
Peculiar System: Rebirth Of The Great Lord

Shen Li is a 16 years old teenage boy, who live by himself at the old apartment near Riverzon Road Wexiang. At a young age, he do every job he found just to survive from cruel world, but frequently sell sweet potatoes or cooked egg. He's in 2nd year in Highschool, even though he's poor, and has no money to spend on his school year. It thanks to the scholarship that his school have, that's why he manage to reach at 2nd grade in Highschool. Despite of being weak in the outside, he's a genius inside. After selling all his sweet potatoes from his regular customer near his school. He found an unconscious young boy at the side of the road. Its clothes is too dirty and crumpled. Passer-by didn't even take a glance to the poor boy and just mind their own business. Shen Li also wanted to ignore the young boy and head back home, he thinks that maybe its parents would come and pick him up. But at the other side of his mind, who would gonna leave their child in this kind of state? Are his parents was too cruel? Shen Li just shrugged all his worry, then decided to pick the young boy, and bring it back to his house. Even it is crappy, he can called it his home, than having not. After that incident, many things changed, the secrets of the world become visible to the eye of the ordinary people. Numerous of people started to awakened their ability. Chaos spread regularly in every part of the world. Organization that keeping lay low started to fight evilness for the peace of humanity. Yet, in an old apartment, there's a teenage guy, who awaken with a peculiar system that different from others. To be distinguished about his system, Shen Li and his newly found cute younger brother, Shen Yui, begin their journey to find the answer about themselves. And willingly keep pace from their allies or rival just for the knowledge they wanted. Even killing them is also included, if they wanted to stopped Shen Li from his ulterior motives.

ShaoYi_ · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 6: The Choosen

Before, Shen Li doesn't care whether he was weak or strong. As long as he can sell to the street for his daily needs.

Yet, after meeting Yui, he wanted to protect him.

He didn't let the child leave their house.

He promises Yui that they can sell the food it cooks after Li settles the issue between Yui and his foster parents.

Suddenly he remembers that old man, the one that trained him in swordplay. But recently he didn't pay a visit to that old man's house.

He forgot about it too.

Even though he wanted to come today, he needed to attend class even though it was Saturday.

However, after he came to the building that was never used before, he remembered the time they took a blood test from students.

There are only few students here.

More than 15 people, including him, are sitting in their respective seats. There was only one seat left so he sat there.

When the five noticed that everyone was complete, they started their task.

Before it was their leader who spoke, now it is the one whose height is small who opened the announcement today.

It has long, purple hair that reaches the nape of its neck. Narrow eyes and a necklace with a pecan pendant.

"All of you must be wondering why we call you at weekend. But I need to introduce myself before I continue the discussion. I am Kian Lim, one of the kings of the Infinite Salvation Organization. And the rest too," he pointed out his companions who raised their right hands. " The reason for summoning you here is because of recent happening in our country and even all over the world. You, 15 students, would participate with other students from different schools in our training. Why? Because you're one of the precious gems who had the ability, if you awakened and didn't know how to control it, maybe this would be gonna be the reason for chaos to our country. If it doesn't happen, you might end up on the wrong path and choose to destroy the world."

"We, kings of the Infinite Salvation, are willing to help you train yourself and become the next hero that will save humankind. And have a chance to participate in the remains. It's not easy but we will do everything with our best to make you stronger before the remains. But it's your choice if you wanted it or not. That's why we're here to ask you, everyone, are you willing to participate in the training?"

This is a serious question for students.

The students were surprised by what they heard. Some had their mouths agape and others were dumbfounded.

But in the end, they were also shaken their head. Because they know that this is the time to shine.

If they manage to control their power, there's a chance of being a member of this organization and becoming a hero.

Yet, someone raised his right hand after the king of Infinite Salvation asked them if they were willing or not willing.

"I'm not joining."

It's none other than Shen Li.

His two classmates who bullied him and the rest were stunned after finding out that someone doesn't like to be a hero.

But Shen Li doesn't like to be whoever's a savior in this world. He also felt that the person speaking in front of him was not sincere, so he chose to refuse.

He knows that there are other organizations besides Infinite Salvation, if he finds them, and feels that they're sincere, he's willing to participate in the training.

The leader coughed softly, "Are you sure? It's not our job if you suddenly awaken. You can use your ability to help other—"

"Did they help me when I'm down? Did the government seek aid for the lost kids and others? Did you also support the poor person aside from helping civilians and children with an ability? It's better to be an ordinary person than be a hero." After he said that, he left the building and the people inside, dumbfounded.

"If you don't, then don't! You will regret it, loser!" A shout from his bully.

'I would never regret it, Hero A*s!'

"Eh? Why are you here, Shen Li? I thought you could go home this afternoon!" Yui shouted in shock after seeing Li in front of him smiling at him.

He started to plant sweet potatoes in their garden in front of the house. There was nothing he could do inside so he preferred to help so that they could harvest more when the time came.

"It's nothing important, I left because it's kinda boring. If you have done, let's go inside!" Shen Li invited him.

He finished before Li arrived from school, so he got up from his seat and then went into the house with a wide smile.

When night came, Shen Li was once again on the roof of the house. The cell phone was in his hand while looking at the page of Infinite Salvation.

He only sees normal posts.

Li knows that Infinite Salvation hides those with powers for their protection.

Will they still be able to do that if a severe deluge comes? He thought.

But he immediately turned around on the stairs up to the roof when he saw Shen Yui also walking towards him.

"What are you doing, Li?" It asked with a curious expression.

"Browsing to Infinite Salvation page. Why are you here?" he interrogated the kid back too but it seems that Yui didn't hear what he said.

"Infinite Salvation? One of my abused foster parents is a king in that organization," the kid said in a low tone of voice.

It also glances at the sky full of bright stars.

Yui suddenly smiled at what it saw.

Beautiful. It thought while still gazing at the stars.

"Really? Then, what's their name?"

"Hong Zhao."

After hearing that name, Shen Li instantly realized the reason why Hong Zhao gave Yui a massive negative point.

He thought it was because of tasting Yui's dish, but now, he's sure of one thing after Yui revealed its foster parents.

This person maybe knows that Yui's already awakened.

Then the abuse, maybe he can't handle Yui. He wanted to use the kid for his own interest.

But because Yui ran away to his home, he can't maintain his anger and hatred towards the kid.

The gem left him and his recognition.

"They come to our school and only 15 people, including myself, have a chance to participate in the training. But I declined." Shen Li answered before he watched the stars.

He feels that it's the same as his map but there's a nebula that resembles a tree. It has a weak red and violet light.

'From Shen Yui's distress +237'

When he saw the notification in his mind, he immediately turned his head towards Yui.

He saw the extreme nervousness on its face as if he had said something bad.

'What's wrong with this kid?'

'And what's wrong with this system?'

Its job can affect itself?! What the?

"N-no way! The kings will sacrifice them in the next remains! I heard it from that old man, they will use them for their own satisfaction!"