
Peculiar System: Rebirth Of The Great Lord

Shen Li is a 16 years old teenage boy, who live by himself at the old apartment near Riverzon Road Wexiang. At a young age, he do every job he found just to survive from cruel world, but frequently sell sweet potatoes or cooked egg. He's in 2nd year in Highschool, even though he's poor, and has no money to spend on his school year. It thanks to the scholarship that his school have, that's why he manage to reach at 2nd grade in Highschool. Despite of being weak in the outside, he's a genius inside. After selling all his sweet potatoes from his regular customer near his school. He found an unconscious young boy at the side of the road. Its clothes is too dirty and crumpled. Passer-by didn't even take a glance to the poor boy and just mind their own business. Shen Li also wanted to ignore the young boy and head back home, he thinks that maybe its parents would come and pick him up. But at the other side of his mind, who would gonna leave their child in this kind of state? Are his parents was too cruel? Shen Li just shrugged all his worry, then decided to pick the young boy, and bring it back to his house. Even it is crappy, he can called it his home, than having not. After that incident, many things changed, the secrets of the world become visible to the eye of the ordinary people. Numerous of people started to awakened their ability. Chaos spread regularly in every part of the world. Organization that keeping lay low started to fight evilness for the peace of humanity. Yet, in an old apartment, there's a teenage guy, who awaken with a peculiar system that different from others. To be distinguished about his system, Shen Li and his newly found cute younger brother, Shen Yui, begin their journey to find the answer about themselves. And willingly keep pace from their allies or rival just for the knowledge they wanted. Even killing them is also included, if they wanted to stopped Shen Li from his ulterior motives.

ShaoYi_ · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Born Saga Organization

"Hey, isn't he the guy who declined the opportunity to become a member of Infinite Salvation?"

"Yeah! If I were him, I'll accept their offer! Who knows in the future I'll become a famous hero!"

"Stop dreaming, girl!"

As Shen Li walked down the hallway of their school, he heard those words.

He didn't think it would be a commotion for everyone.

But for them, this is an opportunity to help others. Whatever it will be in exchange for it as long as they fulfill their rule.

Still, they also wanted to be known in their country, not, all over the world that they saved everyone from evilness.

Without their knowledge, the organization is preparing for its death.

After the remains open, all students who participate in the training would be a pawn or bait for the kings' own ambition.

Power! Throne! Praise!

Not with Shen Li, even though Yui didn't tell about Infinite Salvation's plan, he still considered declining the offer.

His life, his rule. No other people would tell him what he needed to do.

When he came back to his class, the two students who always bullied him had already gone to participate in the training.

His classmates have disgusting expressions on their faces while facing him.

'From Rhea Durham +78'

'From Li Zuan +26'

'From... +6'

'From... +9'

'From... +15'


Even though his classmates looked down on him, no one planned to speak to them, but they were envious or unhappy.

But he's unconcerned about this too.

That's the reason why there are so many notifications coming from his classmates.

Only the two like to get his attention. Even though they were here, he remains indifferent.

What's the point of arguing with nonsense?

Until returning home, there were still a few whispering about what happened on Saturday.

Those people spread his distaste for the offer before leaving school.

He thought the training was just a secret? Even being a hero? What's happening?

Even if he wanted to know the truth, he preferred to go to Born Saga's headquarters instead.

It's not far from their place, he just needs to get on the bus and say the address of Born Saga. The bus drivers already know that because it's just on the road.

When he finally reached the organization, he could see the quietness of the building. There are two guards in front of the large gate.

There is still a CCTV installed on the two walls that are attached to the gate.

"Hi, I am Shen Li, a student at Youndell State University. Can I come in?" He asked the guard, bravely.

The two looked at each other before him. They scanned him from head to toe. After hearing the name of the school, they let him in.

That school is famous from a rich family and there's a rumor that the organization of Infinite Salvation bought it from the founder of Born Saga.

They wondered why a school student came to their place, but they chose to let him in because it was obvious that the boy wanted to say something to the people in charge of Born Saga.

When Shen Li entered the Born Saga building, there was a man with a red coat who insisted on taking him to the office.

While walking he noticed all around that there were pictures of people on every wall. There are also rooms with names on each door.

They entered the elevator and were taken to the very end of the building. When he got out, he finally faced the kings or the lords of the Born Saga.

But they are incomplete, only 3 people are inside the office. The founder of the Born Saga's watching the whole view of the city through the glass window.

Yet it turned its head after the elevator opened and felt the person walking inside the office.

"Good afternoon, sorry for intruding! I'm—"

"Shen Li, my student who didn't pay a visit to my house, what's the reason for you to come to our organization?" This is a serious question to him.

Even though Shen Li was surprised by what he found out he pretended not to be shocked.

But the two who were sitting in their seats were surprised by what they heard.

They didn't think that the old man who was always saying that he doesn't like to have students even though he dies, will have a disciple.

Who wouldn't be surprised to find out?

"What? Student?"

"Discipline? I thought you didn't like teaching someone with your swordplay?"

The two started to argue with the founder, but instead, the founder only gave attention to Shen Li.

Shen Li bowed before his teacher. And then began to tell the story of what happened when Infinite Salvation came to their school, including its plan to include them in training.

"What's your answer to their offer?" The founder couldn't be more surprised by what he found out. They have discussed that with the founder of Infinite Salvation.

What he didn't expect was that Shen Li was among the chosen ones. He took Shen Li as a student because he wanted to teach Li how to save himself from evil.

Yes, it's for pity. After seeing Shen Li on the street while selling sweet potatoes when he was 8 years old, he wanted to help him. Even adopting him, but the young kid doesn't like the idea.

That's why when he was 15 years old and wanted to enroll in his school, he let Shen Li attend the class. It doesn't need to pay the tuition. He provides Shen Li's daily expenses for projects, materials, or everything that is needed for grades in exchange for becoming his disciple.

But because of the child's stubbornness, he only pays a visit when Shen Li remembers his teacher, and his teaching too.

"I decline them. The kid that I'm taking care of now suddenly told me about this organization. Even though the name's weird. It's better than the Infinite Salvation. I wanted to try to join if you let me i—"

"Of course, you can! You can also fill the vacant position! We're in the middle of the meeting when you visit us, it's a great opportunity on having you here!" The other man said to the left side of the founder.

But Shen Li shook his head, "No, thank you."

The two were stunned by his answer. They even turned to the founder who was still looking at Shen Li seriously. It turned around and looked at the view outside again.

The three waited for the founder's decision. That old man has the right to accept someone who wanted to join the organization.

"Why did you decline their offer? Having that organization, you can learn everything, and become a hero."

"I don't want to be a hero. I'm here to ask if I can join, I'm not forcing you to accept me. I need to go. Someone is waiting for me, goodbye." Shen Li bowed again in front of everyone and started to go to the elevator to leave.

"It's not easy being a member of any organization. It's a matter of life and death. We, Born Saga, are already at the finish line of being an unpopular organization. If you join us, we'll be forcing you to participate in the remains ." It said.

"As long as you don't use me as bait. I'm okay with it."

After Shen Li said that, he left the organization with a deep sigh.