
path of evil spirits

The moonlight is like water, shining faintly on this university campus with a history of more than a hundred years, projecting an atmosphere of silence. Asking where the pure land is in the world, there is only the Holy Land of Reading

Weoss · Horror
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64 Chs

Farewell 3

"All dharma has returned to the sect, and the Buddha nature in the world has gathered in Wutai!" Master Zenyue couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that He Jianfei had finally taken action.


He Jianfei's


The golden light emitted by the "Returning Talisman" and the golden light emitted by the purple golden bowl merged into a thick golden pillar and attacked the statue. The statue shook violently, and thousands of red lights burst out from its body.


Master Chanyue and He Jianfei immediately complained secretly. Unexpectedly, the combined efforts of the brothers could not completely defeat it, but instead angered it.


"Junior brother, Zijinbo must be angry. Go outside quickly..." Master Chanyue could only manage to say this half of the sentence. The red light had arrived, and he hurriedly shut up and stabilized his spirit to fight the attack.


He Jianfei retreated to Old Man Li as early as possible and set up the barrier as quickly as possible. Uncle Li saw the two of them fighting in full swing, and when He Jianfei pulled away, he asked curiously: "Aren't you going to help your senior brother?" He Jianfei had no time to explain, so he ran out of the temple gate in three steps at a time and gasped.


Zijinbo has become angry, and huge energy surrounds it, causing the surrounding air to be severely distorted, gradually turning the open space into a sealed vortex.


so-called in the magic world


The "mana field" has been formed. The shock wave overflowed the temple gate, and the entire open space shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.


He Jianfei only glanced around, seeing gloomy black mist everywhere, and his face changed drastically: "The demonic aura is soaring into the sky, and the black clouds are blocking the sun!" He looked at the senior brother who was still in a stalemate, and his withered face was already covered with beads of sweat. If this continues, none of the three of them will be able to escape, and they will be killed!


how so? how so? How can this be! He Jianfei held his head and squatted down in pain. Huge shock and surprise kept hitting his head. Did he make a mistake in his prediction?


Its power should be weakened a lot, but why is it still so strong? It's completely beyond the scope of my imagination!


If it were based on its power back then, it would probably have destroyed all ten Wutai Mountains. Yes, the eldest brother is the abbot of Wutai Mountain. He is bound by the honor and disgrace of the sect, but he must not die.


"Evil arises from its origin, and freedom is its solution." He Jianfei remembered these words from his master, stood up and ran back to the temple. After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth, took off the relic necklace from his neck and stuffed it into Old Man Li's hand, and then said nothing. Said, rushed out the door.


Old man Li caught the relic necklace and said in shock: "He Jianfei, what do you want to do?" When He Jianfei rushed out the door, his face had already turned pale. Is this the world or hell?


A vague white shadow jumped out of each temple, and each temple was shaking violently. The sky was covered with endless dust, and it was spinning faster and faster as the vortex intensified.


He Jianfei examined the situation around him, and without saying a word, he took out the black smoke from his arms and threw it into the air.


The black smoke breaks through the black fog, reaches the blue sky, and blooms into beautiful fireworks. Old man Li originally wanted to rush out, but he didn't have the power to break through the shock wave, so he had to stand on the threshold and watch blankly. When he saw He Jianfei setting off fireworks, he couldn't help but cursed: "Are you still in the mood to set off fireworks at this time? Come in and help your senior brother. I'm busy!" Over there, Master Zenyue had big beads of sweat on his forehead, and his expression changed drastically when he heard the word "fireworks."


Little did Mr. Li know that those were not ordinary fireworks, but life-saving fireworks that would be used only in emergencies - he called nearby Taoist and Dharma brothers to come to his rescue immediately.


What Master Chanyue was afraid of wasn't that there was no one nearby or that he wouldn't be able to save him in time. He just said, "He Jianfei is not allowed to use that spell!" Thousands of red lights rushed out in an instant. Master Chanyue quickly shut up and sighed. I thought in my heart that this was fate.


We two brothers will go to see Master here. But if you want to find a way to rescue Old Man Li, he is not a member of the magic world.


He Jianfei stood outside and looked quietly at the black mist that kept approaching, as well as the blurry white figures jumping over. At this critical moment of life and death, his mind was empty. Everyone remembered clearly. Everything is organized.


"Actually, ghosts are quite afraid of people's yang energy. The reason why ghosts dare to harm people is because the human body blocks the complete dispersion of yang energy. If you use spells to explode your body and then use spells to protect your soul, you will be in trouble in the ghost world. You can become invincible in the world." The master's words echoed in He Jianfei's ears for a long time. After a while, a faint smile appeared on the corner of He Jianfei's mouth. He slowly raised his right hand, condensing his lifelong skills, and was about to cut to his heart. In front of him, Yinzi's smiling face flashed quickly, as well as his parents and Zhang Chuanxun, whose face was covered in blood.


He Jianfei closed his eyes in pain: "I'm sorry, Chuanxun, I couldn't avenge you with my own hands." Master Zenyue in the temple worked hard and spared part of his mana to help Old Man Li rush out of the temple, and Old Man Li rushed to the outside of the temple. The rushing sand and stones glanced outside the temple, and were immediately blown back into the temple by the dusty wind. He said to Master Chanyue: "He Jianfei has a smile on his face, and puts his right hand diagonally in front of his left chest. He doesn't know what he is doing."


"No!" Master Chanyue heard the second sentence and couldn't help but roared: "He Jianfei, in the name of the abbot, I order you not to use that spell! Come back! I promised Master to take good care of me. You, what shame do you have for asking me to go underground to see the master like this?! Old man Li, call him back quickly!" Master Zenyue was distracted, and thousands of red lights hit him at the same time. Master Zenyue fell down with a groan. On the ground, purple golden bowl


"Kanglang" fell down and rolled a few times. Even though Old Man Li didn't understand spells, he knew what He Jianfei was doing from Master Chanyue's tone. He rolled and crawled like crazy and broke through the barrier and went out. Without saying a word, he rushed forward and hugged him tightly. He Jianfei shouted: "Don't move again!" Now things changed. He Jianfei opened his eyes and saw that it was Old Man Li, and his expression changed: "Why can you rush out?" Suddenly his face turned gray: "By the way, of course you want to rush out. You can break out." Old Uncle Li had no idea what he was talking about. He just remembered Master Chanyue's instructions and hugged He Jianfei tightly.


Seeing those white figures approaching, He Jianfei said anxiously: "Old man Li, let go! If I don't do this, how can I save you and senior brother?" Old man Li cut off and said: "Neither your senior brother nor I are running for our lives alone." He Jianfei used all his strength to squeeze Old Man Li's hand and said: "You are bound by the mystery-solving lifeblood of Yuanguilu, and the elder brother is burdened with the century-old honor and disgrace of Mount Wutai. Neither of you can die, only I'm going to die. You... let go!" Is the mystery-solving lifeblood of Yuengui Lu tied to my body?


Old Man Li was stunned, how could He Jianfei say these words? He Jianfei took advantage of his daze to break free from his restraints, raised his right hand and aimed it at his heart.


At this critical moment, I suddenly heard a clear and loud voice from the distance: "The devil is not a devil, and the Tao is not the Tao. On the other side of the light, there is darkness. In the depths of the blood pool, there will never be golden light." There is a small one in front. The bright spots slowly become bigger and bigger.


"You lonely ghosts, I promised to spare you and enjoy the offerings, but now you have the guts to come out and cause trouble. Do you really think that what I said fell on deaf ears?" Bai Ying seemed to be afraid of that bright spot, and they fled back to their respective temples. Hiding in.


He Jianfei couldn't help but be surprised and stayed where he was. Because that sound seemed to have been heard somewhere. Just when I was suspicious, I saw a person walking slowly out of the black mist in the distance, Dao Guan He, holding a fly whisk in his hand, standing there looking at He Jianfei and smiling.


He Jianfei exclaimed in surprise: "Is it you?" It turned out that the man was the old man he met on the train. The old Taoist smiled and said: "I came today just to settle this case. At this time, the enemy's vitality is seriously injured. It is a good time to subdue him." Old man Li was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Thank you for your generous help. Please come to the temple quickly." Here, Master Chanyue is no longer alive." He Jianfei suddenly stopped him with his hand: "Wait a minute! What I just heard from you seems to have something to do with this place..." Seeing the hostility in He Jianfei's eyes, the old Taoist laughed and said: "Smart He has made a good disciple, calm in times of danger, and extremely intelligent. Why can't I, a seasoned man, meet such a person? Do you suspect that I am with them? I might as well tell you the relationship between them. I believe you know the Qing Dynasty In the last years, two Taoist priests came here to slay demons and eliminate monsters, and they were the master and the little Taoist." Seeing that He Jianfei was still half-convinced, he sighed: "Silly boy, if I don't know this origin, how can I know the path of the unjust ghost? What? Whether you believe it or not, time waits for no one. If I don't save your senior brother, I'm afraid I won't be able to save him." When He Jianfei heard that he mentioned Master Chanyue, his heart was confused, so he had to give way and said, "No Do you know what magic weapon you are carrying?" The old Taoist laughed and said: "What magic weapon is used for? Didn't you already bring a perfect one?" He Jianfei said: "Could you mean the purple golden bowl? But it is already angry. I can't control it anymore." The old Taoist said: "Your purple gold bowl is extraordinary among Buddhists. Even the most evil ghost can be subdued in just a few seconds. How can you wait for it to get angry? The reason why you fought so hard , it's just that you don't know how to use it." He Jianfei was puzzled, Master has taught all the Zijinbo spells, why does this old Taoist priest still say that we don't know how to use it?


It's really impressive.
