
Peculiar System: Rebirth Of The Great Lord

Shen Li is a 16 years old teenage boy, who live by himself at the old apartment near Riverzon Road Wexiang. At a young age, he do every job he found just to survive from cruel world, but frequently sell sweet potatoes or cooked egg. He's in 2nd year in Highschool, even though he's poor, and has no money to spend on his school year. It thanks to the scholarship that his school have, that's why he manage to reach at 2nd grade in Highschool. Despite of being weak in the outside, he's a genius inside. After selling all his sweet potatoes from his regular customer near his school. He found an unconscious young boy at the side of the road. Its clothes is too dirty and crumpled. Passer-by didn't even take a glance to the poor boy and just mind their own business. Shen Li also wanted to ignore the young boy and head back home, he thinks that maybe its parents would come and pick him up. But at the other side of his mind, who would gonna leave their child in this kind of state? Are his parents was too cruel? Shen Li just shrugged all his worry, then decided to pick the young boy, and bring it back to his house. Even it is crappy, he can called it his home, than having not. After that incident, many things changed, the secrets of the world become visible to the eye of the ordinary people. Numerous of people started to awakened their ability. Chaos spread regularly in every part of the world. Organization that keeping lay low started to fight evilness for the peace of humanity. Yet, in an old apartment, there's a teenage guy, who awaken with a peculiar system that different from others. To be distinguished about his system, Shen Li and his newly found cute younger brother, Shen Yui, begin their journey to find the answer about themselves. And willingly keep pace from their allies or rival just for the knowledge they wanted. Even killing them is also included, if they wanted to stopped Shen Li from his ulterior motives.

ShaoYi_ · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Awakened System

While Shen Li's resting, he doesn't know what time it is now. His mind was conscious but his eyes were shut up.

When he's trying to open his eyes, a system appeared in his mind. He doesn't know where it came from and how did it happen?

Is he's still dreaming? If it's true, then he should go over the flow.

He watched the system in front of him for a minute.

There's a menu, below the menu is a mission, below the mission is the market, a map, and the last is the profile.

He taps the profile to see what it is.

He saw his name and his picture on the left side in the upper part. There's also a level below his name.

The points are on the upper part on the right side too.

It feels like he's in the game that he always sees when one of his customers is focused on their phone.

He never tried playing one of them because his phone can't download a large MB.

Unlike in the game, he started in Level 10 rather than 1.

He realized that there are so many things that are opposite to the real game. One of them is the level, the map, and his profile.

Because he can add four people to help him get more points.

But he was stunned when he saw what was in the center, a job?

However, he didn't need to think about it because there is provided information below the job.

To have a point, he needs a job, the job he chooses can be either saving people, grudge, k*lling, bullying, business, distress, and many more.

He needs to choose two choices. But he doesn't need to pick it to the other person.

In other words, he needs to choose another job for them.

Then he taps the mission.

It only has two missions; collecting things or animals in the remains and lighting the stars.

Shen Li doesn't know what it means that's why he taps the map and understood immediately what exactly it means.

He needs to light the stars.

The only method he could use is to buy things in the market using the points he gained.

Too easy, right? But it's not.

The stars don't have light.

Shen Li thought when he glances at the stars, it feels like he was just watching the sky while sitting up on the roof of his house every night.

But the difference is, they have no kukui. As if they're dead in the sky inside Shen Li's mind.

However, stars can move around and form different shapes. Some just stood there behind waiting for someone to light them up.

Shen Li doesn't know how many of them.

There are big stars, middle ones, and even small stars.

He guessed that the number of stars should be around 5000 or more.

He doesn't know!

Could I finish this all in a year? He thought but shook his head off instantly.

He knows he couldn't do that.

What is he, a God? Lol!

If he buys many products at the market would he eventually finish lighting them all? Maybe.

That's why Shen Li tapped the market and found nothing.

Yes, nothing!

He needed to create the job first before he could finally see what the market was like.

Thus he came back to his profile but found a job that he didn't even pick. It's not even there a while ago, what happened?!

K*lling and Grudge.

'I am not that kind of person!' He exclaimed.

Yet he was stunned at what he saw. He can revise it in exchange for the most important in the life of humanity.

Shen Li thinks carefully.

He's not a bad guy, not a good person too, and also he can't bully anyone. He doesn't have a soft heart.

If he replaced it with another, what was the most important thing in humanity? He doesn't know. What could it be?

But he realized something...

He started to create the job he wanted and when he finished. There's a question that popped up. It was about humanity.

"Soulmates." He said, seriously.

After he muttered this word, it automatically brought him to the market.

He chooses business and is indifferent because that's what he knows well.

And in the school where he's attending, he's famous to the students who recognize him as a young boy selling sweet potatoes on the street. And being unconcerned.

Shen Li carefully looked at those listed in the market.

It is aligned with each class.

There are fruits, vegetables, soap, shampoo, trees, water, weapons, personal fruits, types of equipment, and abilities.

Since Shen Li has yet to earn any points, all the shops in the market are still closed. He can only unlock it when he gets the right points to buy.

But in weapons and abilities, he can't buy it if he didn't reach level 5.

And Shen Li knows that he needs someone to help him gain points. However, who would it be?

"Shen Li! Shen Li! Wake up!" When he was in the middle of thinking, a voice of a child echoed in his left ear, calling his name multiple times.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Shen Yui in front of him, worried.

What's with this child?

"What's wrong?" He asked it with a hoarse voice.

Suddenly he felt a tight hug coming from the child as if it was scared to death without his knowing.

"I thought... I thought you would leave me! I called you many times, I used different utensils to wake you up, and I even shook your body. B-but you didn't open your eyes! I am scared! I don't want you to leave me!" As it spoke, tears continued to fall from its eyes and flowed down into Shen Li's chest.

Even though he didn't understand what the boy was saying, he just hugged the child back while laying down on his bed.

"I'll never leave you." He said.

As long as he's alive, he can be a shield that would protect the young boy from harm, and even from people who abused him.

Shen Li knows that there's a moment when they will chase Shen Yui to come back and use force.

He would never allow it.

"Shen Yui, what's the thing that you feared the most? Aside from being abused." He asked the kid who is now eating the cooked egg that he didn't eat.

His face is full of joy.

Shen Yui really likes to eat eggs rather than sweet potatoes.

Shen Yui thinks first before looking at Li, "Hmm... hatred!"


"I don't want you to hate me."

Shen Li just laughed softly upon hearing Yui's answer.

He tried to open the system in his mind while he was sitting on their couch. Thinking if it's not a dream.

And he succeeded.

It's real!

He taps the plus button below his picture. He added the name of Shen Yui and when he glanced at his left side, it automatically captured the face of the child.

Then he created the job suitable for Shen Yui; Negative Emotion and...

"Wanted to cook to sell?" He asked the kid after he realized that he needed one too.

Yui nodded slightly and smiled a little.

'Negative Emotion and Cook'

After he added Yui to his profile, an unexpected scene happened.

'From Miran Ki +356'

'From Harold Gabriel +187'

'From Hong Zhao +899'

In just a minute, he gained 1442 points from Shen Yui's job. Should he laugh or cry?

But that's not the point. If these people are giving Yui big points, then there's a possibility that they're the ones who adopt him.

Or the one who tasted Shen Yui's cook before him.

He doesn't know!

Shen Li immediately regrets adding another job for Yui, and because of that, he couldn't determine who's the bad guy.

But it's too late to admit guilt, he has already done it.

Yet, why the system has no added information after their name like negative emotions or cook?

Shen Li realize something.

' This system is not that easy. What would gonna happen if I light the stars in a ring shape form?'