
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 22 There is danger

"Hahaha, let me handle this!"

Zhang Shaojie's voice followed, and he strode into the Qiao family mansion.

Pang Xiuyun was overjoyed when she saw Zhang Shaojie and said, "Zhang Shao, you have a way?"

Zhang Shaojie said calmly, "Earlier, Sun Xingzhang, the president of the Zhonghai Bank, loaned twenty billion to our Zhang Group."

"This twenty billion, he begged and pleaded to get it, and my father only agreed to accept it."

"For me to ask him to solve this matter is just a small effort!"

Qi Dengxian wanted to laugh. Sun Xingzhang and Huang Wenlang both said in their conversation that the Zhang Group was already in a deficit and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Sun Xingzhang had already rejected the Zhang Group's loan. Now in Zhang Shaojie's mouth, it turned into Sun Xingzhang begging the Zhang Group to accept the loan.

If it were before, as a high-quality enterprise, the Zhang Group might have had that hope, but now...

Qi Dengxian could only shake his head.

The key was that the Qiao family members still believed Zhang Shaojie's words wholeheartedly, taking them as gospel. This made him quite helpless.

"Mengmeng, you just focus on your own work, I'll handle these troublesome matters!" Zhang Shaojie smiled.

"Okay, thank you, Zhang Ge!" Qiao Qiumei nodded.

Zhang Shaojie smiled on his face, but thought to himself: "Anyway, I'll probably be running to the US in two days. It wouldn't hurt to scam them again before I leave..."

Qiao Guotao still insisted that Qi Dengxian work at the Qiao Group, but Qi Dengxian continued to find excuses.

"Then you must find a job that satisfies me, otherwise, you will still have to work at the Qiao Group! This is my order!" Qiao Guotao finally became serious.

"Uh...Alright!" Qi Dengxian nodded helplessly, agreeing. He had already started to think.

He didn't stay at the Qiao family waiting for dinner, but went directly to the Xiang Group.

Xu Aoxue was going to take action against the Xiang Group, and even Yu Xiaolong would be involved. Qi Dengxian both wanted to fulfill his promise to Old Xiang and give this arrogant woman, Yu Xiaolong, a slap in the face that would make her truly sober up!

"I'm looking for Mr. Xiang!" Qi Dengxian went to the front desk of the Xiang Group and got straight to the point.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked hesitantly.

Qi Dengxian said, "Tell her I'm sent by Xiang Donglei, she'll see me."

The receptionist had heard the name "Xiang Donglei" and knew very well that this name was taboo in the company. She was frightened, her face turned pale, and dared not act on her own, so she called to report it.

Qi Dengxian's eyes turned, and he saw a down-and-out middle-aged man in a wrinkled black suit walking into the elevator. He couldn't help but frown slightly.

The receptionist put down the phone in her hand and then looked at Qi Dengxian with an embarrassed expression, saying, "Mr. Xiang said..."

"What did he say?" Qi Dengxian asked.

"Mr. Xiang said to get lost." The receptionist said awkwardly.

Qi Dengxian's face couldn't help but sink. Sure enough, after all these years, Xiang Dongqing still couldn't forgive Old Xiang for his actions back then.

If Old Xiang had just done business honestly and not touched those crooked paths, the Xiang family would not have lost so many people.

However, Qi Dengxian took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and slipped into the stairwell. If Xiang Dongqing wasn't in danger, he wouldn't have used this method.

Qi Dengxian ran up the stairs, his physique was amazing, he ran faster than taking the elevator!

Before long, he reached the highest nineteenth floor.

There was a small table outside the chairman's office, with a beautiful secretary sitting at the table, reviewing the documents in her hand.

Qi Dengxian walked over, the secretary immediately stood up and frowned, saying, "Sir, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Xiang." Qi Dengxian said calmly.

"Do you have an appointment?" The secretary asked again.

"No, Xiang Donglei sent me." Qi Dengxian said.

The secretary's face changed when she heard this name, she became gloomy and said, "Didn't I already tell you to leave?!"

"Mr. Xiang doesn't want to hear that name, so please leave immediately! Otherwise, I'll call security or directly report you to the police!"

Qi Dengxian couldn't help but smile and said, "Your boss is in danger right now, are you sure you want to deal with me first?"

The secretary heard this, her face became even gloomier, thinking that Qi Dengxian was just exaggerating.

"Mr. Xiang is currently receiving Mr. Wen from Xingxing Electronics, he has no time to see you! Besides, you're someone introduced by that troublemaker, Xiang Donglei, she's even less likely to see you! Your threats are useless!" The secretary said very firmly.

The door of the office was very soundproof, but there were still some inaudible sounds coming from inside.

Qi Dengxian's hearing was so good that he could hear the slightest rustle of wind within fifty meters. This sound, naturally, could not escape his ears.

He didn't bother talking to the secretary anymore, he took a step forward with both feet, stood in a bow stance, turned his body, and aimed at the door.

"What are you going to do?!" The secretary was startled, she never expected anyone to dare to cause trouble here.

Qi Dengxian lifted his right foot, turned his body and hips, and with a standard front kick, slammed the door with a loud boom. The entire door was kicked open and flew inside!

"This door has the highest level of bulletproof and explosion-proof technology..." The secretary opened her mouth wide, shocked and speechless.

Inside the door, a man was covered with homemade high explosives, with a ferocious expression on his face, standing in front of the desk, speaking passionately.

The sound of the door being kicked open startled the two people in the office.

This man was the down-and-out middle-aged man that Qi Dengxian saw on the first floor.

And sitting behind the desk was Xiang Dongqing herself, wearing a white professional shirt, a black wrap-around skirt, her long hair tied up in a bun at the back of her head, with a pencil stuck in it. She looked very capable. However, even if she was capable, it couldn't affect her beauty.

But at this moment, she seemed a little flustered.

"Don't you dare come any closer, if you take one more step, we'll all die together!" Mr. Wen shouted angrily at Qi Dengxian, his eyes filled with bloodshot, as if he was a trapped beast.

Xiang Dongqing glanced at Qi Dengxian, then turned her head and said to Mr. Wen, "Mr. Wen, what you said, I will never agree, this is a matter of principle!"

"Xingxing Electronics cut corners, resulting in substandard products for me. This is a problem of your poor supervision, not our Xiang Group's problem."

Mr. Wen turned his head and gritted his teeth, "Xiang Dongqing, you bitch, won't you give me any way out?!"

Xiang Dongqing said expressionlessly, "The path you choose is your own, it has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Wen said angrily, "Then let's die together!"

The scene inside the office directly frightened the secretary outside, she sat down on the ground with a plop.

Qi Dengxian, however, was calm, with his hands in his pockets, watching silently.

"Okay, anyway, I, Xiang Dongqing, surviving is just by chance. I'm a cheap life. If I die, it's a good way to end it, I'll go accompany my parents!" Xiang Dongqing slammed the table, stood up abruptly, as if the explosives were in her hands, her aura completely overwhelmed Mr. Wen.

When Mr. Wen heard this, his face turned pale, and his emotions became more agitated...

"What a woman, tougher than a man!" Qi Dengxian couldn't help but slowly pull his hands out of his pockets when he saw this.