
Peerless Dragon

Qi Dantian, a man of leisure, ruled a prison, imprisoning thousands of powerful figures. Until his fiancée, already a two-star general, casually tore up their marriage contract, he realized... that the world would dance to his tune when he stepped out of this corner.

jodex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 20 Cold Blooded

Qi Dengxian didn't expect that out of all the people, it was Li Yunwan who took his words from yesterday to heart, and even went to investigate.

He nodded slightly and said, "Since you've investigated, why don't you show the results to Qiao Qiumei and have them withdraw their investment."

On the Qiao family side, after being persuaded by Zhang Shaojie, they had invested at least 30 million, and Qiao Qiumei alone had invested 20 million.

Qiao Qiumei's position was already quite unstable. If Zhang's Group ran away with the money, she would probably be criticized and condemned again.

"The information I investigated is just some clues, it's not convincing enough to be presented." Li Yunwan shook her head.

She hadn't really investigated at all, she completely believed Qi Dengxian's words because she had seen him being sent out by Huang Wenlang and others.

After all, even Qi Dengxian said it was Huang Wenlang who told him.

The Mayor Huang, who managed the entire Zhonghai, wouldn't have said such things casually...

Qi Dengxian was helpless, he could only find an opportunity to persuade Qiao Guotao again, after all, if this matter happened, the losses would be significant.

Li Yunwan led Qi Dengxian into the pre-booked restaurant, a private kitchen that only received ten tables a day.

It was said that the seats at this restaurant were booked a month in advance.

"It's like we're destined to clash, right?"

Qi Dengxian glanced to the side and noticed a figure, Long Yanan.

Long Yanan was Yu Xiaolong's assistant, and if she was here, Yu Xiaolong would probably be here too.

Yu Xiaolong was seriously injured from capturing the Terror King, so he stayed in Zhonghai to recuperate, and he would bump into Qi Dengxian from time to time, which gave him a headache.

Qi Dengxian didn't like Yu Xiaolong, it was her arrogance and condescending attitude that bothered him. If she had been willing to sit down and have a cup of tea with him and talk properly when they first met, and then broken off their engagement, he wouldn't have minded, even becoming friends wasn't impossible.

But Yu Xiaolong acted as if he owed her money from the start. That arrogant attitude made Qi Dengxian want to throw her in jail and hang her for three days to get a taste of it.

After sitting down, Qi Dengxian's ears twitched slightly, and he heard Yu Xiaolong talking to a woman.

"Aoxue, why did you suddenly come to Zhonghai? Weren't you doing well in Kyoto?" Yu Xiaolong asked.

"Of course, no profit, no risk. I saw a business opportunity!" Xu Aoxue smiled slightly, saying lightly.

Qi Dengxian just heard the voice and name, he knew this woman was probably just as arrogant as Yu Xiaolong, one of those extremely pretentious types.

He was about to directly ignore their conversation when he heard the four words "Xiang's Group", which made him frown slightly.

"Xiang's Group, are you targeting them? I've heard of this group, they're not easy to deal with. Their owner is called Xiang Dongqing, she seems to be a tough character..." Yu Xiaolong's voice was slightly thoughtful.

"Now Xiang's Group is being suppressed by Tiger Gate Group. Xiang Dongqing's personality is unyielding and she won't compromise, this is a good opportunity to swallow them up." Xu Aoxue laughed confidently.

"Tiger Gate Group? Their assets don't seem to be more than Xiang's Group, how can they suppress Xiang's Group?" Yu Xiaolong asked in confusion.

Xu Aoxue said: "Tiger Gate Group, they have the Dragon Gate organization as their backing, and they've grown thanks to that. Do you think they can suppress Xiang's Group?"

Yu Xiaolong said calmly: "Then that's no surprise, you want to snatch chestnuts from the fire, it's a good strategy."

Qi Dengxian listened, and he couldn't help but sigh silently. Xiang's Group, was the property of the Old Xiang family.

This Old Xiang was a rich kid. He didn't want to do a proper business, but instead went to tinker with weapons, and he was incredibly bold.

Old Xiang was probably too cocky. After his business grew, he actually embezzled a batch of weapons worth over 100 million from a certain warlord... The warlord, of course, wouldn't swallow his pride. Soon, he sent people to eliminate the Old Xiang family, leaving only Old Xiang and his sister Xiang Dongqing.

After such a big incident happened to Xiang's Group, all the relatives rushed in to fight for the property.

Xiang Dongqing, holding her parents' ashes, appeared at the board meeting, drove those relatives away, and took control.

Old Xiang was also imprisoned for the incident and has not been forgiven by Xiang Dongqing until now.

This time, Qi Dengxian came out of prison, Old Xiang, who was sick from various blows, was dying and asked Qi Dengxian for help. He asked him to take care of Xiang Dongqing if he had the chance.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Yunwan saw Qi Dengxian lost in thought, and couldn't help but gently tap his wrist with her chopsticks.

"Nothing." Qi Dengxian came back to his senses and noticed that Li Yunwan was sitting very close to him, their thighs were almost touching.

However, Qi Dengxian didn't mind too much, his thoughts drifted, remembering Old Xiang, he imagined what Xiang Dongqing should look like in his mind.

Old Xiang was an honest man in prison, he had a good relationship with Qi Dengxian, he would even often help him handle some of the prison's affairs, so Qi Dengxian agreed to help him with this.

"It seems I need to get in touch with Xiang Dongqing..." Qi Dengxian muttered.

"Xiang Dongqing! You know Xiang Dongqing?!" Li Yunwan looked at Qi Dengxian, asking in surprise.

Qi Dengxian nodded and said, "Why? Is it strange to know her?"

Li Yunwan looked strange, then slowly said: "She's a ruthless person. I'm not friends with her, but I know her vaguely..."

"Ruthless person?" Qi Dengxian smiled and asked.

"There was an accident in Xiang Dongqing's family, her parents died tragically, and then all the relatives in the family took advantage of the opportunity to seize power. In the end, Xiang Dongqing appeared at the board meeting with her parents' ashes and said a line that sounded incredibly cold-blooded to everyone... That line is still widely circulated in Zhonghai's business circles." Li Yunwan said.

Qi Dengxian listened and motioned for her to continue.

Li Yunwan said: "The relatives accused her of being unfilial, thinking about seizing power when her parents' bodies were still cold. Then, Xiang Dongqing replied..."

"My parents were cremated, their bodies wouldn't be cold!"

Qi Dengxian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at this.

The coldness contained in this short sentence made him feel a sense of shock!

"You want to get in touch with Xiang Dongqing? You're not going to be a scumbag, are you? But, she's not easy to deal with, with her personality, she doesn't even have any friends." Li Yunwan said.

"Scumbag? There's nothing between me and Qiumei now, only the title." Qi Dengxian frowned, then sighed helplessly.

Li Yunwan saw him looking depressed and couldn't help but ask: "Are you going to hang yourself on one tree?"

Qi Dengxian said: "I said yesterday, everything depends on fate. When fate runs out, I will naturally leave."

"Then you're a scumbag!" Li Yunwan couldn't help but laugh, baring her teeth, her small white teeth were neat and tidy.

Qi Dengxian was calm.

Li Yunwan's thigh suddenly touched Qi Dengxian's leg, the warmth passed over, she was smiling like a flower, her face flushed slightly.

"Can you be a scumbag to me first?" Li Yunwan said, her tone quite ambiguous.

Qi Dengxian was stunned, then his attention was attracted by Yu Xiaolong's voice. He heard her say: "If there's anything difficult, you can ask me."

Qi Dengxian sneered, it seemed Yu Xiaolong was preparing to interfere with the matter of dealing with Xiang's Group, which was fine. In this confrontation, he would thoroughly crush her arrogance!