
Path of Supreme Being (PAUSE)

(Marvel Fan-Fiction) I am Alex Horton. Something unexpected happened in my life, things that I don't know that actually exist. I'm just living my life as normal as always, I'm actually doing a magnificent job fending off for myself without relying on others. But the moment I got home, I felt an unbearable pain in my head and fell unconscious. The moment I woke up, I'm already in a different place. I didn't know where or how did I come here when suddenly I heard a mighty and pleasant voice. "Unfortunately, you died," Then God said. "..." Well, this is just the start of my story. What could happen, right? Come and join me on this journey. Support me here :3 https://ko-fi.com/kopy_kofi [I don't own the cover photo of my novel, If the owner/creator wants me to put it down you call tell me.]

Kopy · Movies
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10 Chs


The blonde guy can't believe that the guy he just killed is now standing up like nothing's happened just now.

"Yo-You How? How can you be alive after that?" The blonde guy shouts.

"Well, there's nothing impossible, you should not concern yourself on me, you should think about yourself, let's talk privately, but first I will kill some unnecessary bug in the way," Alex responded in a cold tone as he stares toward the skinny guy.

The skinny guy knew that Alex was looking at him and run with no hesitation, he continues to run and when no one was chasing at him he thought that he finally escaped from Alex but those were just a pipe dream, escape was never an option the time Alex opens his eyes.

Back in the earth 'emotion' disappeared the moment those overseers erase and take it from him the only thing that they left is 'loneliness', but here when he came here, he felt different emotions from Alex Horton, memories that he lost once.

Anger, Anticipation, Sadness, Fear, Jealousy, Disgust, Love, Happiness, He felt emotion that he never felt before, not just only loneliness but more and because of that, he wants to cherish the family that he has, protect them from people like this.

Knowing that they were going to touch his precious family awaken a beast deep inside him, Alex saw that the skinny guy started running, so he positions himself and lowers his upper body then he put some strength in his lower part and activates the 'Speed' ability.

After putting enough strength he let go and instantly rushes toward the skinny guy, because of the strength he builds up plus the ability of 'speed' he quickly arrives behind his back in seconds, Alex raises his Scythe and as slash through the neck of the skinny guy separating his head from his body.


The head of the skinny guy falls hard on the ground the same for his body, Alex stood straight then he looks at the blond guy while smiling widely.

"You said, my sister and my family will be next, right? For sure, you're not the only one that coming from my father, right?" Alex said to the blond guy.

"Yeah, your fucked no matter how strong you are, no matter what monster you become your family will die by the hand of 'bloodhounds' your father killed my father the right arm of the boss they raided, and they were just a small part of the group they raided, you don't know what you're dealing with." The blond guy said he is terrified of death but this monster in front of him will never let him go after saying all those stuff, so he just put up a brave image in front of Alex.

Alex was just staring at him, listening to what he's talking about.

"So, you have a bigger group, huh, you're putting some image of being brave but you're just a coward relying on your group who can't even save your father, let me tell you something," Alex said as he gets closer to him.

"No matter how big, how strong, even if your count is hundreds or thousands even millions I already face worse than that, and they are more powerful and stronger than you and your petty group," Alex said as he spins his Scythe and cut a straight line through the blond guy.

He remembers that the 1st re-birth Alexander fought in the frontline for the last war against the monster that numbers closer to 400 million even with his current army they're just too much.

But at the end of many suffering, sacrifice, and endless fight the humanity still win but that is also the last battle Alexander fought as he died sacrifice himself bringing down the remaining monster.

"Fu…c...k," The blond guy said as his head also falls down to the ground, the same to his body.

Alex was just looking at the three-body in front of him. It amazes him that he can take the sight of blood like he was just looking in some type of water.

"Looks like the 1st and 4th past personalities are really included to me huh, the 1st personality is troublesome, its bloodthirstier, maniac, and brutal, but this will save me from all the trouble I have," Alex said as he notices something, he saw that in his line of sight a little box of notification was flickering, it's too small for him to notice it while he was busy when checks it, it's about his weapon Scythe, so he looks the stats of his Scythe.


Name: Morphing Stone

Morph Type: Scythe

Durability : ∞

Growth: 0.0%



*Harvest [3] | Aura of Death


"Hmm? What's that number beside the harvest?" Alex thought, and then an unexpected tone echoed in his mind.


[It's the number of enemies killed personally by the users, you can exchange the amount of body count for the weapon upgrade, tools, utilities, and more (for weapon only).]

[Casket Store is now available at your new ability section]

"Okay, so I can gain something for killing someone huh," Alex said he didn't expect that harvest has a function like that.

"Well, I should probably go home now, but with this blooded uniform I can't do that," Alex said as another problem emerges. He needs new clothes.

"It's not stealing if they can't see the robber, right? Hmm let go, try to 'borrow' some cloth nearby. I also need to go out of here because of these bloody scenes, I wish that there some ability to erase or clean the body I killed because this is too brutal." Alex said then he put his weapon back in his inventory, he then takes off both his shirt and his school uniform, he didn't take off his long pants since it's colored black leaving him topless and weird.

"This is embarrassing, let first find some clothing store, let see if I can afford some if not I just have to 'borrow' it," Alex said while quickly walking away from the alley.


Fix Update: 08/27/2020 - 03:01pm


Enjoy :3


I'm doing my best at the fighting scene since I'm not good writing at that part but I'll do my best in the future, but expect that it will be very detailed. (for fun and for a more realistic fight xD)


Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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