
path of evil spirits

The moonlight is like water, shining faintly on this university campus with a history of more than a hundred years, projecting an atmosphere of silence. Asking where the pure land is in the world, there is only the Holy Land of Reading

Weoss · Horror
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64 Chs

Abandoned Temple 4

Old Man Li was out of breath from running, leaning against the wall to catch his breath, and asked: "In that temple... are there gods or demons?"


He Jianfei complained bitterly: "If I hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and cast a spell just now, and we escaped in time, otherwise we would have received an invitation from the King of Hell. It's a pity that my string of Buddhist beads has no control over whether it is a god or not." Monster." Old Bo Li asked curiously: "Since there is something weird in that temple, why do you want to enter but not want to enter, and move around there?" He Jianfei was mourning the string of Buddhist beads and said: "Oh, don't mention it. I I don't want to go in, but that temple has the ability to attract people's souls. If it weren't for the relic necklace, I might have been sucked in by it. By the way, you must have been seduced by it before you knew it last time. 'I walked in." Old Man Li said: "But I didn't die!" This was what He Jianfei couldn't figure out the most. He said after a while: "Let's see about it later." Old Man Li said: "Then what are your plans now?" He Jianfei said: "Since my magic power is not as strong as theirs, I have no choice but to ask my senior brother to come down the mountain overnight. Let's find a house at the foot of the mountain to stay overnight and ask about the situation in this area."


After calling his senior brother, He Jianfei took a shower, walked out of the hall, and saw Old Man Li talking to an elder. He Jianfei smiled secretly and said: "Just right! After the two white-haired men talked, there was less estrangement. If I talk to him, I'm afraid he won't understand me and I won't understand him. I'll just hide aside and listen. ."


I heard Old Man Li ask: "Brother, please tell me in detail, what happened to those ruined temples?" The white-haired man immediately became proud: "You are lucky to have met me. If you met someone else, you would definitely not be able to explain the reason. "Old man Li quickly poured a cup of tea and said, "Please give me some advice." The white-haired man stroked his beard and said, "My grandfather told me these things. He said that a major event happened here in the late Qing Dynasty. Did you know that at the end of the Qing Dynasty? At that time, there were revolutionaries running around everywhere. The Qing soldiers arrested people everywhere without interrogating them. They arrested and beheaded those who looked good..."


He Jianfei heard that his boss was impatient. Didn't Uncle Li tell him which university he graduated from? Those who are not familiar with history will not be able to pass the exam! I glanced at Old Man Li again and found that he was very interested in what I heard. I had to comfort myself. When people get old, they like to pick up old sesame seeds and rotten millet. He Jianfei, He Jianfei, please be patient for a while and just experience your old age in advance.


Fortunately, the white-haired man was still sober, and soon returned to the point: "... Some Feng Shui master said that our land is the best place for the five evil spirits to gather to suppress the aliens. The county man also believed it, so he clicked It was used as an execution ground. That day, the yellow wind blew, the smoke billowed, and the mist filled the air. Before dawn, officers and soldiers escorted more than 200 people and came over. Let me tell you, there was no one among those 200 people. There were no revolutionaries! My grandfather squeezed in the middle of the crowd to watch the fun. I was used to seeing the trick of the white knife coming in and the red knife coming out, so it was nothing strange. When we got to the fifth batch, a madman knelt down among them. , his eyes turned white and green, so scary! Although the rope was tied tightly and even blood came out, he was not afraid of the pain and struggled desperately, revealing two rows of eerie and uneven yellow eyes. Teeth, shouting to the sky: "I was wronged! ! I am wronged! ! I don't want to die! ! ! I have a mother above me and a wife and children below me! I am not a revolutionary party at all! "The county magistrate was so angry that he threw down a token and ordered him to behead him. Just as the white knife was about to go down, the madman shouted again: 'I will not die at the hands of a stupid official like you. Just wait.' When I die, I will turn into a fierce ghost, and I will kill anyone I see!' As soon as he finished speaking, he bit his tongue and committed suicide."


"It's also strange that as soon as he died, a strong wind blew up from all around, breaking the flagpole, knocking over the incense burner, and scaring the county magistrate to the point of pissing himself and shouting, 'Go home, go back to home.' What's even more strange is that the flagpole hasn't been opened yet. More than a hundred people who were beheaded all fell down with a "crash". When Wu Zuo took a look, he saw a pair of tooth marks on each person's neck. Everyone was so frightened that they shouted, "The devil is coming!" and ran for their lives. This man Who can fight against ghosts? Another large area fell down. Fortunately, my grandfather had some insight and fell down in the pile of corpses and pretended to be dead, so he escaped this disaster. Only when the brigade of officers and soldiers arrived did my grandfather dare to get up and tell the truth. . How could that stupid governor believe it? He actually thought my grandfather was a lunatic and kicked him out."


Old Man Li clapped his palms and said, "That's it! Those temples must be dedicated to the victims. And those temples are dedicated to that evil ghost." The white-haired man laughed and said, "You are only half right. It's not over yet! The governor didn't believe it, so he reported an accident and rushed back to Beijing. He only suffered from the common people. People died one after another. Every night, hundreds of people could be heard crying. The population of the city was only three. Most of it was lost in a day. My grandfather had no money and was reluctant to part with the old ancestral home, so he had no choice but to endure it. One day, an old Taoist priest came with an apprentice and said that the evil ghosts here are very powerful. They go to the altar to practice magic, with disheveled hair and chanting After paying a lot of trouble, he said that he wanted to build a temple and bury some 'passage snakes', and said that there would be peace only if there were no more grievances here."


Mr. Li asked: "What does the construction of the temple have to do with evil ghosts?" Baifa Gong shook his head and said: "Who knows what these Taoist priests are doing? Just follow them." Mr. Li said again: "Just now the Taoist priest said There must be no more grievances, but this is definitely not possible. In the next fifty or sixty years, China was in chaos, and more people died during the warlord war than in the late Qing Dynasty." Baifa Gong smiled and said: "My brother is right. That's right, but nothing happened. Last year, we invited several mages to come and see it. They said that the evil ghost had absorbed a lot of resentment and had become a monster. Logically speaking, even the 'Pathway Snake' couldn't suppress it. No one could explain why it was so peaceful. I thought we could live in peace from now on, but more than 20 years later, it started causing trouble again. It often caused ghosts to cry and howl. Fortunately, no one died, but it was also scary. They would gather in groups at night. , and no one dares to go there."
