
Peculiar System: Rebirth Of The Great Lord

Shen Li is a 16 years old teenage boy, who live by himself at the old apartment near Riverzon Road Wexiang. At a young age, he do every job he found just to survive from cruel world, but frequently sell sweet potatoes or cooked egg. He's in 2nd year in Highschool, even though he's poor, and has no money to spend on his school year. It thanks to the scholarship that his school have, that's why he manage to reach at 2nd grade in Highschool. Despite of being weak in the outside, he's a genius inside. After selling all his sweet potatoes from his regular customer near his school. He found an unconscious young boy at the side of the road. Its clothes is too dirty and crumpled. Passer-by didn't even take a glance to the poor boy and just mind their own business. Shen Li also wanted to ignore the young boy and head back home, he thinks that maybe its parents would come and pick him up. But at the other side of his mind, who would gonna leave their child in this kind of state? Are his parents was too cruel? Shen Li just shrugged all his worry, then decided to pick the young boy, and bring it back to his house. Even it is crappy, he can called it his home, than having not. After that incident, many things changed, the secrets of the world become visible to the eye of the ordinary people. Numerous of people started to awakened their ability. Chaos spread regularly in every part of the world. Organization that keeping lay low started to fight evilness for the peace of humanity. Yet, in an old apartment, there's a teenage guy, who awaken with a peculiar system that different from others. To be distinguished about his system, Shen Li and his newly found cute younger brother, Shen Yui, begin their journey to find the answer about themselves. And willingly keep pace from their allies or rival just for the knowledge they wanted. Even killing them is also included, if they wanted to stopped Shen Li from his ulterior motives.

ShaoYi_ · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Fruit Can Control Everything

After their discussion, the two came back to their house and slept.

But Shen Li can't close his eyes because of those words.

If that's true, then many of the students would die at the remains. Not only in their school, but also in other universities.

However, it's their choice. They asked them if they were willing or not. This is their chance to choose whether they want to die or survive.

Shen Yui wanted him to stop them. But he refused.

He is not in the habit of immersing himself in other people's lives. What they want, he will let them.

He didn't say why he didn't want to do what Yui asked.

What other reason to say that?

But he also remembered what Shen Yui had said before they entered the house. An organization that is not well known.

The only difference between Infinite Salvation and that organization is that it cares more about the welfare of its staff.

They last longer compared to Infinite Salvation. But IS is better known than them.

"Born Saga. What the heck's with their name? Infinite Salvation and Born Saga. F*cking weird!"

But if he compares these two with each other, he likes the Born Saga's name more than Infinite Salvation.

What's the reason?

Because he's a legend!

It's a joke actually.

Shen Li remembers the points he gained for a day including yesterday night.

He already has 1679 points.

He also unlocked some of the products inside the market.

He doesn't know what he should buy, it's not his time to sell these fruits or vegetables because he still has few stocks of sweet potatoes.

Then he decided to take a look at the weapons, abilities, and equipment. It's a pity because he needs 2000 points and up to buy them. And needed to level up first.

He also tapped the personal fruits, and there, he found a fruit that could help him boost his strength, speed, healing, and aptitude.

It's for personal use only. If he lets others eat this fruit, there is no effectiveness.

He scrolled the fruit until the end. But it only has 5 fruits that are unlocked and the others needed 2000 points or higher than that.

A Pecan-like Fruit. It can increase your aptitude by 3%. Needed 100 points.

A Berriella Fruit. For healing. Only 10% of 200 points are needed.

Quencher Fruit. Increasing your speed by only 30%. It needs 500 points.

Macarole Fruit. Has a resemblance to candy in a circle shape. If you eat it, it's sticky in your mouth. Can boost your ability using different types of weapons or things that can replace the weapons if you lost like; paper, a branch, or a stick. Needed 900 points.

And lastly, the Celestial Fruit. Can boost all with 100% effectiveness. Needed 1000 points. Reminder: Only Level 3 and up. If you eat it in Level 4 and below, there's a high chance of side effects.

After reading the information about the fruits, Shen Li thought about what he wanted to buy. But decided to purchase Macarole Fruit because he knows how to use a sword.

If he has the ability that can control everything in this world by eating Macarole Fruit. He doesn't need to buy swords for his solo training.

Swords today cost $100 and up. You didn't even know if it was fake or real.

Since he purchased Macarole Fruit, it automatically landed on his hand.

"It's really like candy," he said. Then put it in his mouth and started to eat it slowly. "It's sticky but has a sweet taste." He added, smiling.

Afterward, he suddenly felt something on his body, an energy that gently flowed in his veins. It doesn't hurt or have side effects.

Shen Li only felt relieved, as if another of him immediately awakened from a long time of sleep.

His hands started to tremble. Wanting to hold something.

One of the stars in a ring shape form on his map began to light up. At first, its color was white then an instant it changed into blue.

He doesn't know why, but he's happy. He is also excited to light all of them, waiting to count them one by one.

It's his hobby when he's bored.

It was only 9 p.m. so he thought of going out of the house.

Yui didn't wake up when he opened the door so he was free to leave to go to the empty lot a little far from their house.

Beautiful houses are far in their direction. Even the school he attends. He walks from his house to his shop for about 20 minutes.

In fact, it is an abandoned place. No one wants to buy a lot to build a house. There's a rumor that whoever buys this lot, would die.

Before, they didn't believe this thing. Maybe it's a fake rumor.

But after the son of the well-known businessman died after purchasing this land and another business person too. Everyone believed that the rumor was true.

Only Shen Li and the old man know the truth. That old man is the famous assassin.

All of the business people who buy the land are his target. Not a natural job in the organization, he just doesn't like someone occupying that lot, and building an establishment.

If they do, his apartment would automatically be demolished. And Shen Li will sleep on the street again.

After it died Shen Li inherited this old apartment to be his home and not the street.

He knows it's a bad idea to k*ll for your own satisfaction. He wanted to leave the house.

Thus realized the effort that the old man made, so he stayed.

It's been 10 years since the old man left the world. Same with him, who remains at the apartment.

Shen Li searched the lot for a branch or even a stick. He found a bamboo that was wide and also quite long. So he took it.

He started to swing the bamboo stick in the air. The energy that flowed to his body instantly awakened.

When he swung the bamboo stick, a wave of power could be seen. It's strong and dangerous.

While he was moving the bamboo stick side to side or back and forth, he found a cut from different angles of the lot.

The trees that are not far away from him also had a cut.

He doesn't know how long he trained his body with a bamboo stick. He just stopped after he felt the tiredness on his physique.

He slowly bent down on the tree and spread his head to its body. He even closes his eyes despite the coldness of the night.

For him, after training his body, only warmth he could feel. No other than that.