
Path of Supreme Being (PAUSE)

(Marvel Fan-Fiction) I am Alex Horton. Something unexpected happened in my life, things that I don't know that actually exist. I'm just living my life as normal as always, I'm actually doing a magnificent job fending off for myself without relying on others. But the moment I got home, I felt an unbearable pain in my head and fell unconscious. The moment I woke up, I'm already in a different place. I didn't know where or how did I come here when suddenly I heard a mighty and pleasant voice. "Unfortunately, you died," Then God said. "..." Well, this is just the start of my story. What could happen, right? Come and join me on this journey. Support me here :3 https://ko-fi.com/kopy_kofi [I don't own the cover photo of my novel, If the owner/creator wants me to put it down you call tell me.]

Kopy · Movies
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10 Chs


Alex has been far away from the alleyway, he didn't know that someone already saw the scene, but he didn't care since that alleyway doesn't have any surveillance cameras installed sop there's no way of them knowing that it's him that killed those guys and if it does. They would be already gone since some hoodlums will damage or take them to sell their parts.

Alex was walking around searching for a store, the clothing store is more exact.

Because he needed some clothes right at once since he wears nothing but his pants.

Alex asks them where's the closest shop that sells cloth and some people pointed in some direction telling him where to go, Alex appreciates their help and thank them, he then walks towards the shop but what he didn't know is that some people were already in chaos at what happens in a bloody alley.

They didn't think about anything about what Alex said in excuse since he was just a kid, and they were only concerned at why would a young kid walk in a street topless?


In the middle of the day police received a call saying that there's a murder that just happened to an Alleyway, people saw that the alleyway was full of blood and body part, they didn't believe at first since, how can a murderer do such thing in a middle of the day?

So when some officers came, they gasp of what scene they saw, blood is not only in the site even some intestine and a head that was cut off from a body was lying on the ground, seeing that they immediately call for backup, and they quickly arrive, like the officers from before they also have the same impression.

"This is madness, there's body part everywhere," Random Officer 1 said.

"There's so much blood in here, I feel like throwing up." Random Officer 2 said as he didn't feel good.

They already put a barricade tape to isolate the area and not everything they did, and saw other police investigators and patrol officers also arrive and a car suddenly stops by.

A tall, burly man comes out of the passenger door and a man with a fair build body also came out of the driving seat.

They walk inside the Alley then saw the scene that will be engraved in their mind for a very long time, they both gasp and felt fear just long the bloody scene.

"What the hell's happened here? This is not just a murder, this is a massacre." Smith said.

"What sort of maniac does this thing?" Horton's said Alex's father.

They then inspect, and they felt something that crawls up to the root of their soul 'FEAR' it didn't take long for them to realize that the way these people were killed is very brutal without a tinge of mercy, Horton saw a familiar police investigative and talked to him asking him a question.

"What do you think?" Horton said to Reyes, a police investigator.

"What do I think? Well, look at that severed head and that head in the distance, you can see that they're cleanly cut, it's like he slashes through it with any resistance, you need enough strength to force your way through it and a weapon. A very sharp weapon to do this kinda thing.

But the guy who did this didn't use just a sword or anything, that guy who was cut in half from his waist to shoulder, a sword can't do that, also I saw some footprints in the pool of blood near that body but it's kinda absurd if you think about it because it looks like the killer has a foot size as a 'kid'." Reyes said as he inspects the body and after survey the area.

"Wait! That head, I feel like I know who this is," Horton said.

"Hmm? Who is it?" Smith said.

"Isn't this the son of the right-hand boss of 'bloodhounds'?" Horton said,

"How did he get here and who did he mess this time?" Smith said.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that it's not a normal guy, Reyes you should look for more evidence maybe there's something you missed," Horton said as he walks away and came back to his car.

"Got it," Reyes said as he continues to examine the body on the ground.

Horton then came back to his car along with Smith, who didn't talk much in the scene.

"Who do you think killed them?" Smith said.

"Maniac, Lunatic, Murderer? I don't know, but he is a dangerous guy, we should be careful because that's not a work of a simple man, It's more like a demon that came from the hell crawl up in here and killed them without mercy." Horton said.

"I'm used to see blood and guts even the sight of severed body parts, but this thing is different, the cut is clean it means that whoever it is, he cut their body apart in one move, it's giving me goosebumps," Smith said.

"Let's just focus on our work," Horton said as he started firing up the engine and drive away.


Alex was wearing a black hoodie jacket as he can't choose some shirts that he like, so he picks one jacket and finished buying his new clothes, and he was on his way back home, Without even knowing that the massacre he did earlier is making chaos for both police officers and media.

"These clothes look good on me, It's good that I didn't need to 'borrow' some clothes using my ability 'speed'. Wait for a second, as of now I'm only using my 'speed' as burst ability to arrive and get to a place immediately, but can this speed last longer?" Alex said as he was expecting the 'System' to answer his question and like that his guess is correct.

Whenever he asks a question related to his ability the system will automatically answer his question it means that it doesn't have any consciousness or anything, compare to Jarvis who can start a basic conversation.

[Speed: User will get a boost of movement speed for a short amount of time, having the user to exert and quickly arrive at a specific place, but it can damage and injure the body of the user]

"Yeah, a boost of movement speed means, it will temporarily burst my speed, it's not like 'the flash' where I'm always fast huh, but it's good enough," Alex said.


Fix Update: 08/31/2020 - 06:01 pm


Enjoy :3


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