
Path of Nothingness

An otaku dies and is reincarnated in BNHA as rank#2 pro hero Endeavor's son find out his journey on trying to become a GOD A kind teenager was suddenly reincarnated in the world of BNHA look at his journey to GODHOOD and get proper cheats along the way. System lore starts at the second arc all the worlds provided in the fanfic will be AU(ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSES) so expect some changes but nothing major to the plot A/N: This Tobi's first time writing fanfic so please go easy on him First world BNHA then the multiverse

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 37: The Golden Sky(Part-2)

"You have gotten better~," Kizaru said as he clashed with Anne, Duvalin, and Marco.

"You have just gotten weaker blip-blip boy!" Duvalin yelled as he used his fruit powers to create sharp wind blades towards Kizaru while Anne and Marco double-teamed on him keeping him as still as possible.

"This is quite a predicament ho~," Kizaru said as he dodged Anne's kick while flashing out of Marco's attacks as well.

"Got ya!!" Duvalin said as he appeared behind Kizaru holding a ball of high pressured water. Creating water with high pressure using his Devil Fruit was Duvalin's main source of attack. A single beam that can slice even sea stone in some cases.

"Pheonix Stomp!" Marco's voice came from above Kizaru. Like spear descending from heavens, Markco dived foot first in Kizaru's face.

"Third Stance: Dancing Tiger!" Anne yelled as she used Geppo to kick air and performed a six-hit combo followed by shockwaves on Kizaru.

"Pressure Gattling" Duvalin roared as he launched pressurized water bullets coated in sharp winds and invisible armament haki.

"seems like I am in a bad spot~," Kizaru said in a lazy tone before turning himself into light and escaping from his predicament.

"So sacry~ I almost died," Kizaru said as he let out a smile.

"are you sure about that?" Sanemi in a burst of speed appeared behind Kizaru.

Black Flash, is one of the abilities available to only soccerers who use cursed energy. The chances of one able to use are it is extremely low and the only way to activate is in a life or death situation or through extreme concentration.

The technique is so random that Sanemi himself only has a fifty percent chance to activate it while being in the 'zone'. The ability itself allows the user to speed up to a trillionth of a second and deliver an unavoidable punch to the enemy.

Crimson-Black lightning flashed in his palms as punched Kizaru to the ground. In a single hit covered with his Conqueror's haki Sanemi crushed Kizaru's skull and mushed his brain, killing him on the spot.

"I will dwindle their number...engage Fujitora...make sure he is unable to use his fruit powers recklessly.

Sanemi said as he disappeared from there and continued his path of slaying marines like a farmer pulling out weeds. With the precision trained over years and technique honed to perfection, Sanemi breezed through the marines easily.

Sanemi's blades showed no mercy as he sliced and hacked marines. Like a wave of death everywhere he stepped a man died. "Whiteout!!" Smoker yelled as he launched a wave of smoke to block Sanemi's path.

"Bind!" Hina yelled as she produced multiple chains that attacked themselves to Sanemi's feet. "Take this!! Oni Scum" Two other rear-admirals yelled as they thrust their blared towards Sanemi.

"Fools...Eleventh form" Sanemi muttered as he took in a deep breath.

"Moonlit Typhoon," Sanemi said as he moved both of his blades with extreme speed and precision creating an endless amount of winds blades in the direction of the marines killing them.

Wind Breathing, Eleventh Form: Moonlit Typhon was something Sanemi created by mixing the precision and speed of the Moon Breathing forms with the Wind Breathing the result was a devastating attack that shreds anything in its path.

"you are too green to face threats," Sanemi said as he easily broke off from the chains and started to walk towards them.

"Hina will see about that!" Hina yelled as he created multiple chains from the ground as they all rushed towards Sanemi. "Chain Fest" Hina yelled as Smoker too pulled his Jitte and rushed towards Sanemi.

The chains wrapped around Sanemi's hands, waist, and legs, however, Sanemi gave them no time as he continued to walk at the same pace destroying the chains just from his walk.

Seeing Sanemi's strength Smoker did not hold back as his Jitte got covered in Armament haki. "White Shot!" Smoker yelled as he rushed towards Sanemi with his lower body covered in smoke.

Using the hilt of Enma Sanemi just smacked Smoker away like a fly and in a burst of speed appeared in front of Hina. Covering his feet with the power of Akaza's Blood Demon art Sanemi sent Hina flying as well leaving her life and death to fate.

After finishing the business with the two rear-admirals Sanemi continued on his streak as he killed marines and continued to absorb their blood. His Strength and Agility kept on growing as he turned into an invisible phantom. He comes uninvited kills and leaves. Seeing such a spectacle marines started to lose their morale as they realized they were just sheep to the slaughter.


"Ice age!" While Sanemi was busy killing the marines, Adam, Ace, and Imani were fighting against Kuzan. Making use of their Devil Fruits they were keeping an upper hand over him despite the power gap.

"Fire Fist!!" Ace yelled as he released a wave of flames that clashed with Kuzan's ice. "Overheat" Imani yelled as she too released boiling hot magma towards the ice.

'My devil fruit abilities are at a disadvantage here...I need to split them up' Kuzan thought to himself as he used Flash step to dash out of the way of the flames and magma.

"huh?" Kuzan exclaimed as he turned his body into Ice and escaped from another wave of heat courtesy of Adam. 'If it was not for my observation haki...I would have died.' Kuzan thought as he narrowed his eyes and created an Ice Saber.

"Don't forget about me!" Adam yelled as he continued his assault after being found out. Covering his arms and torso in flint and Haki he charged towards Kuzan.

"Fireflies" Ace exclaimed as he released multiple small green balls of concentrated flames. He then released the flames towards the surrounding marines and then detonated them exploding them all.

"I will join this as well" Ace exclaimed with a smile as he covered his dagger in armament haki and joined Adam in fighting Kuzan in close combat.

"Peirce!" Ace exclaimed as he stabbed his dagger towards Kuzan's chest. Seeing the oncoming Ace, Adam gave way as he backflipped from Ace's path and followed him instead.

"Hell Claw!" Adam yelled not wanting to give Kuzan time to breathe. Kuzan seeing the assault decided to back away first. "Frozen World!" Kuzan yelled as he created a massive wave of ice engulfing both Ace and Adam in it from his feet.

"You forgot about me old man!" Imani's voice came from behind him as he turned around just in time to face a wave of molten lava coming towards him from Imani's stomach.

"I should have retired with Zepher sensei..." Kuzan mutters as he creates another wave of ice from his hands in an attempt to freeze the molten lava before it can burn him.

"Yes, you should have!!" Adam yelled as he covered himself with flint and armament haki. "You are coming with me, popsicle man!" Adam yelled as he used his arms to get a good grip on Kuzan and geppo to keep them in the air.

"good grief" Kuzan muttered as he struggles as little in Adam's grim. "Would you look at that my time to go has come" Kuzan said as he saw the molten lava was very close to both of them. Turning himself into ice he slipped out of Adam's grasp as Adam was with the force of that attack.

"Ararara~ looking for me?" Kuzan said as he appeared behind Imani with his Ice Saber in hand. Ready to slice her from her waist Kuzan lazily swing the saber as a steel sword appeared from Imani's stomach to block the saber.

"what the..." Kuzan muttered as he saw the sword half appear before he was smashed to the ground by Ace. "Eat this!!" Ace yelled as a ginormous ball of flames appeared in his other hand.

"Dai Enkai!! Entei!!" Ace roared as he launched the ball of flames towards Kuzan.

"I will not hold back either!" Kuzan replied as Ice gathered around his hands.

"Ice age: Pheasant Block!" Kuzan yelled as he created a pheasant entirely from ice and launched it towards Ace's attack. The flames and the Ice collided as beautiful golden red lights spread around the battlefield only to highlight the death and destruction of many.


"What a sight..." Sanemi said as he paused his killing spree for a moment before he started towards the skies that were painted with a golden red light that danced in the clouds.

"Sanemi...the Crimson Oni...why do you do this?" Fujitora asked as he approached Sanemi. Using his observation haki he could sense Sanemi's emotions.

'His emotions...his feelings...why is he in so much pain and rage?' Fujitora thought as he sensed Sanemi's emotions.

"You don't need to know this...I am the Chaos and you are a peacekeeper we don't need to talk" Sanemi replied as he pointed his blades towards Fujitora.

"I see...In that case, I will ask you about it in prison" Fujitora said as he unsheathed his own blade and got in a stance. 'He hid his emotions so quickly...I can't sense them anymore. It seems I caught him off guard the first time' Fujitora thought to himself.

In a burst of speed, both and Sanemi clashed swords against each other. But Fujitora immediately realized that Sanemi outclassed him in every way possible in close combat. Using his fruit powers Fujitora crated a pocked of heavy gravity around Sanemi.

'his sword skills outclass me by a huge margin. His strength and speed to seems to be at an unimaginable level...what a monster' Fujitora thought to himself as he had to back away more since Sanemi ignored the gravity around him and continued to charge towards him.

'he is a good soul' Sanemi thought to himself as he appeared in front of Fujitora and clapped using both of his hands creating a unique sound that disturbed Fujitora's brain making him stand still and confused for a while.

In a burst of speed, Sanemi appeared in front of Fujitora and knocked him out, and placed a sea stone in his marine coat.

'This feeling...' Sanemi thought to himself as his observation haki picked up something.

'Fulamese.....' Sanemi thought as he disappeared in a burst of speed.


In a ship near the Mary Geosei Fulamese along with Garp, Sengoku and the seven warlords had arrived in the battle.

All of them stared towards the peak before Fulamese created a wind current they used to glide towards the top of Mary Geosei.

'I will complete my duties before it becomes incontinence to IM-sama' Fulamese thought to himself. The last time he was excused as IM-sama was still alright with the development but he is not to make any mistakes today.

'Sanemi...it seems we will meet again...' Sengoku thought.

'Ace...why...why do you keep coming back...' Garp thought with a clenched fist.

'It seems my wish to test you will be fulfilled today' Mihawk thought.

'Luffy-sama...I hope you are alright' Hancock thought.

'This is going to be fun. Fufufufuufufufu~"

'To think I would be pulled in a war so soon' Law thought as he hid his eyes using his hat.


Sorry for the late chapter. The next chapter is going to be the second-last chapter of the book so Tobi was working on it. The plot till now is finished just connection between them is left plus it is hard to write only fight chapters.