
path of evil spirits

The moonlight is like water, shining faintly on this university campus with a history of more than a hundred years, projecting an atmosphere of silence. Asking where the pure land is in the world, there is only the Holy Land of Reading

Weoss · Horror
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64 Chs

Farewell 2


Just as he was talking, a large number of villagers came from a distance. The leader stepped forward and clasped his hands and said to Master Chanyue: "I am the village chief of this village. I heard that the master abbot of Wutai Mountain came to succumb to the demons in person. We are here to implore the master to use his great magic power. Give the villagers a real peace." Master Zenyue quickly returned the favor and said: "The donor meant what he said, and I will do my best. But how did the donor know that I would come." The village chief smiled and said: "Isn't this simple? Your junior brother brought Sun Tzu came to investigate in person, so we thought the master would definitely come too."


"Grandson?" By the time He Jianfei figured out what the villagers meant and wanted to correct them, the villagers had already gone away, leaving only Master Chanyue and Old Man Li snickering.


He Jianfei was so frustrated that he suddenly turned around and shouted to Master Chanyue and Old Man Li who were still laughing: "Why don't you go quickly? When it gets dark, our world will no longer be ours." Master Chanyue said: " Why can't you wait until daytime tomorrow to go?" Old Man Li hurriedly explained to Master Chanyue the time when the temple appeared.


The three of them stayed in the village for a while, borrowing some tables and stools. When they arrived at the open space, dusk had quietly fallen.


After looking around, Master Zenyue sprinkled the Dharma water, set up the incense table, offered lamps and candles, and arranged the Dharma symbols, waiting for the temple to appear.


When the clock hands pointed to six o'clock, the sky was already slightly dark, the sun had completely set, and a strong wind came up, blowing the dead trees on both sides swaying wildly, sand and dust everywhere, and a large thick fog spread, faintly revealing a temple exuding black energy. .


Master Chanyue and He Jianfei looked at each other and said, "Here we come." He Jianfei picked up the yellow talisman, burned it on a candle, and flicked it toward the temple.


With a "bang", the yellow symbol was ejected.


"Elder brother, there is a barrier outside this evil temple." Master Zenyue grabbed seven flying star knives, recited the Seven Star Mantra, and flew towards the temple one by one in the manner of the Big Dipper.


Just listen


With a "crash", He Jianfei shouted happily: "Okay, the barrier is broken, let's go in." Master Chanyue bowed to the incense table and said: "Please bring the treasure of the temple." The purple gold bowl slowly rose He got up and came into the hands of Master Zenyue. Master Zenyue held the purple golden bowl and said to He Jianfei and Mr. Li, "Let's go in and see what happens." When we walked to the temple door, the purple golden bowl released thousands of brilliant flames.


Master Zenyue was secretly frightened, and his grievance was indeed deep. Under the protection of Guanghua, the three people approached the temple gate safely.


He Jianfei couldn't help but trembled all over because he clearly saw something red written on the wall. It was a message written in blood.


With the word "death", the blood seems to be still flowing, and the atmosphere is weird. The three of them entered the temple gate. I saw that it was misty and dim inside, and the surrounding scenery could not be seen clearly. In the dust, a tattered statue fell beside the altar, a dust-covered spiritual tablet leaned against the incense burner, and a few rotting incense sticks were inserted. inside.


Master Chanyue took a step forward and was just about to pick up the spiritual tablet to check, when He Jianfei exclaimed: "Brother, be careful!" The eyes of the fallen statue suddenly emitted dozens of red lights, pointing towards Master Chanyue and He Jianfei and Mr. Li respectively. Fly over there.


At this critical moment, an almost absurd idea flashed through He Jianfei's mind. He took a half step back and half turned behind Old Man Li. The red light was blocked.


The situation on Master Zenyue's side is not good. The remaining dozens of red lights were still launching waves of fierce attacks at him. Even if he held the purple golden bowl in his hand, he couldn't deal with it for a while.


He Jianfei never expected that this fierce ghost's skills were so profound. Even Zijinbo was at a disadvantage when he came up.


Seeing the statue of the god continuously emitting red light, he did not attack either of them, but only aimed at Master Zenyue. Master Zenyue was blocking from left to right, and it was extremely hard. He thought about the mantra but had no time to spare. He only glanced reproachfully at He Jianfei who was standing silently aside, hoping that he could help.


Unfortunately, He Jianfei didn't notice his eyes at all. He just stood quietly facing the statue, as if thinking about something.


Uncle Li couldn't tell at all that Master Chanyue could only parry but had no power to fight back. He thought Master Chanyue was demonstrating Wutai Mountain's exquisite martial arts and cheered loudly for him to come on.


After resisting for a while, the Zijin Bowl suddenly vibrated slightly. Master Zenyue was startled and couldn't care anymore. He shouted: "It's broken, Zijinbo is angry." While he was distracted by this, a beam of red light hit his left arm, and Master Zenyue staggered. , hurriedly stood firm, not daring to speak anymore at this time, focusing on resisting the red light, just hoping that the junior brother would not continue to be in a daze.


Old man Li is at a loss


What does "Zijinbo is angry" mean? When He Jianfei heard Master Zenyue's exclamation, he immediately woke up.


Sure enough, Zijinbo's whole body began to emit a strange colorful light, which gradually spread. He Jianfei heard from his master that this purple golden bowl was said to be left by Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty who took the Western Scriptures. It had been worshiped with incense for two thousand years and had already become spiritual.


When surrounded by evil spirits, it will automatically emit golden light to drive them away. If the evil spirits are strong and cannot be dispersed, Zijinbo will become angry and his power will suddenly increase dozens of times.


This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that when the Zijin Bo becomes stronger, it will break away from its master's control and even bite the master back.


But He Jianfei is not worried about this. With the concentration of Master Chanyue, Zijin Boruo wants to


"Getting off the reins" is still a bit difficult.
