothing to worry about daddy, just some business we're trying to wrap up. Let me give him a call."

"Alright then." Mr Brookes responded. "Call if you need anything, take care!"

Aya blew her dad a kiss and left the office, she grabbed her phone from her bag and dialed in Kingsley's number.

"Aya baby, I was worried you'd forgotten about me."

"Just send me the location so we can get this over with Kingsley, I have better places to be."

"You see that's why I like you, you're feisty." Kingsley responded. "I took the liberty of having a pretty little outfit delivered to your house earlier today. Put it on and I'll have a car pick you up at 6."

"An outfit? Where are you taking me?"

Kingsley chuckled. "It's a surprise. See you soon beautiful."

Aya angrily cut the line and walked to the elevator. Kingsley was going to mess up her weekend plans, and after she had gotten a tip off that there would be huge party going on in town and the host was none other than El, one of the biggest RnB artists in the country. She had to wrap this silly date up quickly so she could join in on the fun.


A doorman opened the car door for Aya and led her to the rooftop balcony of a luxurious restaurant, which of course Kingsley had booked out.

The beautiful brunette had squeezed herself into a tight fitting skimpy royal blue jumpsuit, black high heeled sandals and a matching purse. Her neck and ears where embellished in an expensive emerald necklace and earrings that complimented her bronze skin perfectly.

Kingsley might be a douche, but he spared no expenses when it came to Ayaka Brookes. This wasn't the first time he'd gone out of his way to buy fancy Jewelry and clothes for her.

Kingsley watched Aya, practically drooling, as she approached him. He couldn't help but stare at her cleavage and beautiful exposed thighs. Her small waist and wide hips made her outfit look like one out of a supermodel catalog. She was truly a beauty.

"Aya. My god you look fucking gorgeous baby."

Aya rolled her eyes at the man. "Calm down Kingsley I could see your boner from the door."

The man smiled and pulled out a chair for Aya to sit. The girl took a seat and watched as Kingsley sat across from her, still not taking his eyes off her cleavage.

What a pervert, Aya thought to herself.

"I hope you don't mind, I ordered for us. I happen to know calamari and veuve clicquot champagne are your favorite so I took the liberty."

Aya arched a brow at the man suspiciously. "Have you been stalking me Kingsley?"

"I wouldn't call it stalking." The man chuckled. "You see Aya, the quickest way to a woman's heart is through precision and attention. I just merely pay attention to what you like, and gift you with precisely that."

Aya took the glass of champagne Kingsley was handing her and took a sip. "Did you learn that from your many exploits on the dating scene." Aya asked the man sarcastically. "Anyway, I can't be here for long, like I said over the phone, I have places to go so this, it's gotta wrap up in the next hour."

Kingsley sipped on his champagne and nodded his head. "You've turned down literally every invite to a date I've sent your way for the past four years. One hour is more than enough for me."


After the date, Kingsley walked Aya out of the restaurant towards the car. The girl surprisingly had a good time, she wasn't expecting the night to go so smoothly, Kingsley didn't even try to grope her ass or anything like that the entire evening.

"My driver will take you where ever it is you need to go. I had a great time tonight."

"I actually had fun too. I didn't feel like punching you in the face all evening, you did good Kingsley." Aya responded.

"Does that mean I deserve a hug?"

Aya sighed in defeat, "Fine."

She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and embraced him, while he wrapped his arms around her waist returning the embrace. Slowly, Kingsley lowered one hand and cupped Ayaka's bum, instantly getting a boner.

There it is. Ayaka thought to herself as his manhood pressed against her stomach. She released Kingsley and hurriedly got into the car.

"See you next Friday beautiful." The man spoke through the car window.

Aya gave Kingsley the middle finger making him chuckle in amusement.

"Old habits die hard baby." The man spoke before the car drove off.


Liam was sitting on his lounge chair as usual, receiving lap dances from three very thick women. He watched dazed as the jiggly women took turns caressing him. The high he'd gotten from the blunt he'd smoked was making the experience even more enjoyable.

"Alright alright time to service this boner." Liam groaned. "Which one of you lucky ladies will it be today?"

As the strippers were arguing over who would go to bed with the celebrity , Liam's eyes spotted an exotic beauty entering the party. Unconsciously, the man stood up and started walking towards the beautiful woman, feeling his hard on getting worse the closer he got to her. That face, those hips and that skimpy blue jump suit was enough to put the blue eyed man on edge.

"Hey El?! Hey where the hell are you going?!"

Liam couldn't hear the strippers calling out to him, his focus was on this woman, how the fuck was she so goddamn beautiful.


Ayaka turned to look at Liam who was standing over her with a dazed lovestruck smile on his face. "Hi."

"My name is drink can I get you an El?"

Aya chuckled. "Excuse me?"

"Fuck I'm sorry." Liam laughed nervously. "I'm El, can I get you something to drink?"

Aya nodded. "Sure."

Well that was easy, Aya thought. Considering how late she was for the party, she assumed some other girl had snatched him up already. But here he was in front of her, served on a silver platter.

Liam took her hand in his and kissed it. "I'm sorry but I'm so fucking attracted to you right now."

Ayaka lowered her eyes to Liam's pants and took note of the print pressing against them. "Yeah I can see that."

"I hope I'm not being too direct."

"Not at all." Aya responded. "So how about that drink?"

Liam took her arm and led her to the lounge chair he'd been sitting on, he chased away the strippers from before, much to their dismay and helped Aya take a seat. "I'll be right back."

In the far end of the room Jason poked Big Joe and pointed towards Ayaka's direction. "Hey check it out."

"Damn is that El? He never lets anyone sit on his special chair man." Joe responded. "You think she's the one?"

"Man did you see how he pushed those hoes aside to get to her? Brother man's got it bad. But who wouldn't though, she's fine as fuck goddamn."

Liam returned with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses in hand, he handed one glass to Aya and poured her a drink. The man watched as she sipped her whisky and smiled at him, her lips looked good enough to eat.

"I've never seen you around." Liam questioned the woman, not once straying his eyes away from her.

"I like to keep a low profile." Aya responded. "I'm always busy throughout the week and only go out on weekends."

"Well thank God the weekend brought you here. Cheers to a great weekend."

The two clicked glasses and continued downing their whiskey.

Two bottles of whiskey later, Aya and Liam where chatting up a storm. Liam was surprisingly having a good time watching her laugh and giggle at his dumb jokes. It was crazy cause he'd never held a conversation with any woman other than his sister.

Ayaka was having a great time as well, much to her surprise. El wasn't like the other artists she'd met who were stuck up and flashy. He actually had a personality and made her laugh which was something that never happened, and all this made him even more attractive.

She also hadn't failed to notice that he was quite the head turner, with his ocean blue eyes and fanged playboy side smile. She lowered her gaze to his pants and noticed his boner was still going strong, maybe she could take advantage of it and see if his personality ran all the way to his crotch.

The brunette inched closer to Liam and placed her hand on his thigh. She looked him in the eye and smiled seductively. "Seems like you're having a little bit of trouble down there El, why don't I help you out."

Liam's heart skipped a beat. Looking at how classy Aya was, he'd told himself it would take a whole lot to get her to bed, but here she was practically offering herself to him.

"Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?" Aya whispered in Liam's ear, making his dick jump in his pants.

The blue eyed man stood up, took Aya's hand and led her to the elevator that led to his bedroom. They walked into his room and Liam switched on his lights. His heart dropped when he turned around and saw Aya slipping off her jumpsuit and letting it fall to the floor, revealing her black lacy string and bra.

Liam pulled up his shit and tossed it aside. He walked over to Aya, pulled her in and began trailing her neck with light feathery kisses.

Aya threw her head back, embracing the kisses as she worked her way around his belt, stripping him down to his boxers.

Liam unclipped her bra and groped her breast in his hand as he continued to kiss her neck. She smelled so good. He lifted her and lay her down on her bed, while admiring her unbelievable figure. The man slipped off her string, got down to his knees and grabbed her legs with both his hands.

Ayaka gasped when Liam's tongue dug its way into her coochie hungrily. She let out a soft moan when he placed her lady parts in his mouth whole and sucked on them. She tasted so good.

She'd never had a man take the lead in pleasuring her before, so the sensation caught her off guard. Most men she'd been with were selfish and only thought of themselves first.

After about ten good minutes of immaculate head, Liam moved up Aya's body, trailing little kisses from her sweet slit, up her stomach and breasts as he moved. Aya was aching for him at this point, how dare he make her want him so bad, he deserved to be punished.

Liam leaned in to kiss Aya but she placed her finger over his mouth to stop him. "Uh uh. No kissing."

A rule Liam had almost tossed out the window.

Aya flipped Liam over and sat on top of him, her wet slit directly on top of his boxers. The brunette locked down his hands and began swaying her hips in a circular motion, dry humping his cock.

Liam winced as he felt his cock throbbing in his boxers.

"You want me?" Aya taunted the man, she was clearly enjoying his misery.

"Fuck! I do."

"How bad?" Aya questioned him, slowing her swaying and leaning down to nibble on his earlobe.

Liam was agitated but in a good way, no woman had even dared to toy with him like this. In the bedroom he was the king, but when it came to Aya he was so weak.

"I want you so bad! Stop messing around and let me fuck."

Aya stopped her movements and locked eyes with Liam. "Say please."

Liam looked at Aya and grinned. He was like patty in her hand. "Please."

Ayaka roughly pulled down Liam's boxers and resumed her position on top of him. She grabbed his cock and slightly pushed it into her coochie, making Liam's toes curl up.

Just as Liam was about to grab her hips and pound her to kingdom come, she pulled his cock out and smiled. "Easy there tiger, I haven't even gone down on you yet."

Liam grabbed the woman and slammed her down on the bed. He climbed on top of her, grabbed his now rock hard cock and placed it at her entrance. "Fuck that."

The blue eyed man shoved his length roughly into Aya making her moan in pleasure. The woman grabbed the back of his head and spread her legs so he could thrust without any obstruction.

Liam moved his length in and out of Aya roughly, his speed picking up with every thrust. He placed one hand around her waist and with the other he grabbed her thigh, making sure she stayed in place.

Liam never enjoyed the missionary position, he actually preferred not to see the faces of the women he was fucking but it was different with Aya. The expressions she was making were his drive, he wanted to see her react to what he was doing to her. He wanted to see just how much he was pleasuring her.

"FFFuck!" Liam moaned as he felt the warm fluid escape his cock and fill Aya up.

At the same time, Aya's walls spasmed around the man's length, covering it with her warm fluids.

Liam gasped and plopped onto the girl breathless. He could feel his cock twitching inside of her as it released the last drops of cum, shrinking in size in the process.

Aya was equally breathing heavily, trying to regain her composure. She'd been with many guys before and none of them had ever made her have an orgasm, not once. Liam was a beast and she loved it.

Life is too short not to f**k on the first date lol UwU. Yes I’m shameless lol and so are my characters

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