
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 21 Hidden Dangers

Li Yunwan noticed that her words were completely ignored by Qi Dengxian, she couldn't help but roll her eyes angrily and moved her chair to the side.

Qi Dengxian had already fallen into deep thought about something else, he completely ignored Li Yunwan's movements.

"This old lady has never been ignored by a man like this!" Li Yunwan rolled her eyes fiercely, and decided to vent her anger on the dishes on the table.

The conversation between Yu Xiaolong and Xu Aoxue had ended, and Qi Dengxian finally snapped out of his thoughts.

Since Xu Aoxue wanted to attack Xiang Dongqing and try to swallow up the Xiang Group, and Yu Xiaolong would also help, then he might as well make this arrogant woman suffer a big loss.

This was also a way to account for Old Xiang, after all, the guy could die at any time, and besides, they were also good friends.

Qi Dengxian was startled when he saw Li Yunwan eating and drinking with her mouth open, this woman was always a delicate and ladylike person, but when she ate, she was like a hungry wolf?

"Cough, cough, cough..." Li Yunwan noticed the surprised gaze, coughed awkwardly, and swallowed the food in her mouth.

Qi Dengxian said: "Sorry, I was lost in thought just now, what did you say?"

Li Yunwan didn't expect this guy to make his ignorance sound so righteous, she gritted her teeth slightly and smirked: "Nothing!"

Qi Dengxian picked up his chopsticks and started eating. The food at this private kitchen was indeed delicious, no wonder reservations were booked a month in advance.

Li Yunwan was sincere in inviting him here for a meal, it seemed she was genuinely grateful to him, not like their previous encounters where she always tried to trap him and make him look bad.

"What kind of organization is Dragon Gate?" Qi Dengxian glanced at Li Yunwan and asked.

"Dragon Gate? That's the largest gang organization in all of China, don't you know?" Li Yunwan was surprised, she looked at Qi Dengxian as if he were an alien.

Qi Dengxian shook his head. He had spent his life locked up in that small place, the Youdu Prison, most of his knowledge came from the mouths of those prisoners.

Li Yunwan said: "Dragon Gate, a large organization made up of Chinese people, it's all over the world, with millions of members! In every province of our country, there is a Dragon Gate branch, governed by a leader, and every leader also has extraordinary energy and connections."

She paused and asked: "You wouldn't have offended someone from Dragon Gate, would you?!"

"Not now, maybe in the future." Qi Dengxian ate his food slowly, speaking calmly.

When he finished the last bite of food, he put down his chopsticks and said: "I'm full. I'll go back now. Thanks for the hospitality!"

After saying that, Qi Dengxian walked away without even giving Li Yunwan a chance to say goodbye.

Li Yunwan was stunned, she was a little annoyed, but also a little scared. What was Qi Dengxian's background?

Judging from his tone, it seemed he was ready to offend Dragon Gate?!

"This leak, it seems it's not easy to pick up either!" Li Yunwan felt a little bit of a toothache.

Qi Dengxian had just left when Qiao Guotao called him directly to the Qiao family.

Qiao Guotao handed a stock transfer document worth three million yuan to Qi Dengxian and said: "This is the Zhang Group stock that Uncle Qiao bought for you. Just hold it well. When the Zhang Group goes public, you'll eat the dividends every year."

Qi Dengxian was startled, and then he heard Pang Xiuyun beside him laugh: "Now everyone, from our seven aunts and eight uncles, are thanking us. This is all thanks to Young Master Zhang. If he hadn't leaked this information, how would everyone have the chance to get such a windfall?"

"Uncle Qiao, how much did you guys spend in total?" Qi Dengxian couldn't help but ask.

"Well...we have about 30 million yuan here, plus some relatives who were persuaded, there's another 20 to 30 million yuan scattered around." Qiao Guotao smiled and said.

Qi Dengxian suddenly felt a headache, if the Zhang Group ran away with the money, then this bill would probably be counted on Qiao Guotao's head!

Qiao Guotao patted Qi Dengxian on the shoulder and said: "I know what happened today. You're not afraid of authority and stood up for Qiumei. You're very responsible and have a lot of character. I admire you!"

Qi Dengxian touched his nose. Being praised in the Qiao family was rare.

"But, don't be so against Zhang Shaojie. He does like Qiumei, but you are her husband! Besides, Qiumei has always treated him as a regular friend."

"Qiumei said those things to you because she wants you to grow up quickly. Don't take it too personally."

"I think you should come work for our Qiao Group. Start from the bottom, be a business clerk and accumulate experience. I believe in your potential."

Qi Dengxian quickly waved his hand: "Uncle Qiao, no need for that. I have my own plans."

Pang Xiuyun snorted coldly: "You came to be a son-in-law and still put on a tough front here? If you were really capable, then you'd be like Young Master Zhang, arrange some dividends for us to eat!"

"Old Qiao, I say people like Young Master Zhang are the ones who can bring us face!"

"Today, our relatives all took out money to buy shares, and they all praised us for our good judgment!"

Qiao Guotao said: "Today, Dengxian was able to stand up for Qiumei, which shows that he is a person who can achieve great things. Don't be so nagging."

Seeing Qiao Guotao's firm will, Pang Xiuyun could only grit her teeth and endure it, but she still glared fiercely at Qi Dengxian, clearly displeased with him for delaying Qiao Qiumei.

Qi Dengxian wanted to talk to Qiao Guotao about the Zhang Group again, but after seeing their attitude towards Zhang Shaojie, he felt that he should keep his mouth shut, lest he end up being laughed at again.

When it was time for dinner, Qiao Qiumei returned, dragging her tired body.

"Dad and Mom, I still couldn't solve the problem with the Zhonghai Bank." Qiao Qiumei sighed.

"What's going on? Didn't you already reach an agreement with the Black Dragon Gang? Why are they unwilling to lend?" Pang Xiuyun was annoyed.

Qiao Qiumei pursed her lips and glanced at her, shaking her head slightly, as if there was something she couldn't say.

Qi Dengxian noticed this and understood immediately. It was probably the bank intentionally making things difficult, and they were making unreasonable demands, just like Yu Kaihe!

"Let me take care of it. I know Sun Xingzhang, the president of the Zhonghai Bank. If I ask him, he won't refuse." Qi Dengxian said.

"Oh, big words indeed. You must have spent a lot of money to brag. No wonder you've been idle these past two days, unwilling to accept Old Qiao's offer to work at Qiao's Group. It turns out you were privately finding out the names of these big shots in Zhonghai, so you could brag conveniently, right?" Pang Xiuyun said sarcastically.

Qiao Guotao also coughed helplessly, patted Qi Dengxian's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Men should be grounded!"

Of course, he wouldn't believe that Qi Dengxian, who had been kicked out of the Qi family and spent so many years as a lowly prison guard in a small place, could still have such connections.