
Parradi: Tales of rebirth

The world has been stagnant for a long time. Societies forming off the settled earth with no more room to evolve and grow. Forces unknown want the world to change, to grow. How do they go about this? By summoning innumerable humans from other worlds. Yet, not all of them are bound to wake up human either. Thrust into untold amounts of different situations follow the many members of the cast and their struggles to survive in this new world. What to expect Daily/semi daily uploads. Generally at least one chapter around 2k words per day will be released. Sometimes there will instead be double upload days. Though breaks will be taken after such releases. Anthology type story, frequently switching between the POVs of multiple main characters. Generally once every few chapters. Multiple main characters as well as time jumps. When the POV switches expect drastic jumps in the strength differences between specific characters. Certain points of view may also take place further into the future, or in the past. World building based on getting the point of view of many different characters. You as the reader will generally be privy to more information then a character due to being able to piece a lot more of the system together by reading from multiple points of view. Despite being an anthology, the story will still frequently switch back and forth between certain characters. Generally a volume will take a much greater focus on specific characters for it's duration. Looking at a specific pair of characters for a long period of time before switching to a different characters POV for a chapter or two, then switching back to the characters that are being focused on.

Boptodatop · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Godly Conference

What... Do you mean a choice? She asked a little bit more puzzled. If this is like some bit where you keep me alive in exchange for eternal servitude it's not happening. You could tear my soul to bits for all I care, I still wouldn't accept. You dragged me to this place that's given me nothing but grief. I hold absolutely zero love for you.

While we could do much worse to you then simply "ripping your soul to bits" as you've posed, no, we've not come to harm you today weak one. Nor do we wish for the servitude of one such as yourself. No, what we offer you, is a simple choice between life or death. 

Mia stared at the open air for a moment, instinctively realizing where exactly the... Not quite malevolent, but still upsetting energy was coming from. Before giving a short simple answer. Life, obviously. I wouldn't be alive still if that wasn't my choice. But what are you asking for in return? And how are you going to, well, keep me alive? 

You are an amusing one, yet I suppose this is why you've been given this chance in the first place. Despite all the odds stacked against you, you've managed to grow so quickly in such a short span of time. You're exactly what we were hoping for, so it would be a shame to see you go so quickly. What you must do is continue to grow. To gain strength as quickly as you have been since you came to this world. Do you accept this condition?

Mia would've simply said yes, but she got the feeling that her words might have a bit more depth to them then she thought in the presence of a being like this. Especially when they said "condition" like it was some kind of contract. What do you mean "condition"? She asked skeptically, surely there was some kind of catch to whatever they were offering her here.

It is a simple requirement, that you will continue to grow at a similar rate comparative to the past few days. As such, what you like to call the "pull" that we've created will pull on you much more fervently. 

Absolutely not! I am not dealing with that any more, I just finished dealing with it! And all the humans who are you know, trying to kill me are there!

Then you shall die, and you were unworthy of this choice to begin with. You may either leave your chances to luck or you will accept the deal. It told her with a finality. As you said, your choice is life is it not? Accept the deal weak one. And you will survive this with strength to spare.

She remained silent for a long moment, glancing down at the ground far beneath her. She looked back up at the presence before her and glared. You said I could leave my chances to luck? Meaning I'm not completely doomed here? That there's literally any other choice then letting you control me here? 

Is this really the choice you wish to make?

I don't know how to spell this out any clearer, I'll survive on my own without your help. Being frank, you terrify me. I want absolutely nothing to do with you. You also haven't told me what exactly you'll do to keep me alive and I'm starting to think that was on purpose. So yes, I'll survive this all on my own. Just like I have before now.


A suffocating silence reigned over Mia for a moment, the lack of response beginning to unnerve her. The presence still stock still in front of her, yet deadly quiet at the same time. Then, her soul shook.

BAHAHAHA! The voice rumbled with a mix of emotions that Mia couldn't quite piece together, but none of it was anger. For, some reason? She really thought that'd get under it's skin, which in retrospect probably wouldn't have ended well for her. So she was now questioning why exactly she had been so rude about it, but well can't travel back in time. Her thoughts slowed as the beings presence strengthened, eventually crawling to a halt, her very soul freezing up.

It's been a long time since I've been amused like this little one. They really were right about you. Truly exactly what we've been looking to see from this little test. Very well, since you so wish to survive this without help your wishes shall be respected, mostly. It'd truly be a shame to let something so promising such as yourself vanish from this world so soon. Very well, your survival will be ensured, unconditionally. But I do so hope you continue to entertain. This will be the only time we interfere for a long while. Do try to survive longer little one. We will meet again.

Mia felt her thoughts return to her slowly, her soul returning to a normal state of being after the being faded away. The grey permeating the world also began to fade however, slowly but surely Mia's body began to move once more. Though, this time, she felt different, rejuvenated. No, that's not the right world. Not rejuvenated but... Stronger? What the hell is going on? Wait-crap not the time to think about it! Incoming!

The trees below approached faster and faster, until eventually, time returned to a normal pace. And with the arrival of natural law, came the arrival of Mia into the trees. She crashed into the leaves, smashing through branch after branch. With every impact her body cried out, bones cracking with every repeated impact. Though luckily, the branches served to decrease her speed. If she'd hit the ground as fast as she was moving her insides would've probably turned to jelly.

After crashing through the third branch, she'd finally slowed enough to not break them on impact. Though now she was rolling down into the forest. Slapping against every other branch. It was miserable, her body screamed at her with every touch. Yet she couldn't do anything. She was practically a passenger in her own being, losing all control of her movement. Eventually, she crashed down onto the forest floor. A heap of sticks and leaves around her form, covering her disheveled body. Every inch of her form screamed out, though the cries of her injuries were dampened by something, a warm feeling of power spreading throughout her body. Though, it quickly dissipated. 

Level up!

+12 strength, +12 dexterity, +21 constitution, +7 wisdom, +6 capacity, +6 intelligence, +3 charisma, +2 manipulation

That's... Weird. No idea where that level up came from.

After the warm feeling was gone, she was left with grievous injury, yet something about it was lesser. Less damaging, less permanent. She was pretty sure she could actually already feel it healing, somehow. That didn't make her any more happy about it though. Alright, thanks god something I guess? If that would've been even worse without some kind of protection I might've actually just died. So maybe I was being a bit of an idiot... But they dragged me here! I suffered all this just because of their whim! There's no way I'd just... Work for them! There's just no way. I'm at least thankful for the help though...

Alright, anyways I think I can... Hup! Mia internally grunted as she pulled herself to her paws, standing up with a weak whine. Her mind still felt hazy, as did her body feel weak, but she was alive. That's all that matters I suppose, living is the end goal. Well... Maybe it's not... Actually, no, living is the right word. If I'd taken that deal it would've been surviving. Living is doing it by my own terms. And that's what I'm going to do. 

Right as Mia was about to get moving once more, she heard a rather worrying sound in the distance. Human speech. 

"You're sure it's not dead?" A man skeptically asked somebody.

"Not so much sure, as I am wondering. If I don't see a body I don't think it's dead. This things smart, very smart." She stated evenly.

They know I'm intelligent and they're... Still... Doing this? Mia silently questioned. Her mentality cracking just a little bit as she overheard the dialogue. Though, another concern was raised. If they find me right now I'm literally dead meat. I need to go, right, NOW. 

With her muscles shaking, Mia began to run in the other direction. Off into the forest at dead of night, where she was safest, even in her weakened state. 


"It's definitely not dead." Mira said simply, staring down at the pile of broken branches and leaves. 

"I'd hate to agree with you, but I agree." Zack said after a moment. "Do you think we should keep looking for it?"

"As much as I'd love to deal with it before it grows any stronger, no. It's getting dark out, and it's around the time all the monsters that manage to survive return to their territories. Things are going to get significantly more dangerous very soon. I might be fine, but you or any of the others will get picked off over time. If we're lucky it was wounded enough to die over night, but I doubt it. We'll likely have to find it tomorrow. Letting monsters grow enough to start stacking up during a rising flux has lead to the death of many nations throughout history. Let alone towns. If things get out of control, they'll spiral fast."

"Yeah, I understand that." Zack sighed. "I'm not exactly complaining. I've already reached level eighteen just through doing this hunt and the last one." Just gonna leave out that I got seven of them from killing monsters during the flux. "But it is tiring you know?"

"Well, feel free to complain about it after you've done it for about two months yeah?" She said innocently after a few moments.

Zack slowly glanced to the side, looking at yet another shit eating grin. 

Gonna take a short posting break till after thanksgiving. More chapters this saturday

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