
Peasant girl from the farm group

Gu Tian, ​​who was proficient in all kinds of martial arts in Class 18, died in the experimental explosion. After opening her eyes again, she became Xiaoba of the Gu family. The Gu family is kind, brothers and sisters are respectful, and sisters are harmonious. There are many children in the family, but they still dote on her. Just looking at the poor state of this family and the fact that his nephew could not even afford a private school, three-year-old Gu Tian secretly vowed to lead the whole family to make a fortune! Born with full blessings, she calls herself the daughter of heaven. Just born, a hundred flowers bloom. If you want to eat meat, wild animals from the mountains will be delivered to your door. I casually went up the mountain and picked up a large radish that was hundreds of years old. Going up the mountain again, I’m sorry this mountain belongs to me. I pointed at a gold mine or a silver mine. Could it be that it was consecrated? The days of counting money were so cool that my house was almost emptied by thieves. When I turned around, I saw that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. Do you think I am someone? OK! Want my money? no! Keywords of the novel: No pop-up window for The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Download the full txt version of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Read the latest chapters of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 54 A knife in the heart

Gu Yan tucked Tianbao back into the bed, turned around and went to the kitchen alone. Unexpectedly, she found that the fifth sister and her two sisters-in-law were there.

  "Sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, and fifth sister, why are you all up?"

  Sister-in-law Qin Xue, second sister-in-law Lu Qingdai, and fifth sister-in-law Gu Qing all turned to look at the person who came. When they found out that it was Gu Yan, the sixth child, they all frowned. Frowning, the elder sister-in-law spoke first: "Why did you come out? Why don't you sleep with my sister-in-law for a while?"

  The second sister-in-law also spoke immediately: "In order for you and my sister-in-law to rest a little longer, a few of us decided not to call you. "

  The three of them quietly discussed it last night when Gu Yan wasn't paying attention, and let Gu Yan rest for a few days. When they arrived, Gu Yan was busy alone on the way, and they were just starting to do it. I feel sorry for him. Now that he has settled down for the time being, he can no longer let Gu Yan continue to work hard.

  But Gu Yan doesn't care about these little things. To her, they are all one family, and there is no need to distinguish them so clearly.

  "Then let me help the sisters-in-law and fifth sister." Gu Yan knew that the two sisters-in-law and sister were doing it for her own good, and she was moved in her heart and suggested.

  Naturally, Qin Xue would not really drive people away. Since Sixth Sister wanted to help, she would just give her some light work.

  The four of them were busy making breakfast together. At dawn, breakfast was all ready.

  Gu Qing went to call Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu, Gu Yan went back to the room and called Tianbao to get up, while Qin Xue and Lu Qingdai wanted to watch the children get dressed.

  All the busyness was in an orderly manner. It was not until everyone sat down that they realized that no one called out to Gu Lao Qi and Gu Lao Da.

  Tianbao quickly slid off the stool and ran outside, shouting as he ran, "I'm going to wake up Brother Qi for dinner!"

  Then Gu Yan also stood up and called Boss Gu.

  Seeing this scene, Mr. Gu was a little depressed, but at the same time, he also decided to train Gu Laoqi even more.

  When Tianbao arrived at the second main room, the door was already wide open, and he happened to meet Brother Qi who was walking towards him.

  "Brother Qi!" Jiansheng shouted.

  Gu Laoqi was arranging his hair tie, and when he heard a crisp and childish voice, his heart softened. He walked forward with a smile on his face, hugged Tianbao into his arms, and stretched out a long, well-jointed finger. , poked the fair little face, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong, little sister? Is there something you need to see Brother Qi?"

  Tianbao nodded hard, and said with a slightly serious expression: "It's a big deal. !" After saying that, he stretched out his fleshy little hand and rubbed his belly, and continued: "It's time to eat!"

  After seeing Tianbao's cute behavior, Gu Laoqi couldn't help but smile, and he squeezed again. He pinched Tianbao's little face and then walked towards the main hall with Tianbao in his arms.

  Originally, he wanted to rush to Yixuan Academy where his fourth brother lived early in the morning, and also wanted to visit Master Yun, but he didn't expect that his little sister would get in the way, so he might as well go later.

  Gu Laoqi took Tianbao in his arms and walked only two steps when he saw Boss Gu coming out of the west wing, looking sleepy, followed by an angry Gu Yan. It obviously took a lot of effort to wake Boss Gu up. effort.

  Gu Laoqi took advantage of Boss Gu not looking over, hugged Tianbao and ran away, blowing into the main hall like a gust of wind.     This also made Mr. Gu, who was a little sleepy, wake up instantly. He was stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at Liu Mei who was following him. He just ignored the angry look on the other side and pointed to the place where the gust of wind disappeared.

  "Just now...who has passed away?"

  Gu Yan was still angry. She didn't want to answer her elder brother's question, but for some reason, she suddenly had a bad idea and said immediately: "Well, it was the seventh brother who passed away just now."

  "Oh." Boss Gu responded nonchalantly.

  "Seventh brother is holding little sister." She clearly saw Tianbao being carried away.

  "Huh?" Boss Gu frowned when he heard this, and his eyes were a bit deep, as if he didn't know what he was thinking about. It wasn't until he was called out by Gu Yan a few times that he slowly came back to his senses and smiled at Gu Yan. , and then slowly walked towards the main hall, with a tall and handsome posture, but that smile made Gu Yan inexplicably frightened.

  She didn't know that what she said today made Gu Lao Qi suffer even more torture.

  Gu Laoqi ran to the main hall with Tianbao in his arms. Before he entered the door, he stopped and freed up a hand to straighten Tianbao's messed up hair. After booing at Tianbao, Then he walked in with the person in his arms.

  After a while, Mr. Gu walked in, but the look in his eyes made Gu Lao Qi obviously feel uncomfortable, but he didn't think much about it, because at this time, he was looking at Mr. Gu with a resentful look. Sweet baby took it away.

  Mr. Gu was busy serving tea and water to Tianbao, but Tianbao still remembered the play yesterday, so he ignored Mr. Gu's attentiveness and pretended not to see the hurt look in Mr. Gu's eyes.

  Well, forget it, that means forgiving dad.

  Tianbao turned his head and looked at Mr. Gu with a pair of almond-shaped eyes, with a smile on his lips. He was about to speak, but was cut off by Gu Laoqi.

  "Have you finished eating, little sister? If you finish eating, seventh brother will take you to find fourth brother." Gu Lao Qi finally figured it out. When he entered the door just now, Mr. Gu had such a cannibalistic look in his eyes. He was sure that if it wasn't for the man holding him in his arms Bamei, his father might really eat him alive, so Bamei, as his protective talisman, must be kept by his side!

  Tian Bao retracted what he was about to say, and looked at Gu Lao Qi with bright eyes. Before he could speak, the sour old man Gu on the side spoke: "You can just go find me alone, why do you have to take your little one with you?" Sister? Didn't you see that the sun is so bright today? What if you get sunburned? Don't you know that the sun in Fucheng is more intense than in our village?"

  Gu Laoqi and Tianbao looked at the sun outside. , some people can't understand that the sun in these two places is not the same sun? But Mr. Gu, who was obviously very angry, couldn't slap him in the face in public.

  The older one and the younger one had no choice but to cast their gazes on Old Mrs. Gu. After receiving the help from her eyes, the latter coughed lightly. Mr. Gu trembled all over and slowly turned around to look at Old Mrs. Gu.

  Mrs. Gu smiled tenderly, glanced at the sky outside, and said, "I see that the sun is shining brightly today. It would be good for Tianbao to follow Lao Qi for a walk. After all, this is his first time in Fucheng." "Of course I want to go out more."

  "It's better to see the world than to get married and not know what the scenery is like outside." Pfft, these words were like a knife in Mr. Gu's heart, and he heard them again. Old Mrs. Gu continued: "It's dark as long as it's dark. As long as my son-in-law likes it in the future."

  Another knife was inserted into Mr. Gu's heart. He looked at Old Mrs. Gu and found that she was about to speak, so he quickly said: "Gu Laoqi, take Tianbao out for some fun. Your mother will give you some money later and buy some food by the way."