
Peculia and the 6th son

Peculia Joe is the second child of Mr. Henry Joe who is one of the richest man in Country A, with multiple IT companies in the world. After she graduated, she studied in an IT university for 3 years before she could work in one of her father's companies. This has now been 2 years since she started work and she is very pleased with it. She has a boyfriend since High School which she is madly in love with, everyone in her family knows about him and she wishes to spend the rest of her life with him. Because her boyfriend is coming from a very poor background, Peculia asked her dad to do her a favour which was to grant his boyfriend the post of director of the company she will be working at, because she didn't want to be away from him, and he did. After getting heartbroken by Stephen she meets William who will slowly but surely still her heart

Rose_Yvana · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Chapter 11- Kevin

'The term supernatural is attributed to non-physical entities, such as angels, demons, gods, and spirits. It also includes claimed abilities embodied in or provided by such beings, including magic, telekinesis, levitation, precognition, and extrasensory perception. Some people believe in them while others do not. Those who believe in mythical creatures argue that they exist in parts of the world that are remote and inaccessible to human beings, others believe that they are hiding amongst us in disguise.

I am one of those people who believe in them and I spend my whole life making research's and travelling around the world in the search of a prove of their existence. I visited all the 26 countries and country O was surely the most unusual one. People there were very strange-'

Klara's lecture got interupted by her phone ringing. She didn't like getting interupted and she would have dismissed the call if it wasn't her best friend Mia calling.

" I hope you didn't forget" Mia said at the other end sounding worried. Klara closed her book and immediately stood up from her chair

" No no how could I?" She questioned Mia, they had to meet today to go shopping and she of course didn't forget

" Your brother said yes?"

" Yeah he did" Mia lied. She had to ask Alex for permission so they could go shopping but she didn't have the time to do so. Or maybe she was just afraid of her brother.

" I am coming over" Mia said and hung up.

Klara cursed out loud. She had to ask Alex now or else her befriend is going to kill her. They had to shop for their graduation.

She left the room and went to meet Alex who was in the main living room downstairs, today was Saturday, she was free, he literally have no reason to say no

"Brother, can I ask you something please?" Klara said as she approached him with puppy eyes. He was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee but was already dressed in his usual suit.

"If it's not something impossible" he said

"I wish to go out with my friend"

"No!" He said, as though that was the most impossible thing she had ever asked him

"But I'm 18 already and soon is our graduation day, i want to spend some time with her, she will live the country and we won't have time to have fun anymore, just today!... and we also need to go out for shopping" she started giving excuses but Alex just acted deaf, so she got pissed off.

"If father was there he would have never said no. I will report you right now ! You are so mean for no reason". She screamed and was about to leave when he said

"Okay" he said because he didn't want a bigger headache than what he already have "but you will not go alone". He told her as he picked his phone from the table to call someone.

"But I will be going with my friend, I'm not alone" she replied confused.

"They can't project you". He said and Klara frown.

"What do you mean protect, do I need protection?"

"I will ask 'my friend' to accompany you, so get ready already". He said but it sounded like some kind of Alien language in Klara's ears. Him! Her own brother having a... friend? She never heard about him having friends so how come? Was his friend ice cold like him or ... no way he was surely as cold and mean as Alex, goodbye the idea of having fun. Then she imagined two guys as cold and strict as her brother, it looked so creepy. But anyways as long as she was able to go out with Mia, she will bear with it. She saw him talking to someone on the phone

'' I need you to guard my younger sister". "Klara" he said and hanged up. What a short exchange, was that really his friend or maybe his employee, why did it sound like an order I thought

"I'm leaving" he said and Klara left to her room. As he walked down stairs to the main door and opened it to leave he saw a young blonde hair girl having big round lenses on her face. She was standing in front of the door with the gate keeper next to her. Alex gave her his coldest stare and she immediately started folding her dress with her hands as nervousness took the better of her.

"Are you Klara's friend?" He asked. Because Klara is just from asking permission if her friend was already here that means she had the intention of going out even without his permission. That child Alex thought

" Y-yes" she said stuttering. He just gestured for her to enter and he left. So Mia went straight to Klara's room because she already knew where it was

"Oh ! Mia, you are already there" Klara said happily

"I'm sorry, but your room was open that's why I didn't knock", she said. Mia was extremely shy except around Klara and she basically had no friends compared to Klara who was so popular at school, she was even surprised when Klara asked her to be her friend.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" Klara asked amused.

"Uhm, well I saw your brother and he is scarier than I remember"

"Yeah he became more evil than he was already". She told her honestly. Then they laughed. Mia then remembered that they had to go somewhere.

"Didn't we have to go shopping?"

"Yes, but my brother said that his friend shall accompany us but he is not yet there, and I don't want a bodyguard so if he is not here in 5 minutes. Which I am sure he won't be we would just leave without him" Klara replied excitedly.

" That sounds like a plan" Mia said smirking. So Klara immediately went to prepare herself she wore a blue jean, a vintage shirt and a Nike shoe. Wore a pair of black glasses and a hat she was ready to leave as they were ready to leave. She didn't want people outside to recognize her.

'' Let's go Mia'' She told her friend who was as excited as her and they went downstairs happily hand in hand. when they were about to reach the main door. Someone rang at the door and Klara's face dropped, she stood there emotionlessly as the person rang a second time.

Mia looked at her also disappointed. The idea of spending the day with another Alex didn't please them one bit.

'' Should I open it'' Mia suggested as thought that will fix anything

'' Do not, let the person ring. If nobody opens then he will know that there is nobody in here and will leave, so let's just wait'' Klara said and Mia nodded.

The person kept on ring until a maid came to see who it was but she was chased by Klara, after the eight time the person decided to open the door. They didn't have time to hide and just stood there. Klara glared at whoever was it and said

'' Didn't you know that it is forbidden to enter in someone's house witho- she couldn't finish to speak when she was strike by the man's beauty he was tall and had blonde hair, with dark blue eyes, a piercing on his left brow and others on his ears. looking as mesmerizing as a hollywood actor, when he looked at them he smiled softly, that smiled, she didn't know what was so special about his smile but seeing him smile made smile too. Both girls were hypnotized by his beauty. Mia even had to adjust her lenses to make sure she was seeing well, he was literally the most beautiful man they have ever saw

"Hi ladies, my name is Kevin and I shall unfortunately accompany you everywhere you will go today". He didn't have the choice anyways because Alex didn't give him the time to agree or not

"Uhm, well I'm Klara and this is my best friend Mia" Klara said blushing, hard. This was not going to be a nice day for them, because how were they going to maintain their composure... But if it was 'him' who was supposed to be her bodyguard then she wished for this man to accompany her all day, every day, she won't be tired of his gorgeous face, and sunshine smile at all.