
Peculia and the 6th son

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it. She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did. After getting heartbroken by Stephen she meets William who will slowly but surely still her heart

Rose_Yvana · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 10- gathering

At Cube Company everyone was happy because of the project being sold. Peculia, Mandy and the rest of the graphic team with some other people went to celebrate at one of their favorite places in town, it wasn't that luxurious but it attracted allot of people. The food served there was god level and the alcohol was so good.

They drank and ate happily. Thank God that they were all given 2 days of rest so they won't bother drinking with moderation because of work.

Anthony was sat next to Mandy and Mandy Peculia. The two girls would have fully enjoyed their night if Beverly wasn't sitting across them and sending daggers at peculia with her eyes and peculia looking back at her with the same look she was giving.

"Peculia have you watch that film which came out two months ago. It is called circles in water or something like that" Anthony said not noticing the glaring competition peculia was having with Beverly. Mandy sighted remembering their argument about the actresses and she knew Anthony was looking for people to be on his side so that she accepts her defeat.

Breaking eyes contact with be Beverly , peculia looked at Anthony with a smile "Oh yeah. My sister forced me to watch it. It wasn't that bad"

"What are you saying 'it wasn't that bad' it was perfect the actress played so wel-

She was cut off by Anthony's sardonic laugh. She frowned and turned around to glare at him but it didn't help because Anthony laughed even harder pointing a finger at her

"You look like a kitten when you are angry. Cute little kitty" he said and ruffled her hairs, she smack his hands away and pouted with her arms folded

"She just said that the film isn't that bad. It means nothing, so don't laugh at me as though the whole country shared the same idea that Erika carpenter would have been a better actress. Okay!" Mandy said now glaring at peculia because she should have said something better.

"Okay okay cute little kitty" Anthony said and laughed making Mandy go red with anger

"Don't call me that!" She snapped and peculia patted her hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

She calmed down and continued eating her spicy grilled meat.

Peculia gulped another glass of alcohol in one go, and squinted her eyes as the alcohol flawed in her system. She wasn't too at ease because of this witch across of her, who knows what she could do to her. But thank God Mandy was there and placed a hand on her lap to help her calm down. Stephen must have told her about them but she didn't understand why she looked at her like she wanted to murder her she should be happy about it, so why?.

She had so much to think about first William Anderson the mysterious man. She hated him because of that night and hated herself for liking all the sensations he brought to her body, and hated herself more for wanting more of him and even considering accepting going on a date with him. She was a bit surprised when he asked her to go on a date with him, she knew he wanted to make up for what happened but Stephen was still in her mind, she had loved him endlessly for 8 years and didn't know how to stop even after what he did to her. She knew she was still in love with him and she had to move on for her own good. She had to move on to receive the amount of love she gave because after all those years of being together Stephen has never loved her the way she did.

She was about to take another shot when she was dragged to the dance floor by Mandy. Thank God they were the only people in that place.

"What are you doing you know I can't dance" Peculia said loud enough for Mandy to hear because of the music blasting in the room she was dragged in.

"I know but I just want to have fun" Mandy said and began shaking her shoulders like some grandma and peculia laughed. This girl was just impossible


At the same time in a particular room at infinity Inc. Company five men gathered looking like they belonged to the mafia or something related sat around a round table in the middle of an empty grey room. Some people might think that they were here to discourse business which was right but sometimes they will just sit and gossip like school girls about anything which crosses their minds.

"She is so pretty. And she grew up so well too" William said looking at Alex who looked at him as though he lacked some brain's cells

"You can't say to Alex that a girl is pretty. He is gay you know" A brown hair man with a buzz cut and hazel eyes said with a smirk

"Being gay isn't an insult Rain" Kevin a blonde hair guy with the most gorgeous dark blue eyes said. He looked young and innocent his almost ever lasting smile didn't make him justice. The only non-innocent thing about him where his piercings he had a brow one and three on each ears.

"Whether it is or not we aren't here for this" Alex calmly said

"I. Am here for this" William said annoyed. He had have his eyes on Peculia for years now and waited for the perfect time to make a move, so he wasn't going to let go just because this emotionless prick wasn't fine with it

" I don't want you to lay a finger on my sister" Alex warned

" I already did" William responded frowning. And at the same time an intense suffocating aura started rising between the both of them at they locked eyes.

"I think you both should calm the fuck down". A man with long black hairs suggested looking at the both of them. Just like that the suffocating aura started dropping like it was never there in the first place. His name was Liam.

"Let's search for a woman to our lovely Alex, so that he can let me have his sister. What do you think, Kevin"? William said looking at Kevin with a smile, because Kevin was the only person who thought like him anyways.

''I think that there is already a woman in his heart" Kevin said smiling back at william after remembering seeing Alex running towards a girl with short brown red hairs when they arrived at the company

''And who is sh-

"Oh! really? So I've missed it" William said cutting Liam off who now look as though he regretted coming all the way here just for this.

"stop talking nonsense. This is not why we came here for. There are serious matters out there which need our attention".

'' Exactly !'' Rain said

" Like what for example?" Keven asked

" I don't see any serious matter apart from the fact that you don't want me to have a relationship with your sister'' William said lining nonchalantly on his chair.

William and Alex kept on arguing and Kevin just laughed while two others where just spectators. They knew that they weren't going to talk about any serious matter today just like everyday other gathering.