
Peculia and the 6th son

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it. She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did. After getting heartbroken by Stephen she meets William who will slowly but surely still her heart

Rose_Yvana · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 9- Confusing

She knocked on the door even though she already received the order to enter, when no one replied she made her way in queitly.

When she entered she saw modern grey, black and white furniture a contemporary vibe spreading in his office. There were also a few paints on the walls and a library on one side of the four walls in the office.

He was sat on the chair behind his desk and had his legs crossed looking like the boss he was, I approached looking around me to distract myself from the gorgeous man at the end of the room.

"Why was the director absente"? He asked her. Why is he asking it all of a sudden? Is it because she did something wrong?

"Uhm, he had an accident so he couldn't come"

"Since when?" he asked raising a brow, his gaze studying her

"Since ...3 days ago" she replied. You are the one who injured him anyways.

"Okay" he nodded to himself. He stood up and started walking towards her. His eyes held hers as he approached, she really didn't want to keep eyes contact with him but she couldn't make herself look away. There was definitely something really weird about this man which she couldn't put her fingers on. Something behind those grey eyes she couldn't see and was really curious about. Was he really a wizard?

"About that night" he cleared his throat. Is he nervous or is it all acting she thought "I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he said standing Infront of her and towering her with his height

"O-okay..." She said a slow smile creeping on her face. She didn't expect him to appolize. And why was she smiling and blushing like a school girl. She couldn't fall for him no matter what. Not after what Stephen did to her, she needed time for herself  and shouldn't fall for the first man who shows up Infront of her.

" I know you are married and all but I still wanted to invite you on a date with me. He is jerk you sh-

"Wait wait wait. I am not married! And I am no more with...him" she said she didn't know why she felt the need to clarify that but she did.

"Oh really?" He asked with raising a brow with a smirk on his face. God upclose he already looked like a model but now with his smirk he looked nothing less than a Greek god. His visuals weren't of this world literally.

"Y-yeah" she said and nodded just after, making him grin. Did she hear right he wanted to go on a date with her. And why was she even stuttering and what were they talking about she was here for work nothing more. She needed to get back to her senses and she couldn't possibly ignored the fact that he almost rape her and go on a date with him just because he apologized.

"Um... Sir. Is this why you ask to see me?" She asked keeping a stoic face. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea, and she surely didn't want to go on a date with him. A rapist

" The project right?" He asked pocketing his hands and she nodded almost immediately taking deep breaths.

"I will buy it" he said locking eyes with her. The way he looked at her made her legs weak and she squirm. She wasn't even sure if she heard what he said just now.

"W-what did you say" she whispered but he heard

Keeping eyes contact with her " I said I will buy it"

"Oh. Okay. T-thanks for g-giving it a go...yeah t-thats it " He smiled and her heart melted. His effect on her was really strange, just his smile could trigger all kinds of emotions to surface on her.

"And about the date" She heard him blurt out before she had the chance to escape his hypnotizing gaze

"I will think about it" She said. For her that was the best answer she could give right now. She really wanted to go on a date with him but not until she is fully over Stephen. And the fact that this man almost raped her that night was still lingering in her thoughts she couldn't just give in. Plus she didn't trust him yet, going on a date with a stranger who almost raped her and might be a wizard didn't sound good to her.

"Okay" he said not sounding one bit sad or disappointed because he kind of expected her to say that.

She immediately left the room and took deep breaths to calm herself down


Mandy with the rest of the team was waiting for Peculia Infront of infinity Inc. Building. She was arguing with Anthony about who was supposed to play the main character of a film who recently came out.

"Ruby Jones didn't portray the role of Amanda well I think Erika carpenter would have been better" Anthony said sure of himself

"Ruby Jones is a much more better actress that is why she was chosen and Erika carpenter not!" Mandy yells this was getting frustrating for her

"She was chosen because she was already popular before the film so they just wanted to use her-

"No. What are you even talking about it is not because of her popularity that she was chosen but her talent" Mandy continued to defend her favorite actress

"Whatever arguing with you is like arguing with a 5 year old, you just won't listen-

A black Lamborghini suddenly parked in front of the building, halting Anthony. Alex came out of it surprising most of the people standing there because he was a celebrity of course. He was accompanied by a blonde hair guy who was as hot as him, but of course not more than him... for Mandy.

Mandy's brain stopped functioning the moment she saw him. What was he even doing here?, she didn't want to see him just yet after what happened that night. She was so ashame of herself and didn't know what to say or do right now. What if he was angry with her, what if he ignored her and just continue his road that will hurt her so bad. Well it is not as if he usually stops when he sees her though. This was embarrassing she was embarrassed. For some reasons she decided to hide hoping that he haven't noticed her yet

"Anthony, hide me" She whispered as she twisted herself behind Anthony. But unfortunately Alex was already coming their way.

"Mandy what are you hiding from?" Anthony asked totally confused. Then he saw Alex coming towards them and respectfully bowed, revealing Mandy's blushing face

"Good morning Sir", Anthony greeted but Alex didn't answer and instead glared at him, which made him wonder if he did something wrong.

"Shift" He heard Alex say and did as he was told. Alex wasn't their boss but they all respected him because he was the son of the enterprise owner and could make them fire if he wanted.

Anthony moved now completely revealing Mandy who was looking everywhere but Alex who had his eyes fixated on her.

"Where is Peculia?" She heard him say and was slightly disappointed that he wasn't here for her.

"She is with Mr. William, in his office" Mandy replied and he nodded. He looked like he wanted to say something else but he refrained himself from it. Then he looked at Alex and glared at him before entering the company with Mr. Blondie behind him. He was so confusing, why did he glare at Anthony like that did he do something. But thank God he didn't talk about that night if not she would have dig a hole and buried herself in it.