
Peasant girl from the farm group

Gu Tian, ​​who was proficient in all kinds of martial arts in Class 18, died in the experimental explosion. After opening her eyes again, she became Xiaoba of the Gu family. The Gu family is kind, brothers and sisters are respectful, and sisters are harmonious. There are many children in the family, but they still dote on her. Just looking at the poor state of this family and the fact that his nephew could not even afford a private school, three-year-old Gu Tian secretly vowed to lead the whole family to make a fortune! Born with full blessings, she calls herself the daughter of heaven. Just born, a hundred flowers bloom. If you want to eat meat, wild animals from the mountains will be delivered to your door. I casually went up the mountain and picked up a large radish that was hundreds of years old. Going up the mountain again, I’m sorry this mountain belongs to me. I pointed at a gold mine or a silver mine. Could it be that it was consecrated? The days of counting money were so cool that my house was almost emptied by thieves. When I turned around, I saw that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. Do you think I am someone? OK! Want my money? no! Keywords of the novel: No pop-up window for The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Download the full txt version of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group, Read the latest chapters of The Pampered Girl of the Farmer's Group

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 55 The little sister comes over.

After breakfast, Gu Laoqi took Tianbao out.

  The rented house is very close to Yixuan Academy. Today coincides with the academy's holiday, but there are still many students in the college using the holiday time to review and memorize homework. The autumn exams are only a few months away.

  Yixuan Academy is world-famous and is one of the four major academies in the Eastern Dynasty, attracting many students.

  Gu Laoqi held Tianbao in his arms and was about to walk over, but his sleeves were pulled by Tianbao in his arms. He turned to look at the wet eyes and heard a soft voice coming from his ears.

  "Brother Qi, put me down. Tianbao wants to...want to walk in."

  Gu Laoqi nodded and put Tianbao on the ground. He didn't question Tianbao's words at all, he just felt My little sister is taking pity on him.

  Although Tianbao really didn't mean it this way.

  Gu Laoqi straightened out the wrinkled corners of Tianbao's clothes, then took the little chubby hand and said, "Can Brother Qi take my little sister in now?"

  Tianbao had a smile on his face. I said with a very satisfied look: "Well! Then please trouble Brother Qi~"

  Gu Laoqi smiled and nodded Tianbao's little nose. The already handsome young man became even more dazzling because of this smile. The girls passing by stopped and looked around, as if they didn't know whose family the young man in front of them belonged to, and they were a little unfamiliar.

  Gu Laoqi didn't notice what was going on around him, and led Tianbao towards the entrance of Yixuan Academy. There was a man in gray clothing standing on the left and right of the entrance, with a long sword on his waist. There was a serious and meticulous look on his face.

  Even when Gu Lao Qi walked up to him, he didn't move at all.

  Gu Laoqi let Tianbao hold his legs, and stretched out his hands to bow to the two people in front of him. His voice was slightly hoarse, and he said, "Excuse me, two elder brothers. I will bring my little sister to the academy to find my fourth brother Gu Yunchi. Please "Brothers, please make it easier for us two brothers and sisters to go in."

  Gu Laoqi's attitude was sincere, and Tianbao, who was hugging his thigh at the side, nodded in agreement, and the wooden man-like guard beside him was also made cute by Tianbao, with his face His expression paused, and he replied in a stiff voice: "You two go to the desk to register, and then you can go in."

  When the other guard heard the other person mention Gu Yunchi, he felt familiar, and thought about it carefully. Isn't that Gu Xiucai who was in the limelight a few days ago? Thinking of this, he kindly said: "You two brothers and sisters, if you are looking for someone, go to Tianzi Room and don't run around anywhere else."

  Gu Laoqi quickly bowed and thanked him. After registering aside, he continued to lead his little sister. Walking into the academy, I just thought that the guard's words just mentioned that they should not wander around, and I didn't think deeply about it.

  After Tianbao entered the door, she looked back at the guard who kindly reminded her, and her intuition told her that this person would not say such a thing for no reason, he must know something.

  But she had no way of knowing what the specific matter was. Facing unknown dangers always frightens people.

  well.     Tianbao sighed inwardly. She always felt that her fourth brother had a bad fate after entering this city to study. She didn't know that he could study so well!

  Tianbao looked around curiously, took one more look, and sighed in his heart. It was also the first time for Gu Lao Qi to enter Yixuan Academy. The entrance to the academy was extremely ordinary, but after entering the academy and walking straight ahead, there was a school hall with the word "ground" written on it.

  I heard that Yixuan Academy was divided into three levels when it was first built: Tianzijian, Dizijian, and Renzijian. The grades were divided according to the qualifications of each student. Dizijian and Renzijian had the largest number of students. There are two levels, and the students in Tianzijian are the ones with the smallest number, but they are often the ones who can get the top prize.

  Students who come to the academy to study are not depressed because they are assigned to the Dizijian or the Herringbone Room. It is said that ten years ago, the Renzijian produced a number one scholar, and the Dizijian also produced several scholars.

  The scholar named Zhuangyuanlang was the later Master Yun. As Master Yun said: All causes and effects have their own seeds, and all efforts have their own uses.

  After Gu Laoqi finished speaking, Tianbao nodded in understanding. These principles were too profound for a three-year-old like her to understand.

  "Then Seventh Brother, is there Fourth Brother here?" Tianbao stretched out his chubby finger and pointed at the high-hanging plaque, which had the three characters "Di" written on it.

  Gu Lao Qi was stunned, then he remembered that Tianbao was not literate and did not recognize the words Tianzijian and Dizijian, so he quickly said: "This is Dizijian, there is no Fourth Brother, let's go! Seventh Brother will take you Go find it."

  After saying that, he led Tianbao to turn around and walk to the other side. Through the long corridor, he saw several men in sky blue clothes holding books in the distance, standing or sitting in the pavilion. Reading inside.

  Gu Laoqi hissed at Tianbao, and before he could give instructions, he saw the chubby hand in his hand suddenly broke free, and his chubby body suddenly ran towards the pavilion like a gust of wind. Gu Laoqi on the side had not yet reacted. , Tianbao had already rushed out.

  After Gu Laoqi reacted, he clearly saw Tianbao rushing towards the people in the pavilion. He was dumbfounded for a moment. Little sister...does she dislike him?

  After coming to his senses, Gu Laoqi secretly said something bad. If Mr. Gu knew about Tianbao's behavior, then he would inevitably be held in vengeance by Mr. Gu. Now this man loves to hold grudges the most.

  He hurriedly ran over and followed him. Halfway through, he saw the wind-like round little body running to the students. He suddenly jumped in and sat in front of the stone table, with his back to In the arms of the man holding him.

  The steps stopped involuntarily, and the slender Gu Laoqi stood in the corridor as if he had been abandoned, but with a warm look on his face, he looked angrily at the man who stretched out his hand to hug Tian Bao into his arms. , he even saw the man lower his head.

  He he he!

  Gu Laoqi's hands were shaking with anger. He clenched his hands into fists and walked heavily towards the pavilion. What he was thinking about was how to beat this man so violently that no one would see the bruises on his body.

  He walked faster and faster, and after a few quick steps he came behind the man. He stretched out his head and glanced at Tianbao, whose eyes were slit with smiles. He felt a little sad in his heart. My little sister... she was abandoning him.

  "Little sister, come here!"

  Gu Laoqi suppressed the anger in his heart. He also knew that this was Yixuan Academy and no trouble was allowed, so he said to Tianbao in a deep voice, but his eyes were always staring at the man's figure.

  The thin man was seen not moving when he heard the words, and even reached out to smooth back the broken hair on Tianbao's forehead. Tianbao felt an itching sensation on his forehead, which made Tianbao smile and burrow into the man's arms again. His smiling eyes glanced at the angry seventh brother, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't understand. Why is Brother Seven so angry?