
path of evil spirits

The moonlight is like water, shining faintly on this university campus with a history of more than a hundred years, projecting an atmosphere of silence. Asking where the pure land is in the world, there is only the Holy Land of Reading

Weoss · Horror
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64 Chs

Farewell 1

Old Man Li asked some more questions, but couldn't get anything out of them, so he gave him two or three more cups of tea. He said he wanted to take a rest when he was tired, so he left and entered the inner courtyard. He saw He Jianfei standing by the pillar with an expression on his face. The unpleasantness startled him, and he laughed and said: "I didn't know that you had a hobby of eavesdropping. It's just eavesdropping. Are you still refusing to leave, waiting for me to expose your behavior? He Jianfei turned around and smiled: "Who said I was eavesdropping? I was just passing by and happened to overhear a little bit. Don't talk nonsense." Seeing that there was no one in the bathroom, Old Man Li said, "I'm going to take a shower first." , I will interrogate you properly when I come back." After He Jianfei saw off Old Man Li, he quickly came to the room and took out his mobile phone to make a call. "Wow wow wow..." A scream came from the other end of the phone, and He Jianfei said angrily and funny: "Yinzi, it's me, why are you yelling?" Tian Yinzhen said angrily: "How many times have I told you? Don't call me while you're in the shower. Why are you looking for my aunt?" He Jianfei said in a low voice: "I want to ask you if you know anyone who knows the Three Flowers Body Protection Technique in their 20s, or has reached the point where the Three Qi Gathering Deficiencies have been achieved. Realm person."


"Yes, aren't you quite familiar with him yourself?"


"Ah! Who is it? Tell me quickly! Why can't I remember such a person?"


"Master Bodhidharma."




"He'll know how to do it when he's 16."




"Hey, handsome guy?"


"...Yinzi, I'm serious!"


"I'm also serious. If you don't believe me, you can look up Buddhist scriptures."


"It's okay, my dear, remember to wipe it clean when you take a shower, otherwise you won't be able to get married."


"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean..." He Jianfei had hung up his phone and placed it on the stage, looking lost.


Uncle Li wiped the water droplets from his hair and walked in. He saw He Jianfei sitting blankly on the edge of the bed, not at all like his usual sunny and active self. He couldn't help asking: "What are you worried about? I think things are progressing quite well now." It went well." He Jianfei managed to cheer up and said, "I'm thinking, it seems that Senior Aqiang's magic power does have many ulterior secrets. Maybe this is the biggest reason why he would rather commit suicide than suppress the Li Gui." Old Uncle Li Said: "It's okay if he committed suicide alone, why did he involve a group of twenty-three people? Dong Hao refused to give up after one person died, and she still refused to let go after twenty-three people died." He always admired Ah. Strong, but in this matter, I felt that what he did was too outrageous, unlike his usual cautious style. He Jianfei sighed and said: "He may not have thought of this level. Who could have expected that Dong Ou's resentment would be so deep?" Old Man Li said: "By the way, what path did the old man say the two Taoist priests buried just now?" What is a 'snake'?" He Jianfei suddenly smiled when he mentioned this, and said with a smile: "Where is the 'passage snake'? The white-haired man heard it wrong. In fact, it is made of copper to look like a deer's tongue. , called the 'Bronze Deer Tongue', is a magical weapon specially used to suppress evil ghosts who have been grudged for many years. I also thought about using it to deal with Dongyao, but later gave up. Suppression is not the right thing to do, and it will aggravate her resentment. It's my fault." Old Uncle Li said: "It would be great if we could find those two little Taoist priests..." In the blink of an eye, He Jianfei's face turned gloomy again. I don't know why he was so unhappy. It was thanks to him that he shouldered the responsibility for the ghost road. , and we agree that we want to make him happy. So Old Man Li picked up a pillow and threw it at He Jianfei. He Jianfei was shocked and said, "What are you doing?" Old Man Li laughed and said, "Don't think I'm an idiot. You just kept calling me a white-haired man. Don't think that I don't know that you are scolding me, don't I have gray hair?" He threw another pillow over. Suddenly there were screams in the room. "No, I didn't mean it. Wow, you are not allowed to throw things made of iron--"


It was not until dusk that Master Chanyue came to the village. He Jianfei and Old Man Li were already waiting impatiently at the entrance of the village. They were chatting and chatting. Even Qin Shihuang had arrived. Only then did they see Master Chanyue staggering towards him. He Jianfei went up to meet him and said: "Senior Brother, soldiers are very fast. Even if a hundred thousand troops escaped safely with your procrastination like this." Master Chanyue said angrily: "You still say? It's all you! You pointed the stinky direction! You didn't tell me this place in advance. If there is no traffic, my legs will be broken!" He Jianfei was laughing secretly in his heart, when Old Man Li had already stepped forward to greet Master Chanyue. After the ceremony, Master Chanyue said to He Jianfei: "Is that temple really that powerful? You didn't coax me to go down the mountain, did you?" He Jianfei said: "I coaxed you to go to such a ghost place. What did you bring? Bring the magic weapon?" Master Zenyue said with a smile: "Don't be surprised when I take it out." He took out a shining alms bowl. He Jianfei exclaimed: "The treasure of the temple - the purple golden bowl?! Bring it here and let me take a closer look." Master Zenyue hurriedly hid behind him and said: "This is the leader's token, don't touch it casually." He Jianfei shouted Said: "Stingy! I often slept with Master in his arms when he was here." Old Uncle Li saw that Master Chanyue was about the same age as him, but he had no airs as an abbot. He also played around with He Jianfei like a child. Not only did he wince I thought to myself, no wonder the monks in Mount Wutai live long lives.
