
Path of Nothingness

An otaku dies and is reincarnated in BNHA as rank#2 pro hero Endeavor's son find out his journey on trying to become a GOD A kind teenager was suddenly reincarnated in the world of BNHA look at his journey to GODHOOD and get proper cheats along the way. System lore starts at the second arc all the worlds provided in the fanfic will be AU(ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSES) so expect some changes but nothing major to the plot A/N: This Tobi's first time writing fanfic so please go easy on him First world BNHA then the multiverse

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

Chapter 36: Start of the war(Part-1)

Note: Mention of extreme gore will be present from chapter till the end of the war so be prepared to imagine weird stuff.

Chapter length will be waring on the content same with the update schedule


The Yuyami army rushed towards the Red Line the place that houses the Celestial Dragons themselves. The plan of attack was simple, to take them by surprise and force. Using Duvalin's Devil Fruit they easily rushed towards the Red Line with Sanemi destroying anything their way with his Fruit powers.

Such a moment that was followed by destruction was sure to be noticed by the World Government but they had not other option they can't just sneak up it anyways. It was now a fight for the who responds the fastest.

"Well then let's start the show!" Sanemi yelled as made multiple hand signs in a moment.

'Ice Release: Frozen Dome of Magnicance' Sanemi thought to himself as he jumped on top of the water leading to Red Line freezing it and creating a temporary frozen platform.

"Men Charge!!" Sanemi yelled as he continued to use Ice Release and his Devil Fruit powers to create a platform and way to the Mary Geoise. Many marine battleships arrived and started to blast cannons towards the Yuyami army.

Making the use of their Devil Fruits and weapons the Yuyami army easily evaded the bombardment and started to scale the Red Line. With Duvalin using his Devil Fruit's wind capabilities to lift a majority of the army to the top the rest simply climbed or used Sanemi's path.

The whole of the Yuyami army except a few stragglers were now at the top of the legendary Red Line, in front of them past marine Fleet Admiral Kong along with members of Cipher pole were standing blocking their path.

"Crimson Oni Sanemi...This is where you stop!" Kong declared as the Cipher Pole members took their stance and got ready.

"Trying to buy time for the marines to join you as well?" Sanemi said as he let a sigh.

'system activate Villanous Buff: Blood Absorption' Sanemi commanded the system mentally.


[Villanous Buff: Blood Absorption: Allows the user to absorb the blood of his enemies and gain a buff of 0.5% in both power and dexterity along with a 0.05% decrease in wisdom per kill. The buff will last for 8 hours]



[Active Buffs:

Blood Absorption

Pure Rage Powerup]


"Change of plans I am leading this charge you all Join on my signal" Sanemi ordered as he alone charged towards the Cipher Pole and Kong.

"Cocky brat" Kong exclaimed as he along with the Cipher Pole member charged towards Sanemi.

Sanemi's hands were covered in Armament haki as he Aliyeh from his back and started his job. Ducking under the first member Sanemi performed a rising slash using Aliyeh killing the man on the spot.

Without giving away a moment Sanemi rushed to the other CP member who was around him and grabbed his face. No longer looking down on Sanemi the rest of the CP members too attacked him at the same time.

Using the combination of Finger gun, Moonwalk, and Air Slash he launched a barrage of attacks towards Sanemi.

"Annoying" Sanemi muttered as he swung the CP member he was holding like a rag and used his body to protect himself from any damage. The CP member was already dead with his bones broken, muscles twisted and his body filled with holes and cuts.

Covering his body in scales and armament Haki Sanemi charged towards the CP members who were constantly attacking him. As soon as was about to grab another one of them Kong appeared and using armament haki punched Sanemi to some distance.

"Out of my way bag of bones," Sanemi said as he clashed with Kong.

"Do you really think it is fine for us to let Sanemi-sama do this?" Duvalin asked as they all just observed the CP members along with Kong Gang on Sanemi yet were unable to scratch him.

"Yes, besides our opponents are already here," Anne said as she covered her foot in armament haki and blocked a kick from Kizaru. Marines were now present here the time for preparations had ended the war had now begun.


'Marines have already arrived...time to start' Sanemi thought to himself as Dark Reiryoku gathered over his face forming a hollow mask. He lifted his left hand and a katana without guard and bandages for hilt appeared.

"Finally!! It's my turn!!!" Sanemi? roared out loud as he wildly swung Aliyeh and Enten wildly killing six more of CP members.

'His moves have become even wilder and unpredictable...he doesn't even seem like the same person anymore' Kong thought before he had enough and jumped in the battle against Sanemi.

"Who are you? Kong asked as he slammed his hands on the ground and several spikes of earth appeared below Sanemi?

"I am...Kazuha...yes you can call me that" Kazuha said as he let out a smile and started to swing Aliyeh and Enten covered in flames wildly.

Each swing in the air was followed by a wave of high-temperature flames charring the earth and melting anyone in its way.

"Heyahhahahahha!! Burn! Burn! in agony and be consumed in these flames!!" Kazuya yelled as he kept on swinging the blades slashing and killing CP members or blocking Kong's attacks.

Kong was never humiliated like this in his whole life. The team he was meant to lead was getting killed while Kazuha just played with him like a child.

"You brat!!" Kong yelled furiously as he slammed his hand on the ground creating another barrage of pointy rocks around and below Kazuha giving him no place to escape.

"I will end this for both of us then!" Kazuha yelled as he put Aliyeh on his back and started to use only Enten. As the original spirit of Enten, his usage of its powers surpasses that of Sanemi's.

"Wind Breathing! First form: Dust Whirlwind cutter" Kazuha yelled while performing multiple slashes around him coated in bright green flames. In the same motion, he rushed towards Kong while slicing any and everything in his way whether be it the CP or the spikes.

In a burst of speed, he appeared in front of Kong and with a wide savage grin sliced both of his hands off. Grabbing the hands with his empty palm he sprayed its fresh blood over Kong's eyes blinding him.

"Hehehehe~" Kazuha then let out a playful snicker as he kicked the blinded Kong in the air.

"Fourth form! Rising Dust storm!" Kazuha yelled while performing multiple slashes above himself. Each slash was covered in blue flames. The flaming tornado constantly sliced Kong's body and clothes and even melted his skin.

In a matter of seconds, Kazuha killed the World Government's Commander in Chief.

"Look at that what wonderful battle is going on...people fighting like ants killing and tearing apart each other" Kazuha said as he observed the fight between the Yuyami army and Marines.

"I would love to join as well but it's...Sanemi's turn now" Kazuha muttered as the hollow mask over Sanemi's face broke into pieces.

'Kazuha did a good job in killing the first wave...now it is time' Sanemi thought to himself.

Enten in his palms slowly turned into Reiryoku and got absorbed in his body as two different Katanas appeared in his palms. Ichidai Kitetsu and Enma. Sanemi gave a last look towards the dried bodies of Kong and CP members before descending into the battlefield.

'I guess...I am best at doing this' Sanemi thought to himself as he started to charge towards the marines and started his killing fest.