
Peasant girl from the farm group

Gu Tian, ​​who was proficient in all kinds of martial arts in Class 18, died in the experimental explosion. After opening her eyes again, she became Xiaoba of the Gu family. The Gu family is kind, brothers and sisters are respectful, and sisters are harmonious. There are many children in the family, but they still dote on her. Just looking at the poor state of this family and the fact that his nephew could not even afford a private school, three-year-old Gu Tian secretly vowed to lead the whole family to make a fortune! Born with full blessings, she calls herself the daughter of heaven. Just born, a hundred flowers bloom. If you want to eat meat, wild animals from the mountains will be delivered to your door. I casually went up the mountain and picked up a large radish that was hundreds of years old. Going up the mountain again, I’m sorry this mountain belongs to me. I pointed at a gold mine or a silver mine. Could it be that it was consecrated? The days of counting money were so cool that my house was almost emptied by thieves. When I turned around, I saw that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. Do you think I am someone? OK! Want my money? no! Keywords of the novel: No pop-up window for The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Download the full txt version of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Read the latest chapters of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 53 Dreaming Again

After dinner, the Gu family went back to their rooms to rest. After all the tossing, the sky became dark.

  When Mrs. Gu returned to her room, she saw Mr. Gu leaning against her. After hearing her movements, he grunted and continued to carry her.

  Old Mrs. Gu rubbed her head with a headache. The older she gets, the more worried she becomes, people! Can't get used to it!

  Mrs. Gu ignored the sulky Mr. Gu and went to bed after washing up. When Mr. Gu saw this situation, he was dumbfounded. How could it be wrong to imitate Tianbao's behavior?

  He quickly turned around and followed Mrs. Gu, and was about to step onto the bed, but was kicked out by Mrs. Gu.

  "Everyone else knows that you were beaten by me. I'm afraid you won't be able to justify it if you come up again." Mrs. Gu raised her eyes and glanced at the aggrieved old man, frowned, and continued impatiently: "Okay, there's something in the ear room. A small bed has been laid out for you early in the morning. Go to sleep."

  After saying that, he put on his clothes and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes tightly and seeming to fall asleep.

  Mr. Gu was aggrieved and wanted to speak, but he swallowed it down in the end and went to the penthouse next door in aggrieved manner. In his heart, he secretly planned to move to a bigger house in the future, and he would definitely not need a penthouse.

  As everyone knows, there are strategies from above and countermeasures from below.

  Tianbao followed Gu Yan back to the east wing. After entering the room, Tianbao looked eagerly at the situation in the main room. Although she couldn't see anything, she was still vaguely worried.

  Gu Yan entered the house with a basin of water. When she saw Tianbao lying at the window, she knew the worries in her heart. She just wondered why the little person in front of her had so many worries all day long.

  Smiling, she walked forward and hugged Tian Bao down from the window. Her voice was a little soft: "Go and wash up quickly. You will have a rest soon. Daddy will be fine."

  She heard her elder brother She spoke to her seventh brother in a loud voice and knew that Mr. Gu was fine, but she would not tell the truth. After all, it would damage Mr. Gu's majesty.

  Tianbao turned to look at Sixth Sister. After seeing the sincerity in her eyes, she nodded and felt a little relieved.

  After washing, Gu Yan took Tianbao into a sweet dream, but in this dream, Tianbao was really uncomfortable.

  In the dream, Tianbao seemed to have arrived at a house. She seemed to be floating in the air, and no one could see her. She was floating in a corridor, staring at the man walking at the end of the corridor. Her white clothes revealed a certain charm. He had a frail appearance, a handsome and cold face, and there was a bit of coldness and a bit of impatience between his eyebrows. The man turned his eyes as if he saw someone floating in the air, before he could speak.

  Suddenly a man in black came out from the side and pulled him away. Tianbao hurriedly followed him, and saw the man in black pulling him to a crowded place, as if to congratulate the man. The man's face was cold, and he pushed it away a few times, but failed to push it away. He took the wine glasses from the group of people.

  But Tianbao could clearly see the red smoke coming out of the wine glass, as if others couldn't see the smoke. She was a little anxious. The man who was drunk in front of her was her fourth brother.

  I saw that after a glass of wine, the man was too drunk. The man in black next to him had a smile on his lips, and his ordinary face looked even more ferocious. With a wave of his hand, he had his fourth brother taken into a side pavilion. After a while, a woman in cool clothes came to the room, and then a group of people passed by. After hearing a strange sound, two women came forward and opened the door.

  The beauty of the room was leaked, and the man on the bed was seen sleeping soundly. The woman beside her had her shoulders half exposed, looking like she had been wronged. It made her teeth ache.

  Tianbao looked at the shameless woman in front of her. She was so angry that her teeth ached. If she hadn't just followed her and took a look, she would have been impressed by her acting skills and at the same time awakened by these methods.

  Tianbao sat up in shock, with beads of sweat on his forehead, breathing heavily, which woke up Gu Yan beside him.

  Gu Yan quickly sat up and looked at Tianbao, stretched out her hand to comfort Tianbao, and waited until her mood eased before asking: "But... what did you dream about?"

  Looking at Tianbao's condition, she was afraid that she was dreaming. When it comes to good things, ask more questions if you have the heart to do so. In this case, it's hard to ask too many questions, so you can only endure your anxiety.     "Sixth sister, I dreamed about fourth brother."

  Tianbao's words made Gu Yan change her face. Others didn't know about Tianbao's dream, but she knew it. Seeing that Tianbao's face turned pale, she knew Maybe the fourth brother was in danger in his dream.

  She hurriedly asked: "But Fourth Brother is ill?"

  Tianbao nodded heavily. The things in the dream were too dirty. She didn't want Sixth Sister to know, for fear of dirtying Sixth Sister's ears, but she couldn't let her know. The sixth sister didn't know, so she thought about it and said.

  "Sixth sister, I dreamed that my fourth brother was dragged away, and then he was fed something and fell unconscious. Then I woke up with a fright. Did my fourth brother offend someone? I'm so worried, sixth sister. "

  Tianbao didn't say anything about what happened after he was drunk, but these alone made Gu Yan extremely worried. She kept frowning and thought for a long time but couldn't think of anything.

  "Sixth sister, shall we go to find the fourth brother with the seventh brother tomorrow?" Tianbao didn't have a good idea. He just remembered that the seventh brother was going to look for the fourth brother tomorrow. It would be better to follow the fourth brother first and see who was around the fourth brother. , she still remembers the appearance of that group of people. As long as she sees who they are, she can make her fourth brother more vigilant.

  Gu Yan nodded, now she could only go and take a look.

  "Go to sleep."

  Gu Yan wiped Tianbao's sweat and coaxed Tianbao into sleep.

  After the sound of even breathing came from around him, Tianbao opened his eyes, carefully put Gu Yan's arm to the side, and stepped into the space.

  A new batch of crops in the space has matured. With a thought from Tianbao, the mature crops have learned to automatically harvest themselves and enter the bag.

  This function was inspired after helping someone move the carriage. Although she didn't understand it, it was right to do more good deeds.

  After a new round of crops were planted, Tianbao looked at the newly harvested crops and thought they could be used as seeds for the long-term workers. After all, the products produced by the space must be high-quality.

  She would try to plant some to see if she could increase the yield. After all, it would be good to stock up on more.

  Tianbao picked some more fruits that she could reach, looked at the fruits hanging on the branches, and sighed helplessly. When will she unlock the skill of fruits jumping down on their own?

  Hey, let's do more good deeds!

  Before going out, she took another sip of spiritual spring water, and then she left the space with satisfaction, and the fruits she picked were soaked in the water.

  Sweet Baby lay down again, having a good night's sleep and no other dreams.

  Early the next morning.

  Gu Yan got up early and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Tian Bao opened his hazy eyes and glanced outside. It was still not bright yet, and he still had his little body to get up and join Gu Yan.