
Peculia and the 6th son

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it. She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did. After getting heartbroken by Stephen she meets William who will slowly but surely still her heart

Rose_Yvana · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 8- The meeting

When Peculia arrived at work, Mandy was already there. So they continued with their work where they left it queitly.  They had two more days before their meeting with infinity.Inc so they will have to work extra hard today even though they didn't sleep for a long time, everyone was stressed in the company apparently that company was ready to pay a huge amount of money for their game, they couldn't let that opportunity sleep even though they will have many other.

They just had a 15 minutes break, and had a cup of coffee to keep them awake . After, they were done for the day at 8pm, they left the company and went to Peculia's mansion. Now they were both lying on Peculia's bed in her room facing the huge white ceiling. Everything around them was silent, none of them said anything, the only noise came from them inhaling and exhaling air. Peculia was the first to break the silence

"How did you reach the hotel last night?" she was really curious about this because she was sure that Mandy was drunk enough not to be able to arrive home on her own.

"I met your brother at the party he was apparently looking for you but when he saw me he decided to drop me at the hotel" she explained even though she didn't remember much of what happened last night she could not forget every bit of her exchange with Alex, which she wasn't going to mention. She remembered that peculia left her for a very long time though and was curious to know what made her stay in the toilet for so long.

"And you, what made you stay for so long in the toilet?" Peculia took a deep breath and said

"I discovered that Stephen was indeed acting fake. He has been cheating on me with Beverly all this time" she said bluntly not really surprising Mandy because she already knew that Stephen was fake anyways but she didn't know that of all the women in the world he decided to cheat on her friend with that damn woman of Beverly.

"How did you know that? Did you surprise them being intimate or what?" Mandy asked and Peculia just nodded

"yes" peculia said looking at Mandy who was sat on the bed waiting for her to spill the whole tea. Peculia didn't budge so Mandy pushed her making her roll on the bed and almost falling on the ground.

"So what happened? Tell me everything" Mandy asked excited to know the rest of the story.

"What? What happened?" Peculia questioned back with a grin

"That is all you want to tell me?" she asked in disbelief. Knowing her friend she would have been crying all the tears of her body since morning because she knew that she was madly in love with Stephen, but she was just laying there smiling like a  5 years old child who just received a bunch of sweet things. She was sure that there was something else, her Mandytuition will never fail her.

Mandy looked at peculia with a look screaming 'I know that you are hiding something from me' and after a couple of minutes Peculia decided to explained everything to Mandy because she would never give up anyways. She explained from the beginning to the end which had Mandy reacting like she was watching an action movie


Today was the final day. The meeting of their company with Infinity Inc. Stephen who was still the director demanded to see Peculia in his office as early as she came. She entered and stood in front of the door like any other employee.

"Yes Sir" she said expressionless. He just looked at her surprised even though he shouldn't be, his mouth opened to say something, closed and opened again

"I will not be attending the meeting because of my hand, so you shall replace me and present the project to them". Of all people why was she the one, oh lord. It wasn't her fault if his hand was injured, was it?

"Why me, there is the leader of the programming team-"

"I said you are the one whether you like it or not". He told her firmly cutting her off.

"The meeting will start at 11am in their company so I expect all of you to start getting ready". He said again, how dare he talk to her like that after what happened. After he was done speaking she was about to leave when he stopped her by saying

"And if they ask why I'm not there you can simply say that i had an accident''. She left immediately after what he said because she didn't want to hear more. While walking back to her seat she then realized that she didn't like anything about him anymore his voice, his odour, his presence, all of it was just disgusting to her at this moment, she felt so frustrated the moment she layed her eyes on him as she was reminded of what happened last night, and she for sure didn't want to be his little employee anymore. She was going to make him leave this company any time soon.

They arrived at Infinity Inc. Company earlier than expected. They were around twenty minutes early, the place was just magnificent, she wondered the number of floors this building had. Most of the fabric was in white or grey, the marble in white and ceiling too making it look heavenly. The meeting was at the last floor so her team and some other members of the other teams who joined her went where the meeting was to be taken place. They were twenty-two seats. One seat at one end and the other opposite it which looked like the representative seats so she sat on one of them while there were both 10 seats each on her right and left. Her team took the seats at the right because the one at the left were already occupied by the members of this company.

Everybody was there except for the director of the Infinity Inc. Himself. After what felt like an hour, he wasn't still there which annoyed Peculia so she looked at her left and told to the person closest to her

"Can you please contact your boss and tell him that if he isn't here in the next 10 minutes we're leaving". At the same moment a man entered the room and walked oh-so nonchalantly to his seat as though he was being forced to do this, before saying with a mischievous smirk.

"My bad, I'm sorry to have made you wait. I am William Anderson, The director of this Company" He greeted. Peculia couldn't believe her eyes the black silky hairs, grey eyes, sharp jaw, lean body, well defined facial features literally everything! was the same as the mysterious man, because this was actually him, the mysterious man from the red lighted chamber.

Lord, when she remembered that she called him a wizard and even gave him a slap made her palms wet because now she had to sell her project to him and she wondered how this meeting was going to look like.

"I am Peculia Joe I'm here to represent Johan Stephen, the director of Cube Inc. Company". She said trying to stand her ground. She didn't want to look intimidated or nervous in any way. During this meeting, Peculia was jutting every remark made on their project so as to improve in their next one. She had to take the floor so many times to introduce a new point or give argument that will favour their program. While she was talking, she will feel his burning gaze on him literally eye fucking her .She was slightly nervous for a moment wondering if he was even listening to what she was saying or not. When she finally finished speaking, she was given a round of applause by everybody in the room. At the end of the meeting, some members of Infinity Inc. Company came to congratulate her for her presentation. She was so happy that the meeting went all good and perfect and that she could talk in front of a large group of people and being appreciated.

"Lia, you were amazing". Mandy said with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks,the presentation wasn't easy but I think I did good. Let's hope he buys". Peculia replied while smiling too.

"How about we celebrate after he buys?" Mandy proposed.

"And if he doesn't?"

"We will still go have a drink" Mandy said. Of course they will still have a drink

"Miss peculia joe. The director asked for you in his office" A blonde woman with glasses and a secretary attire informed peculia

"I shall be waiting for you down" Mandy said and left. The woman guided peculia to the director's office which was at the same floor. They stopped Infront of a huge glass door and the woman entered first then gestured for her to get in as she left.

Peculia was quite nervous why was she here alone anyways. And why didn't he just said whether he will buy the project or not in the meeting room. She took in a deep breath and knocked.

'Knock, Knock'